↗ Smarter Balanced Scales, Strands, and Scores Megan Kim, Lake Oswego School District Leigh Anne Scherer, North Clackamas School District
Smarter Balanced Scoring Students will be scored as level 1-4 plus a scale score ↗1 = Student has not met the achievement standard and needs substantial improvement to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for likely success ↗2 = Student has nearly met the achievement standard and may require further development to demonstrate the knowledge and skills needed for likely success. ↗3 = The student has met the achievement standard and demonstrates progress toward mastery of the knowledge and skills needed for likely success. ↗4 = Student has exceeded the achievement standard and demonstrates advanced progress towards mastery of the knowledge and skills needed for likely success
Smarter Balanced Scoring ↗Level 3 is intended to represent the academic readiness threshold for success in non-remedial college courses ↗OUS and Oregon Community Colleges have announced placement policies for high school students achieving at level 3 & level 4 ↗Graduation standards (Essential Skills) are likely to be lower.
OAKS Work Samples Other standardized assessment Through academic year Smarter Balanced Work Samples Other standardized assessment academic year and beyond Oregon Graduation Requirements – Essential Skills
Essential Skills Update ↗ ODE is currently working to identify an equivalent level of achievement on Smarter Balanced, relative to the former “meets” cut scores on OAKS. ↗ Students will still have multiple methods of meeting the Essential Skills graduation requirements. ↗ Anticipated policy discussion at the State Board in September 2015, with adoption by October. ↗ Essential Skills requirements likely to be below Level 3 on Smarter Balanced.
Smarter Balanced ELA Strands 1. Reading 2. Writing 3. Speaking/Listening 4. Research
Smarter Balanced Math Strands 1. Concepts and Procedures 2. Problem Solving/Modeling & Data Analysis 3. Communicating Reasoning
Smarter Balanced ELA Scale GradeLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 3≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ 2682
Smarter Balanced Math Scale GradeLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 3≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ ≤ ≥ 2718
School Accountability ↗ School Report Cards – Summer 2015 ↗ Oregon will not rate schools this summer. ↗ Report Cards will show Smarter Balanced % Proficient (3 or 4) compared with state average ↗ Focus, Priority, and Model schools retain status. ↗ Report Cards won’t show historic OAKS Math, Reading, Writing. ↗ School Report Cards – Summer 2016 ↗ Ratings resume ↗ Identification of next cohort of Priority and Focus Schools ↗ Resume annual identification of Model schools.