Photon-Photon Colliders ( Photon-Photon Colliders ( C) Mayda M. Velasco
Idea of C Based on Compton Backscattering NOT New ( Telnov ) e − laser → e − With circularly polarized laser (P C = ±1) & polarized e- ( e = 1) ± Example: Optimized as a Higgs Factory ( H ) >200 fb
What is “New” ? (I) Higgs Discovery in July 2012 Higgs relatively light M H ~125 GeV E ee ~ 160 GeV enough to produce H
What is “New” ? (II) Development of compact C starting from e - e - : – Based on already existing accelerator technology – Polarized and low energy e - beam: E e = 80 GeV and ( e = 80%) – Independent of ILC or CLIC – “Low” cost Required laser technology is becoming available. Two options: – Fiber based laser (ICAN) – High power laser developed for fusion program(LLNL)
3 New Designs that will Produce 10K Higgs/year HFiTT: Higgs Factory in Tevatron Tunnel – Fermilab specific SILC: SLC-ILC-Style Higgs Factory – SLAC specific SAPPHiRE: Small Accelerator for Photon-Photon Higgs production using Recirculating Electrons – Developed at CERN, but can be built elsewhere Detector and beam environment not more difficult than what we are experiencing at the LHC 3 machines in 1: e e e −
e ( GeV) e (80 GeV) Fiber Laser (0.351 μm, 5 J, 47.7 kHz) RF (1.3 GHz, 8 sets, 5 cryomodules 1.25 GV /set) RF Tunnel Cross Section (16 permanent magnet beam lines, B = 0.05 – 3.3 kG) HFiTT – Latest Design 2000 m m (8 ft) collision (125 GeV) E = 80 GeV = 800 m U = 4.53 GeV/turn I = 0.15 mA x 2 P(rf) = 27 MW m (10 ft) e ( GeV)
Cost estimate for HFiTT < 1Billion USD With Laser
2-pass design 1.6 Billion without Laser 1 km radius 45 GeV, 1.5 km or 85 GeV, 3 km 250 m SILC – Presented by Tor Raubenheimer ICFA Higgs Factory Workshop November 14 th, 2012
Scale ~ European XFEL ~ 1 Billion SAPPHiRE – Presented in 2012 at European Strategy Meeting arXiv: arXiv: Energy lost3.89 GeV
Primary Parameters ParameterHFiTTSapphireSILC cms e-e- Energy160 Gev160 GeV Peak Energy 126 GeV128 GeV130 GeV Bunch charge2e101e105e10 Bunches/train Rep. rate47.7 kHz200 kHz10 Hz Power per beam12.2 MW25 MW7 MW L_ee3.2e342e341e34 L_gg (E > 0.6 Ecms) 5e33*3.5e332e33 CP from IP1.2 mm1 mm4 mm Laser pulse energy5 J4 J1.2 J Total electric power< = 100 MW
Option #1: Fiber Lasers -- Significant breakthrough Gerard Mourou et al., “The future is fiber accelerators,” Nature Photonics, vol 7, p.258 (April 2013). We need 5 J at ~40kHz! ICAN – International Coherent Amplification Network
LIFE: Option #2: The high peak & high average power lasers needed are also available from LIFE: Laser Initiated Fusion Energy LIFE beam line : - Pulses at 16 Hz kJ / pulse kW average power - ns pulse width LLBL
Two LIFE based options for SAPPHIRE-like C Single pass system would have MW average power 10 LIFE beam lines running at 20kHz, each with 100kW average power and interleave pulses to create 200kHz Advantages: – Easier control of photon beam polarization – Eliminate issues with recirculating cavities Disadvantages: – Higher capital cost and energy requirements Recirculating cavity would have 10kW average power 1 LIFE beam line at 200kHz, 0.05J/pulse & 10 kW average power Advantages: – Minimized capital cost and small power requirement Disadvantages: – Phase matching required – Cavity capital cost and operation – Reduced polarization control
Motivation for C as Higgs Factory and Associated e - e - C and e - C C Higgs CP Mixing and Violations e - e - C Running of sin 2 W e e e e e - C - Structure and M W e W e W
1 st “run”: e - e - mode ee geometric luminosity: L ee = 2 x cm -2 s s per year: 200 fb -1 or 200,000 pb -1 Moller scattering e - e - e - e - – E cm = 160 GeV ; Scatt. angle > 5 degree ; P T > 10 GeV for outgoing e - P 1e × P 2e = 0 2981 pb P 1e × P 2e =-1 3237 pb P 1e × P 2e =+1 2728 pb N ev ~ 6 × 10 8
Precision on sin 2 W at SAPPHIRE Like SLAC-SLC (& LEP) at M Z – A LR based on 150K event – A LR ~ – sin 2 W ~ SAPPHiRE at highest – A LR based on 10 6 event – A LR ~ – sin 2 W ~ In addition to precise measurement of running down to 10 GeV (GeV) = E cm sqrt{ ½ (1-cos )} = scattering angle Maximum ~113 GeV
e e : Moller Scattering to get running of sin 2 W SAPPHIRE Complements future lower energy programs
2 nd “run”: e M W from e W and photon structure Mass measurement from W hadron events Or from energy scan
3 nd “run” : C Higgs-factory * * ** *
C a good option for the USA Physics capabilities complementary to LHC 2022 or future ILC because C will provide: Model independent: Permil level CP asymmetries can be measured 2% Measurement of and 10% on Total - Assuming a 2% uncertainty on Br(H to bb) - Results in a 4% constrain in the Htt Yukawa coupling
Circularly polarized laser Linearly polarized laser C Higgs-factory to Study CP Violation in Detail
Only with C == 0 if CP is conserved In s-channel production of Higgs: == +1 (-1) for CP is conserved for A CP-Even (CP-Odd) Higgs If A 1 ≠0, A 2 ≠0 and/or | A 3 | < 1, the Higgs is a mixture of CP-Even and CP-Odd states Possible to search for CP violation in H fermions without having to measure their polarization In bb, a ≤1% asymmetry can be measure with 100 fb -1 that is, in 1/2 years arXiv: v2
Conclusion C is an interesting option – Physics complementary to other programs, but nevertheless unique: Precise measurements of CP-admixture < 1% in Higgs – Laser technology needed to generate – beam becoming a reality Many more topics that go well beyond Higgs – Already mention: Running of sin 2 W in e e – Others factories: good to study g-2 of the among other things (e - e - e - e - -, e W , ) ( )> 100 pb