Well come 1 WELL COME
UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, RAICHUR AND UNIVERSITY OF DELHI B.V. Patil Principal Investigator & DOE UAS,Raichur , Karnataka & R. K. Seth CO-PI & Professor of Zoology University of Delhi, Delhi Investigations on the Present Pigeonpea Pest Complex and Their Management, with Emphasis on Radiation Technology as An Integral Component in IPM
Objectives 1. Studies on changed pest scenario and their Natural Enemies in traditional and non traditional pigeonpea growing areas 2. Ecological studies on emerging pests of pigeon pea 3. To study the use of nuclear (radiation) technology against M. vitrata and Callosobruchus spp 4. To study the Mapping of resistance to conventional and new chemistry against pigeon pea insect pests. 5. Studies on pigeon pea sterility mosaic disease and its management
Objective-I Studies on changed pest scenario and their Natural Enemies in traditional and non traditional pigeonpea growing areas
Survey scenario of pests /diseases/ deficiency of pigeonpea in North Karnataka through e-SAP Sl. No. Name of the district No. of talukas covered Total no. of villages covered Total area surveyed (in ha) 1Gulbarga Bidar Raichur Yadgir Bellary Koppal TOTAL
Operational map of e-SAP for conducting e-Pest surveillance
Helicovepra armigera Flower webber Flea beetle Jassids Leaf webber Graphical representation of pests/ diseases/ nutrient deficiency scenario of Red gram in northern Karnataka
2. Ecological studies on emerging pests of pigeon pea
Sl. No.Parasitoid species% parasitization Bassus relativus15.96± 2.42 Trathala flavoorbitalis7.60± 1.09 Phanerotoma hendecasisella3.69±1.74 Per cent parasitization of Maruca vitrata by different parasitoids
Bassus relativus (Braconidae: Hymenoptera) Phanerotoma hendecasisella (Braconidae; Hymenoptera) Trathala flavoorbitalis (Ichneumonidae: Hymenoptera)
Off season survival of Maruca on beans
Objective.3 To study the use of nuclear (radiation) technology 1. Radio-biological investigations related to F 1 sterility ( modified Sterile insect technique) in management of spotted pod borer, Maruca vitrata, 2. Efficacy of gamma irradiation, as post harvest phyto-sanitary treatment, against bruchids, Callosobrachus analis, C. maculatus, C. chinensis
Cost comparison between pigeon pea and chick pea diets Sl.noDetails Total Pigeon Pea Cost (Rs)/500 larvae Total Chick Pea Cost (Rs)/500 larvae 1.Diet Cost Labour Cost + Lab Charges+ Capital Expenditures Total Rs
Gamma cell installed at ARS Kalaburagi SourceCo-60 Dose rate of maximum capacity 9 KGy/hr Dose rate uniformityAt the centre of sample chamber Irradiation volume5000 cc approx.
Cage house used for pheromone studies
Efficacy of irradiated M. vitrata at 150 Gy under cage house condition SI.NoTreatments Ratio of male and female Number of webbings/plants 5DAR10DAR15DAR20DAR 1T1 (Tm×Tf)1: T2 (Tm×Tf)2: T3 (Tf×Nm)1: T4 (Tf×Nm)2: T5 (Tm×Nf)1: T6 (Tm×Nf)2: T7 (Control)1: S.Em± % CV pairs released in 50 sqm area
Treatments0Gy50Gy100Gy150Gy200Gy No. of moths Trapped 1 st day nd day rd day Total Response of male M. vitrata moths to natural pheromone 10 moths released in each cage
Male moths collected in pheromone lure trap
Objective 4: To study the Mapping of resistance to conventional and new chemistry against pigeon pea insect pests
Per cent of Insecticides used by pigeonpea growers against Helicoverpa armigera in the surveyed area during Chlorpyriphos >chlorantriniliprole > Spinosad >emamectin benzoate *Average of 50 farmers Insecticides Per cent of farmers* Mean RaichurKalaburagiBidarBallariBengaluru Chlorantriniliprole 18.5 SC Flubendiamide 39.7% SC Emamectin Benzoate Spinosad 45 SC Indoxacarb 14.8 SC Chlorpyriphos 20 EC Thiodicarb 75WP Profenophos 50% EC
Sl No.InsecticideLC 50 Range 1Profenophos 50% EC Emamectin benzoate 5% SG Spinosad 45% SC Methomyl 40% SP Chlorpyriphos 20% EC Thiodicarb 70% SP Flubendiamide 39.7% SC Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC Resistance monitoring of H. armigera to conventional and new insecticides across the locations of Karnataka Chlorantraniliprole > Emamectin benzoate > Flubendiamide > Spinosad > Thiodicarb > Methomyl > Profenophos > Chlorpyriphos
Resistance monitoring of Maruca vitrata to selected insecticides Sl No.InsecticidesnLC 50 1Chlorpyriphos 20% EC Profenophos 50% EC Methomyl 40% SP Thiodicarb 70% SP Indoxacarb 14.5% SC Spinosad 45% SC Emamectin benzoate 5% SG Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC Flubendiamide 39.7% SC Chlorantraniliprole > Flubendiamide >Emamectin benzoate > Methomyl >Indoxacarb > Spinosad > Thiodicarb > Profenophos > Chlorpyriphos
Studies on pigeon pea sterility mosaic disease and its management
DistrictsTaluk No. of Villages No. of Fields % disease incidence Mean % disease incidence Bidar Humnabad Gulbarga Chinchulli Raichur Lingasugur Yadgir Yadgiri Shahapur
Sl No.Name of the trails Resistant 1MLT GRG-177, GRG-152, NTL-900, ICP , GRG-2013, GRG-140, GRG- 811, GRPH-1, GRPH-2 and GRPH-3 2LSTGRG-444, GRG-811, AGL-1666 and AGL-1919
Sl. NoTreatments Formulation dose gm or ml/lit Mite population/leaf Yield (kg/plot) Before spray After spray Per cent reduction T1Dicofol 18% EC (53.58) T2 Fenazaquin 10 % EC (51.12) T3 Propergite 57 % EC (50.88) T4 Dicofol 18% EC + Fenazaquin 10 % EC 2.5 ml + 1 ml (56.45) T5Wettable Sulpur 50 WP 3.0 g (71.81) T6Neem oil 4 ml (34.06) T7WS + Propergite 57 % EC 3.0 g +2.5 ml (71.81) T8Control (26.49) SEM± CD(5%)