JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 4 th General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years,


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Presentation transcript:

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 4 th General Assembly Meeting Joint Programming Initiative „More Years, Better Lives” Ministry of Education and Research Berlin 19 th /20 th March 2012

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 2 1. Confirmation of the draft agenda

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 3 Agenda 1.Confirmation of the draft agenda 2.Confirmation of the minutes of the last meeting 3.Update on European Developments (Peter Wintlev-Jensen, DG InfSo; Giorgio Clarotti, DG Research) 4.Status Quo of the JPI Recent Developments/Events Cooperation with other Initiatives/Update on other JPIs Position Paper on Horizon 2020 Financing of the Secretariat Working Groups Rules of dissemination for Working Groups CSA proposal status 5.Composition of the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) Voting procedure First meeting of the SAB Terms of Reference / Conflict of Interest 6.Societal Advisory Board (SOAB) Working Paper of the Task Force First meeting of the SOAB Terms of Reference 7.Next Meeting: Date and Location

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 4 2. Approval of minutes of the last meeting

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 5 3. Update on European Developments (P. Wintlev-Jensen, G. Clarotti)

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 6 4. Status Quo of the JPI

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 7 Countries supporting the JPI AustriaDenmark Finland Norway GermanyItaly Netherlands Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey UK Belgium 13 Members 1 Observer Unclear: France Interest: Hungary, Canada, Morocco

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 8 Events 28 March 2012 Vienna JPIs TO CO-WORK Project Meeting (AT will participate) 3 April 2012 Brussels Conference: European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: From Plan to Action (FIN will participate) 19 April 2012 Paris European Joint Action on Healthy Life Years - First Annual Meeting: „Increasing Active Healthy Ageing: How can monitoring help achieve the EU goal?” (FIN will participate) 28 May – 1 June 2012 Prague IFA 11th Global Conference on Ageing (SECR will participate)

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 9 Cooperation with other initiatives Memorandum of Understanding with ERA-Age 2 is signed. JPI was asked to join the Advisory Board of ProLong – (“Promoting the opportunities of longevity through lifelong investments in all generations”) - FP7 Project Proposal by European Demographic Research Institutes. Media Cooperation with Population Europe (Network of European Demographic research centres) – delivery of updated news on demographic data and studies on

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 10 European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Six new cross-border innovation hubs, known as Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), in The first group, to be set up in 2014, will include the theme: innovation for healthy living and active ageing (improving the quality of life and well-being of citizens of all ages)

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 11 Updates on other JPIs JPI Urban Europe (AT) JPND (Alzheimer) (ES) JPI Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life (NL)

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 12 Position Paper on Horizon2020 Has been sent to Robert-Jan Smits by the Troika Has beent sent to GA members To be discussed: 1.How are the national discussions/opinions on H2020 are developing? 2.What are the next steps in the process? 3.Should the JPI intervene again in a next step? 29th of March 2012 – Council Working Group Meeting on Societal Challenges

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 13 Thematic Relation to Horizon 2020 Themes of the JPI Health & PerformanceSocial Systems & WelfareWork & ProductivityEducation & Learning Housing, Urban-rural Development & Mobility Challenges in Horizon 2020 Health, demographics changes and wellbeingInclusive, innovative and secure societies Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio- economy Secure, clean and efficient energySmart, green and integrated transport Climate action and resource efficiency including raw materials

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 14 “ The implementation of the Specific Programmes of Horizon 2020 will take into account advice provided through a range of consultation processes. Besides advisory groups set up by the EU COM; the dialogue structures created under international Science and Technology agreements; the outcome of forward looking activities or targeted public consultations full account will also be taken of relevant aspects of the research and innovation agendas established by European Technology Platforms, Joint Programming Initiatives and European Innovation Partnerships” (Horizon 2020 COM Proposal, September 2011). Horizon2020 and Joint Programming

