Clapham Primary School Young Leaders Award 2015
Introduction The children took part in an elastic band and cup game, which required great levels of communication and team-work. They all got there in the end!
What makes a good leader? The groups discussed what made them successful in the activity, and this led them to think about what qualities make a good leader. They made mind maps to note down their ideas.
The children realised very quickly that mant good leadership qualities are the same as our Christian Values!
Inspirational Leaders The children learned about a number of inspirational people, the things they had done and the reasons behind their actions. They then completed ‘Top Trumps’ rating each person based on their discussions.
Cake Sale! As our class challenge, the children decided to organise a cake sale at school. They raised £37.51 for the charity ‘Mary’s Meals.’ The charity was voted for by the class, who wanted to make sure children get a good meal everyday.
Our Local Community We went for a walk around our village to identify the different ‘Community Hubs.’ The children found lots! They presented their information in different ways, identifying any areas that may need improvement or help.
Protect our park As our class challenge, the children decided to create posters to put around school and the local area to show people the best ways to protect our park and the equipment.
The National Community The children watched videos and researched different national charities, including The Archbishop of York Trust. The children learned a lot about people and families just like theirs that struggle every day in our country. It was a real eye-opener! They took a great interest in researching and presenting their work on the different charities.
Community Action Project The children decided to hold a ‘Non-school uniform’ day at the end of term. Instead of bringing in money, they asked the children in the school to bring in produce to donate to the local foodbank. It was important to them to help local families in need, as they realised how similar these families and children are to themselves. The response was fantastic and the food and other items will be donated to the foodbank in Clitheroe.
Archie’s Challenge Grid The children enjoyed completing their challenge grids at home and telling us about it when they came back to school. They thought about how it made them feel to help other people, and how it made the other person feel too. It was all very positive and the children enjoyed exploring our Christian Values whilst doing it!
Our Presentation The children invited their parents, carers and members of the local community to a presentation about what we had been doing and why. Some children made Power-point presentations, some made posters and showed photos and one group did a role-play, so there was lots of variety.