A Powerful Garden
How can a garden positively impact the environment?
More plants= more oxygen, less carbon dioxide, greater erosion control and often lead to healthier people and a greener planet.
CO and CO 2 reduction, in a garden…how does that work?
Plants take in carbon dioxide and, through the process of photosynthesis, create energy they need to grow. During this process they take in the carbon but release the oxygen into the air. The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed varies greatly from plant to plant, but all have some affect on the atmospheric CO 2 levels. Carbon monoxide absorption varies even more greatly. This may kill certain plants while greatly increasing the growth of another species. However, carbon monoxide is not absorbed when at the level of concentration typically found in most areas.
How can terraced gardens effect the environment?
Terraced gardens, as all gardens, increase the amount of oxygen in the air by creating greater area for plants. Additionally they serve to decrease runoff, erosion and pollution.
How can an orchard be environmentally beneficial?
Trees take in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and turn the carbon into plant matter. During this process carbon is removed from the atmosphere and oxygen is released. The trees hold this carbon in their wood as long as they live and until they are broken down. The average 25 year old pine tree takes in an average of 14 pounds of carbon per year. This is equivalent to the carbon dioxide output of.7 gallons of gasoline.
How can using greenhouses be of environmental benefit?
Greenhouses take advantage of the way that energy flows through air. As solar radiation heats the earth the kinetic energy begins to heat the air above it. As this air heats up it expands and becomes lighter than the cool air above it causing the warm air to rise. In a greenhouse this warm air cannot rise, so it stays contained and continues to heat up.
This can extend the growing season in areas that would otherwise be too cold to grow certain plants, reducing energy needed to heat indoor growing facilities that would be used to accomplish this same task. This allows for more produce to be grown, reducing fuel emissions required to drive to a grocery store. With the average fuel economy of 2014 vehicles at 24 miles per gallon and the nearest grocery store about 6.5 miles from La Center, this would save.541 gallons of gasoline and prevents 10.6 pounds of CO2 from being released to the atmosphere. Greenhouses (cont.)
How can a pollination station be beneficial to the environment?
Bee hives provide an area for bees to live and allows us to control where exactly they get to live. By having bee hives in our garden we can make sure our garden is well pollinated. This will also allow us to have locally made honey that can be sold at our local farmers market. Along with honey bee hives we will also have mason bee hives. With honey bee populations dwindling combined with the high pollination rates of mason bees, they are a great insect to have around. In fact, it only takes about 3 mason bees to pollinate an entire apple tree.
What effects can a compost station have upon the environment?
Composting at our garden reduces the need to drive to wood recycling factories. The nearest one to our town is H&H which is a 35 mile round trip. With the average gas mileage of 24 miles to the gallon for 2014 vehicles (EPA estimate) this would save 1.46 gallons of gas. Composting also prevents the need for fertilizer by supplying nutrient rich amendment to the soil. The break down of organic material in this slow manner prevents large amounts of carbon from being released into the atmosphere like it would during other methods such as burning.
What is bio-char?
Bio-char is a form of slow biodegrading charcoal that can be used to help crops grow. It is made when organic matter (like vegetation, tree branches and prunings) is burned in a high temperature burner.
What is a bio-char depository?
A bio-char depository is a station where our community can drop off tree clippings and solid yard debris. The station has its own burner. Students can then learn how to create and use bio char, both as a method of waste reduction and within school gardens.
How does a bio-char depository reduce municipal and organic waste and air pollution?
Bio-char is good for our environment because it is carbon negative. Burning the wood releases carbon into the air, because bio chars surface area is so large that is creates room for carbon to be absorbs.
A combined compost center/bio-char depository can also serve as an educational research station for students and community members to learn more about how bio-char is made and how people are able to use it. They can even see how it works in the terraced gardens, orchard and potting areas. An additional benefit…
A Powerful Garden How can a garden positively impact the environment? CO and CO2 reduction, in a garden…how does that work? How can terraced gardens effect the environment? How can an orchard be environmentally beneficial? How can a pollination station be beneficial to the environment? How can using greenhouses be of environmental benefit? What effects can a compost station have upon the environment? What is bio-char? What is a bio-char depository? How does a bio-char depository reduce land waste and air pollution? How can a bio-char depository reduce energy costs?
Please ask questions as they arise. “A Power Garden” Plan in black & white
Please ask questions as they arise. “A Power Garden” Plan in color
Please ask questions as they arise.