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 15 Horizon Timeline 29 June 2011COM-Proposal Multi-Annual Financial Framework (2014 – 2020): Framework Programme for Research and Innovation: 80 billion Euro 30. Nov. 2011Official COM-Proposal for the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation and beginning of the Legislative Process 6. Dez. 2011First Presentation and Discussion in the Competitiveness Council 12. Dez. 2011First Meeting in Council Working Group on Horizon 2020: COM presents details, no in-depth discussion planned under the Polish EU Presidency 30./31. Mai 2012Competitiveness Council - Plan of the Danish EU Presidency: Agreement on Basic Strategy of the Framework Programme (excl. the Specific Programmes and the Rules for Participation) Mid 2013Adoption of Horizon 2020

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 16  Problem: Fusion of Health Research and Demographic Change  A holistic, integrative approach for the challenge of Demographic change is missing (as postulated by EIP AHA).  This should be reflected in the overall approach of the Framework Programme.  As part of this integrated approach a special empasis on the social sciences and humanities is missing. In addition, a special chapter on these disciplines is needed. Possible Topics in the Position Paper

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 17 Proposal to establish a task force of GA Members to draft a joint position paper of the JPI (together with the secretariat) in order to outline the central demands of the JPI on Horizon 2020 and to deliver this paper after approval by the General Assembly to the European Commission in March Next Steps

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 18 Financing of the Secretariat

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Status of the Working Groups

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Working Groups 1.Chairs and Vice-Chairs of WG 2 and 5 2.Preparation and of the 3rd meetings 3.State of discussion in WGs with One-Page-Papers 4.The Road to the Strategic Research Agenda 5.State of discussion in WG 2

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 1. The Chairs and the Vice Chairs of Working Group 2 and 5 Welfare & Social Systems Welfare & Social Systems Housing, Urban & Rural Development

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 22 Chair Prof. Dr. Eskil Wadensjö, (SE), Stockholm University Research Interests: economics of international migration, labour market policy and social policy Social Systems & Welfare

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 23 Vice Chair Dr. Andreas Motel-Klingebiel, (DE), German Centre of Gerontology Research Interests: Social security systems, Private and public intergenerational Relations, Material living conditions of older people, Family relations of older people, National and European social policy Social Systems & Welfare

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 24 Chair Prof. Dr. Jens Dangschat (A), Prof. Dr. Jens Dangschat (A), Technical University of Vienna Research Interests: Theories of sociology, sociology of cities, regional demography Housing, Urban & rural Development

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 25 Chair Dr. José Javier Yanguas Lezáun, (ES), Instituto gerontológico matia Research Interests: Biological Psychology and Health Housing, Urban & rural Development

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 2. Preparation of the 3rd meetings

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 27 The Road to the SRA travelled so far by WG 1, WG 3, WG 4 and WG5

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 28

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 29 September/ October 2011 (2nd meeting) Definition of Research fields and topic January 2012 (3rd meeting) One-Page-Papers End of March 2012 WG reports May/ June 2012 First meeting of the SAB April/ May 2012 (4th meeting) Discussion on the WG‘s chapter in the SRA Beginning of June 2012 Draft of the SRA chapter is circualted amongst the WG members 11th/ 12th June 2012 GA in London - Presentation of the draft SRA by WG chairs

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 30

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 31 Structure of the One-Page-Paper 1.Where are the research gaps? 2.What are the main research questions? 3.Why is it important to deal with the research topic (political, economic, social, ethical relevance)? 4.What is the European added value? (why should this problems not be dealt with on national level, for which countries is this problem relevant)? 5.What are the operational steps to answer the research questions? 6.What is the USP? Are their similarities with other European strategic processes?

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 32

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 33

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 34 September/ October 2011 (2nd meeting) Definition of Research fields and topic January 2012 (3rd meeting) One-Page-Papers End of March 2012 WG reports May/ June 2012 First meeting of the SAB April/ May 2012 (4th meeting) Discussion on the WG‘s chapter in the SRA Beginning of June 2012 Draft of the SRA chapter is circualted amongst the WG members 11th/ 12th June 2012 GA in London - Presentation of the draft SRA by WG chairs

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” State of discussion in the Working Groups with Working Groups withOne-Page-Papers

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 36 WG 1 Health & Performance

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 37 Thematic Focus of the Working Group Disparities in ageing Promotion of functioning Plasticity: Monitoring health in elder ages at the population level (longitudinal studies) Care Trends and changes in ageing populations End of life Monitoring and measurement: standardisation of measurement tools Methodology (multidisciplinary approaches) Implementation of research results

