Talking to your customers about chemicals ChemicalKnowledge
The word PESTICIDE comes from the Latin word “ Pestis” meaning plague Some pesticides like sulfur and copper have been used for over 5,000 years The US EPA issues the preliminary approvals for all pesticides The EPA will turn 47 this year! Bonide was the 4 th US company to receive an EPA registration number Pesticides include the following subcategories: Insecticides Kill insects Herbicides Kill plants considered to be weeds Fungicides Kill disease producing organisms in plants Molluscacides Kill snails and slugs which damage plants Rodenticides Kill rodents around homes and gardens Acaracides Kill mites and spiders ChemicalKnowledge Vocabulary
Signal Words to Show Relative Toxicity 4 levels of signal words Danger/Danger Poison Warning Caution (mandatory) Caution (voluntary) Not limited to pesticides Household cleaners Automotive Products Paints and thinners Signal Words ChemicalKnowledge
Suffocants – Coat the insect body, larva or egg with a substance which restricts the flow of oxygen to the insect in all life stages Desiccants – Disrupt the exoskeleton of the insect so that moisture escapes faster than it can be taken in causing the insect to dry out Biochemical Inhibitor – Interferes with insect biochemical processes through nerves or through digestive tract disruption Growth Regulators – Stop or disrupt the chemicals which signal the change in stages of insect development Repellents – Create uninhabitable area for insects and pests through taste, smell or irritation How Insecticides Work (Giant Leopard moth) ChemicalKnowledge
Be sure to read, understand and follow all label instructions. Never recommend a product for a use which is not on the label. Tape broken bags and remove leaking or damaged products from the shelf. Mix and use only what is needed for each application. Never spray into the wind. Use separate herbicide and pesticide containers to avoid cross contamination. Ideal times to apply pesticides, when pollinators are not around. Product should be watered in, don’t water to the point of runoff, use only enough to water it in. Store all pesticides in a safe area away from children and pets. Avoid areas that are subject to freezing or excess heat. Great tips to share ChemicalKnowledge
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