Part 1: Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) Energy Aware Routing in MANETs Part 2: OLSR FEA-OLSR Part 3: Simulation Results Conclusion
What if Conventional Infrastructures are: Destroyed ? Could not be deployed ? Their Deplyement is not Cost Effective ? What if Conventional Infrastructures are: Destroyed ? Could not be deployed ? Their Deplyement is not Cost Effective ? Rapid and Inexpensive Deployment Fault Tolerance Self-organisation Rapid and Inexpensive Deployment Fault Tolerance Self-organisation
5 Internet Réseaux WIFI Réseaux de Capteurs Infrastructure Ad-HOC
Flying Ad-Hoc Networks (FANETs): A survey I. Bekmezci et al. / Ad Hoc Networks Journal (2013) – Article in Press
Battery-Powered devices: small devices Usage scenario: batteries could not be re-charged Energy Consumed in Communication is important An Energy Aware Routing Protocol is one that aims at Maximizing Network Lifetime
First presented in 2001 by Jaquet et al. Standardized in 2003 Proactive Link State Routing Protocol. Built on the concept of MPRs.
MPRs Set for node 1 = {2,3} Willingness is the same for all nodes
Nodes have different energy profiles ….
NB. Will_LOW = 1 ; Will_Default = 3; Will_High = 6 ;
IF-THEN Rules Inference Engine Inference Engine Fuzzification RE ERL Example RE= 0.65 Low with 0.5 High with 0.5 ERL = 700 High with 1 R 2 : will = 3 w1= 0.5 R4 : will = 6 w2 = 0.5 Final Output = 3* *0.5 / = 4.5 DEF-Fuzzification
MetricProtocol10 Connections20 Connections THNEDEE-OLSR FEA-OLSR PDFEE-OLSR FEA-OLSR DelayEE-OLSR FEA-OLSR
Global Routing Local Routing
Energy Aware Routing Energy Aware Routing Adaptive Routing Adaptive Routing OLSR FIS R-Learning RL-AODV AODV
Any Question?
In MANETs Routing information is usually inaccurate and incomplete due to their dynamic and distributed nature. To deal with such imprecision, let us say fuzziness, the use of Fuzzy Logic Systems has been proven to be an advantageous solution. FLS for MANETs FLS for routes costs estimation QoS-based routing Energy-aware routing, Position-based routing Zone-based routing Clustering, Parameters configuration, and routes local repair