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 38 Disparities in ageing impact of biological, economic, social and educational factors on individual Health impact of care and Public Health systems on health morbidity and mortality between different social classes Ethnicity and migration in relation to health and performance among elderly models and scenarios of health economics or research into health disparities such as urban/rural

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 39 Promotion of functioning maintain health in the oldest-old (aged > 85 years) age-specific health promotion and prevention from a life course approach efficacy studies on upstream and downstream interventions Rehabilitation Frailty Clinical trials for multimorbid elderly strategies for successful ageing (life course approach) Testing ‘proof-of-principle’ interventions working at older ages technology and ageing: evidence-based health care models Evidence-based health care models

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 40 Plasticity of human development and ageing in various domains of physical and cognitive function Life course influences on healthy life expectancy Plasticity

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 41 long-term care: usefulness of coordination of services palliative care organisation of Health Care Services interface between home care and cure care Care

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 42 WG 3 Work & Productivity

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 43 Research topics Productivity: High road, low road and the Ageing Society Sustainable Work and Health/Well-Being Employment Systems and Work-life-participation Work organisation and Management Societal Choices & Consequences

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 44 WG 4 Education & Learning

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 45 Research topics Participation Infrastructure Economic and Societal Benefits Curriculum Motivation and benefits to the individual Cognitive issues

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 46 WG 5 Housing, Urban & Rural Development

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 47 Research topics Today’s and future distribution of ageing population Physical and social environments for older people Planning, designing, financing and organising physical and social environments involving older people Impact of social, economic and spatial inequalities on older adult’s living conditions Role of residential relocations in promoting well-being for older people Transport and mobility for ageing societies

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” How to proceed after the 3rd WG meeting…. the Road to the SRA as endorsed by WG 1, WG 3, WG 4 and WG 5

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 49 September/ October 2011 (2nd meeting) Definition of Research fields and topic January 2012 (3rd meeting) One-Page-Papers End of March 2012 WG reports May/ June 2012 First meeting of the SAB April/ May 2012 (4th meeting) Discussion on the WG‘s chapter in the SRA Beginning of June 2012 Draft of the SRA chapter is circualted amongst the WG members 11th/ 12th June 2012 GA in London - Presentation of the draft SRA by WG chairs

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 50 WG 4th meetingsDate Health & Performance29/5/2012 Berlin Social Systems & Welfare16/5/2012 Berlin Work & Productivity24-25/5/2012 Berlin Education & Learning11/5/2012 Paris Housing, U&R Development 20/4/2012 Paris

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 51 September/ October 2011 (2nd meeting) Definition of Research fields and topic January 2012 (3rd meeting) One-Page-Papers End of March 2012 WG reports May/ June 2012 First meeting of the SAB April/ May 2012 (4th meeting) Discussion on the WG‘s chapter in the SRA Beginning of June 2012 Draft of the SRA chapter is circualted amongst the WG members 11th/ 12th June 2012 GA in London - Presentation of the draft SRA by WG chairs

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” State of discussion in WG2

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 53 WG 2 Social Systems & Welfare

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 54 Research topics Demographic change and ageing society Social and economic sustainability under the impact of demographic change Institutional set-up of income transfer and care systems and their consequences (adaptability of systems to demographic change) Heterogeneous life-cycles (differences between and within cohorts) Data issues

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 55 Research for Demographic Change requires an interdisciplinary and holistic approach across different societal sectors Health & Performance Work & Productivity Education & Learning Housing, Urban- rural Development and Mobility Social Systems and Welfare

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 56 Rules of Dissemination for Working Groups

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 57 Proposed Rules of dissemination for working groups of the JPI More years, better lives Any documents which are prepared for the activities of the working groups and which result from their activities are intended for internal use in the bodies of the JPI only and will not be disclosed to any third party without the consent of the GA. The GA may decide on changing the status of working group documents in written procedure. The latter rule especially covers minutes, Research Topic Papers, One Page Papers and any other material which serves for the preparation of the Strategic Research Agenda. Exceptions from this concern any material which serves as public relation work of the individual working groups as far as it only contains general information on their targets, their composition and their general activities. The chairs or vice-chairs of the working groups have to obtain the approval of the JPI Secretariat on planned public relation work. The JPI Secretariat will concert and keep the WG5 - leader of the CSA fully informed. Whenever working groups as such or individual working group members intend to act as direct representative of the JPI working groups in any external activities (e.g. conferences etc.) a mandate by the GA is required. The GA may decide on this matter in written procedure. (To be added in Governance Structure, p.11)

