Welcome #MuLeadershipConf Mothers’ Union Leadership Conference 2016
Maintaining Momentum Mothers’ Union Leadership Conference 2016
Principles Building on themes from Worldwide Council, October 2015 Addressing key themes from Diocesan Plans Sharing ideas together Providing practical materials and tools for Dioceses to take forward Identifying possible new ways of working Inspiring all we do with shared worship and reflection
Themes – Worldwide Council Have confidence in our Faith Sharpen how we describe Mothers’ Union Have confidence in talking about what Mothers’ Union does – locally and worldwide Streamline organisation and structures so energy focused prayer, action and advocacy
Themes – Worldwide Council Be flexible in how people are invited to engage Enable different “new shoots’ to flourish- and existing members to engage in different ways over time (Re)-invigorate relationships with the clergy – listen to their needs and find common ground Look at single Mothers’ Union subscription Grow income beyond membership
Themes – Diocesan Plans
Messages – Membership Survey 3,100 responses, majority over 60 Joined because of personal encouragement Most important aspects: fellowship, commitment to society, overseas development Strongest potential to contribute: local projects, advocacy, faith Recruitment tough – lack of understanding / elderly image Other charities supported: Cancer, church, local hospice, Christian Aid, Children’s Society Less so – National Trust, Red Cross, WI, other national charities
Conference Focus Inspiration through Faith – throughout Membership – Tuesday – Task groups Clergy – Tuesday – Task group Practical projects : Tuesday - workshops Celebrating and telling stories, communicating with and beyond membership – Monday and Tuesday Organisation – preparing for the future – Wednesday Way forward - Wednesday
In 2015… Globally reached over 500,000 In Britain and Ireland – more than 64,000
Personally, within Britain and Ireland…
... And internationally
Mothers’ Union Vision-by 2021… Truly global, growing grassroots Christian movement with faith at its core Aspirationally 6million members worldwide Positive impact on over 1million lives each year Successful and respected advocate on chosen issues globally, nationally and locally within family and community life Streamlined governance and organisational structure of volunteers and staff Gives highly cost-effective support to members in helping transform their communities worldwide Confident and trusted partnering others Has sustainable funding
Priorities this Triennium (Re)defining the essence of Mothers’ Union - and telling the story with confidence Deepening engagement with membership across the globe – listening to the voices of 4+million members Building a long term strategy anchored in the needs of grassroots membership everywhere Revision of the Constitution, and modernisation of ways of working to provide a framework fit for the future Development of income streams outside Britain and Ireland membership