Building Better Opportunities Partnership and Project Development Workshops
Welcome! Jason Gaskell Chief Executive Surrey Community Action
Welcome! Joint event, run between Surrey Community Action, Action Hampshire and Enterprise M3 Funded and supported by Big Lottery Fund. Aims to get partners ready for the programme launch
Welcome! Agenda –1030This! BBO Programme Refresher What makes an effective partnership? –1100Project Ideas and Gathering Partners –1130Developing the Ideas –1215Lunch –1300Filling the Gaps –1400Summary and Next Steps Housekeeping Wireless code: ArkWireless11
Welcome! We need your help to make this a success! We can’t write a bid for you! The process doesn’t stop here.
Welcome! Sarah Carter Enterprise M3
The BBO Programme Sue Dovey Chief Executive Action Hampshire
The BBO Programme Two Project Calls –Skills for Social Enterprise £1.5m to engage unemployed people with Social Enterprise –Social Inclusion £500k for social inclusion and moving people closer to employment
The BBO Programme Three year projects, possible extension and expansion Open to public, private and not-for-profit bidders across Europe Partnership projects preferred Should operate across Enterprise M3 Area EU money with EU strings attached
The BBO Programme Two stage application process –Stage 1 – quick and easy! –Stage 2 – more detailed –Development fund may be offered to help move from stage 1 to stage 2 Only “one or two” applications per call passing to stage 2, and only one successful application per call
Skills for Social Enterprise Type of Activities: –Provide skills training for unemployed participants to set-up or/and engage with social enterprises –Develop and facilitate networks to support participants newly engaged with social enterprises and partnerships
Social Inclusion Type of Activities: –Projects to move socially excluded labour market closer to workforce, tackling barriers to employment –Active inclusion to groups with protected characteristics –Employability, basic and softer skills to support individuals discriminated from the workforce
The BBO Programme Programme launch due 02 June –Stage 1 deadlineJuly/August 2015 –Stage 1 assessmentAugust 2015 –Stage 2 deadline November 2015 –Stage 2 decisionJanuary 2016 –Activities startFebruary 2016 All subject to change!
The BBO Programme Any questions?
Partnership Development Jason Gaskell Chief Executive Surrey Community Action
Partnership Development Guidance Produced by Big Lottery Fund Available from Summary of key points to consider
Partnership Development Why work in Partnership? –One organisation unlikely to have breadth and depth of skills required –Adding partners can create new ideas and diversify work –Allows services more tailored to individual need –Can engage smaller organisations
Partnership Development To be effective, a partnership must be: –Based on open and honest communication –Mutual respectful of the experience and knowledge of each partner –Based on partners putting in as much a they take out
Partnership Development Need to consider –Lead Organisation –Partners –Partnership Structure –Partnership Agreements
Lead Organisation The Lead Organisation is/has/does: –Legal responsibility for funding –Financially accountable –Manages the partnership –Experience of managing EU funding –Experience of managing complex projects –Good networks –Does not have deliver front line services
Roles and Responsibilities –Lead Organisation Procedures for distributing funding Ensuring evidence requirements are understood Ensure engagement with partners Collect and retain evidence (receipts, invoices, timesheets etc) Maintain participant database and progression Report to funder
Roles and Responsibilities –Partners Spend on eligible costs alone Collect accurate information Maintain records for individuals Publicise properly (logos etc) Ensure added value (not duplication of existing interventions)
Partnership Structures –Open to different models! –All partners must sign agreement –Lead organisation must be legally constituted –For a consortium, a single lead must be identified
Why collaborate? Who to collaborate with? Type of collaboration Mapping the territory StrategyFeasibility Plan Operate & Review Exploring benefits and risks of collaborating. What opportunity would collaboration deliver both parties? At what cost? Are the charities’ cultures compatible? Engaging the key stakeholders Detailed planning How will the charities collaborate? Formal due diligence? Implement the agreed plan, review and measure short and long term benefits. Making it work IIIIIIIV Stage How to collaborate? The Skylark Collaboration Framework A four stage approach to collaboration within the charity sector Collaboration strategy agreed Agreement in principle to collaborate (one or many parties) Signed agreement and Collaboration Plan Collaboration benefit secured
Why collaborate? Who to collaborate with? Type of collaboration Mapping the territory StrategyFeasibility Plan Operate & Review Exploring benefits and risks of collaborating. What opportunity would collaboration deliver both parties? At what cost? Are the charities’ cultures compatible? Engaging the key stakeholders Detailed planning How will the charities collaborate? Formal due diligence? Implement the agreed plan, review and measure short and long term benefits. Making it work IIIIIIIV Stage How to collaborate? The Skylark Collaboration Framework A four stage approach to collaboration within the charity sector Collaboration strategy agreed Agreement in principle to collaborate (one or many parties) Signed agreement and Collaboration Plan Collaboration benefit secured
Partnership Agreements –All should be identified by stage 1 –Draft agreement at stage 2 –Should include: Aim of partnership Lead and list of partners Financial and contractual arrangements Roles and responsibilities
Partnership Agreements –Should include (continued): Policies and procedures Administration, meetings and record keeping Monitoring and reporting Communications Branding and publicity Changes and disputes Duration and sustainability
Partnership Development Any questions?
Workshop One
Workshop Aim –Hear about submitted project ideas –Identify which you would like to get involved in
Workshop One How it will work… –Each project proposer to describe their project idea in 1 minute or less –One project per table –Delegates to gather round the project that interests them the most –We may choose to park any projects without a critical mass of partners –You will get to visit other projects later on!
Workshop One At the end of this workshop…. –Delegates grouped around projects of interest, ready to develop the ideas further.
Workshop Two
Workshop Aim –Start to flesh out projects with partner input
Workshop Two How it will work… –In project groups, think about: Outcomes Outputs Roles and Responsibilities Lead Indicative costs Gaps Anything else that springs to mind!
Workshop Two Start to populate the form provided –Will need to be typed up to share with other potential partners. –Don’t forget next steps!
Workshop Two At the end of this workshop…. –Project ideas that have been refined and a start made on working them up –A project summary that can be used to brief other potential partners
Workshop Three
Workshop Aim –Share revised project ideas –Highlight gaps –Visit other projects to sign up
Workshop Three How it will work… –Each project lead to describe their revised project idea in 1 minute or less –Highlight any gaps in the project Roles Geography Services –All delegates invited to visit other groups to offer services and support
Workshop Three At the end of this workshop…. –Worked up project ideas with outline working groups identified –Next steps agreed in principle
Summary and Next Steps
Next Steps Good start! More to do! We have established a framework for working together. May be some tweaks as programme launches, but we have a head start.
Next Steps Our request of you: –Complete the workshop 2 form electronically and return it to –Arrange to work with your partners to prepare your projects and bids
Next Steps Our offer to you: –Share your workshop 2 form, all materials and delegate list electronically amongst us and with interested organisations who may wish to join you. –Make sure you are kept up to date with developments –Share Big Lottery Launch Information as it becomes available, such as…
Launch Information ProductWhat’s in it? Programme guide Background to BBO, organisation and participant eligibility, summary of monitoring and reporting requirements, summary of application process. Stage one application form Specific guidance on the application and assessment process, key information to be aware of before applying. Guide to managing European funding (Version 1) Specific guidance on the monitoring and reporting requirements (forms not included) A summary of our partnership requirements Specific guidance on partnership applications
Thank you! Thank you for coming Good luck with your projects and bids! And finally…
Networking time!