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 58 Coordination and Support Action (CSA J-AGE)

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 59 J-AGE - Support to the early implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) 'More Years – Better Lives – the Challenges and Opportunities of Demographic Change' Call title: ICT call 8 Call identifier: FP7-ICT Funding scheme: CSA Indicative budget: EUR 1.5 million Submission Date: 17 January 2012 Start: ? Duration: 30 months Participating Countries in the Consortium: German, Finland, The Netherlands, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Turkey, UK

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 60 Workplan WP 1 – Management and Coordination (Lead: Secretariat) Project and Financial Management, Reporting WP 2 – Development of the SRA (Lead: NL) Strategic Research Agenda, Working Group Activities and Interaction with SAB and SOAB; WP 3 – Mapping and Foresight (Lead: Secretariat) Mapping of European programmes, Execution of Foresight Activities WP 4 – Design of Deployment and Implementation of SRA (Lead: ES) Development of national interchange forums, Exploration of instruments and actions, and where appropriate, preparation of joint activities WP 5 – Dissemination (Lead: IT) Conference for national programme owners, consultation event(s) for stakeholders WP 6 – Framework for Monitoring and Evaluation (Lead: UK) Definition of evaluation scheme and criteria, Execution of evaluation

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Composition of the Scientific Advisory Board

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 62 Current Members of the Scientific Advisory Board TitleFirst NameFamily NameNationalityDisciplineFunction Prof. Dr.ErikBuskensNLMedical Technology AssesmentWG1 Chair Prof. Dr.RosaGomez-RedondoESPopulation StudiesWG1 Vice-Chair Prof. Dr.EskilWadensjöSESocial PolicyWG2 Chair Dr.AndreasMotel-KlingebielDESociology/GerontologyWG2 Vice-Chair Prof. Dr.PeterNolanUKEconomics, Industrial RelationsWG3 Chair Prof. Dr.MikkoHärmäFIOccupational HealthWG3 Vice-Chair Prof. Dr.StephenMcNairUKAdult EducationWG4 Chair Dr.TineFistrupDKGeronto-Pedagogics WG4 Vice- Chair Prof. Dr.JensDangschatATUrban/Rual and Spatial SociologyWG5 Chair Dr.José JavierYanguas LezáunESBiological PsychologyWG5 Chair Prof. Dr.JamesVaupelDEDemographyExternal Expert Prof. Dr.MatsThorslundSWSociologyExternal Expert Prof. Dr.Marie EveJoël (tbc)FREconomyExternal Expert

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 63 Title First Name SurnameVotes Prof. Dr.MarjaJylhä 13 Prof. Dr.StefanoCappa 6 Prof. Dr.AndreUitterlinden 5 Prof. Dr.CemErsoy 1 Prof. Dr.FrancoisHöpflinger 4 Prof. Dr.CarolJagger 7 Prof. Dr.GordonLithgow 3 JPI MYBL - Scientific Advisory Board Nominations in 2012

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 64 Voting procedure 1.Every member state has three votes. 2.Every member state can select up to three candidates. The cumulation of votes on one candidate is NOT possible! 3.First pass the post! 4.If there are no clear winners, because candidates got the same amount of votes, a second ballot will be hold. 5.If there is still no clear majority, the candidates will be chosen by lot!

