L1 EG2 efficiency on superclusters Clémentine Broutin, Alexandre Zabi, Pascal Paganini LLR – Ecole Polytechnique
Keeping only SC spread on 1 or 2 TT
Overview Run (good statistics, no timing scan, no EE energy features) Look for L1 candidate in same L1 region as highest energy crystal in SC Excluding masked regions (2.8% in EB, 5.4% in EE) Timing cut for SC (excluding out‐of‐time spikes) (13.4% in EB, 2.8% in EE) Excluding superclusters spread on more than 2 TT (17.3% in EB, 65.4% in EE) Remove overall 33.3% of EB supercluster, 73.6% of EE superclusters 29/03/2010 Clémentine Broutin LLR -- Ecole Polytechnique 2
Precisions No double-counting of L1 candidates for each event and each region, count only the highest E T supercluster Efficiency as a funtion of the supercluster raw E T : E T corrections are not adapted to low energy (what we are looking at for the moment) In the endcaps, raw energy, like trigger primitive, does not take the preshower into account 22/04/2010 Clémentine Broutin LLR -- Ecole Polytechnique 3
22/04/2010 Clémentine Broutin LLR -- Ecole Polytechnique 4 L1 EG2 efficiency on superclusters Run Look for L1 candidate in same L1 region as highest energy crystal in SC Excluding masked regions (2.8% in EB, 5.4% in EE) Timing cut for SC (excluding out‐of‐time spikes (13.4% in EB, 2.8% in EE) ) Excluding superclusters spread on more than 2 TT (17.3% in EB, 65.4% in EE) Remove overall 33.3% of EB superclusters, 73.6% of EE superclusters
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No cut on the number of TT
22/04/2010 Clémentine Broutin LLR -- Ecole Polytechnique 7 L1 EG2 efficiency on superclusters Run Look for L1 candidate in same L1 region as highest energy crystal in SC Excluding masked regions (2.8% in EB, 5.4% in EE) Timing cut for SC (excluding out‐of‐time spikes (13.4% in EB, 2.8% in EE) ) Remove overall 16.2% of EB superclusters, 8.2% of EE superclusters
Same considerations, for SC belonging to electrons
22/04/2010 Clémentine Broutin LLR -- Ecole Polytechnique 9 L1 EG2 efficiency on electrons (EB) Run Look for L1 candidate in same L1 region as highest energy crystal in SC Excluding masked regions (3.4% in EB) Timing cut for SC (excluding out‐of‐time spikes (5.4% in EB) ) Remove overall 8.8% of EB superclusters
22/04/2010 Clémentine Broutin LLR -- Ecole Polytechnique 10 L1 EG2 efficiency on electrons (EB) Run Look for L1 candidate in same L1 region as highest energy crystal in SC Excluding masked regions (3.4% in EB) Timing cut for SC (excluding out‐of‐time spikes (5.4% in EB) ) Excluding superclusters spread on more than 2 TT (38% in EB) Remove overall 46.8% of EB electrons