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 65 SAB Terms of Reference/Conflict of Interest

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 66 “The Scientific Advisory Board shall be mandated and be responsible for the compilation and integration of the Strategic Research Agenda from work in the 5 Working Groups; securing the cross-sectoral and interdisciplinary exchange in and between the Working Groups; proposing joint activities the provision of strategic advice to the General Assembly on the Work Programme and in selecting areas for coordinated and joint calls “ [Amendment 2: Conflict of Interest] Amendments in Governance Structure

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 67 “Conflict of interest If a member of the Scientific Advisory considers him or herself to be in a situation that constitutes a potential conflict of interest/is biased, he or she must immediately inform the chair of the SAB and the Troika of the JPI.” [ Amendment 3: Conflict of Interest] Amendments in Governance Structure

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 68 First Meeting of SAB 3rd May 2012Meeting of WG Chairs with Troika May/June 2012 (tbc)Meeting with external SAB members 11/12 June 2012Meeting of SAB with General Assembly

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Societal Advisory Board

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 70 SOAB will be made up of representatives from the public (government), third (voluntary) and private (business) sectors. Older people and their families and carers need to be in the SOAB Membership should not be larger than 16 in total. Members will be nominated for period of 2 years and can be nominated for a second term. SOAB should primarily be made up of representatives from European Umbrella Bodies (in order to deal with concerns over geographic representation) A wider group of stakeholders (national/regional level) will be involved through workshops and consultation activities (in CSA project). Paper by the Task Force (UK, ES, NO) on establishing the SOAB Main principles:

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 71 SectorNumberPercentage Public Sector850% Third Sector425% Private Sector425% Total16100% Three principle groups of stakeholders and their proposed representation Public Sector – have a need for research to inform evidence based policy and practice. The public sector might include national government departments, senior civil servants, local government, regional development agencies Third Sector – have a need for research to deliver services and support to communities. The third sector might include charities, patients associations, voluntary organisations, social enterprises, older peoples/carers representative organisations and labour/workers unions Private Sector – have a need for research to inform employment policies, service provision and technology development. The private sector might include large business, national umbrella bodies and SMEs

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 72 Points to take into consideration when nominating an organisation: Organisations where contacts are already established where possible. Nominees should be familiar with research related activity. The breadth of interest across the five thematic areas of the JPI/CSA. The need for a ‘helicopter view’ within and across areas.

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 73 Proposal from the Troika Start with a selection of 5-6 representatives from main European umbrella organisations. Extend the membership in the ongoing process.

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 74 Age Platform Europe Non-sector specific All WGs Eurocarers Third Sector WG1 – Health & Performance WG2 - Social Systems & Welfare HOPE - European Hospital and Healthcare Federation Public Sector, Private Sector WG1 – Health & Performance European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) Third Sector WG 3 – Work & Productivity BUSINESSEUROPE Private Sector WG 3 – Work & Productivity European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) Third Sector, Public Sector WG 4 – Education & Learning Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) Public Sector WG5 - Housing, Urban-rural Development & Mobility WG2 - Social Systems & Welfare UITP - International Association of Public Transport Public Sector WG5 - Housing, Urban-rural Development & Mobility Proposed Shortlist of first SOAB Members (up to 6 to be selected) ( UK and Secretariat)

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 75 SOAB Terms of Reference/Conflict of Interest

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 76 “Conflict of interest If a member of the SOAB considers him or herself to be in a situation that constitutes a potential conflict of interest/is biased, he or she must immediately inform the chair of the SOAB and the Troika of the JPI. The Societal Advisory Board will set up its own Rules of internal order in conformity with the overall Rules of Internal Order and the Governance Structure, subject of approval by the General Assembly.” [Amendment 4: Conflict of Interest] Amendments in Governance Structure

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 77 Troika “The Troika is elected for two years. After that period, the past Chair will remain in the Troika as Vice-Chair for another period, the other Vice-Chair will move up to become Chair. One Vice-Chair has to be newly elected by the General Assembly. If a Chair or Vice-Chair resigns before the end of the term, a new member of the Troika will be elected by the General Assembly in the next possible meeting or if necessary by postal ballot”. [Amendment 1: Troika] Additional Amendment in Governance Structure

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” Next GA Meeting Meeting: London or Swindon Date: June 2012 Next Meeting after the Summer: 3-4 September Warsaw

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 79 CONTACTS Christian Wehrmann Simone Ehrenberg-Silies JPI Secretariat at VDI/VDE-IT Web: Thank you for your kind attention!

JPI “More Years, Better Lives: The Potential and Challenges of Demographic Change” 80 Dinner of 19th March Start: 19.00h „Brasserie am Gendarmenmarkt“, Taubenstraße 30 (Mobile Christian: +49 (0) )