Heart Disease - The No 1 Killer in Malaysia Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in Malaysia other than diabetes and cancer
Common Symptoms of Heart Disease Chest pain (angina) Shortness of breath Jaw pain Back pain, especially on the left side Dizziness or light- headedness Weakness when at rest Irregular heartbeat Nausea Abdominal pain
Our Heart and it’s Network Our heart beats about 100,000 times a day, pumping blood through your circulatory system The whole body runs more than 96,560 km of blood vessels and arteries. It is enough to go around the earth 2 and half rounds.
Heart Disease begins with inflammation in the artery walls The discovery a few years ago that inflammation in the artery wall is the real cause of heart disease is currently leading a paradigm shift in how heart disease and other chronic ailments will be treated
HOW ATHEROSCLEROSIS OCCURS a) Elevated homocysteine Excess consumption of animal protein raises homocysteine levels The amino acid, methionine, which is abundant in animal protein is converted into homocysteine DefIciency of Vitamin B6, B9 and B12 promotes conversion of methionine to homocysteine Elevated homocysteine levels lead to loss of elasticity, hardening and narrowing of arteries Lack of Vit B6, B9 (Folic acid) and B12 Hardening of arterial walls PROTEIN ESSENTIAL AMINO ACID MEAT HOMOCYSTEINE METHIONINE
HOW ATHEROSCLEROSIS OCCURS b) Chronic deficiency of Vitamin C A primary cause of coronary heart disease and other forms of atherosclerotic disease is a chronic deficiency of vitamins, especially Vitamin C This leads to instability of the vascular walls, causing lesions, cracks and atherosclerotic deposits Vitamin C deficient cracks in blood vessel walls are the first step in atherosclerosis
HOW ATHEROSCLEROSIS OCCURS c) Lipoprotein (A) - Sealing the cracks The plugging of the cracks with lipoprotein (A) is the second step The gluing down of other LDL (single layer bags of cholesterol and lipids which are not sticky in themselves) is the third step
Vitamin deficiency Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C Homocysteine factor Inflammation Free radicals attack Oxidation of LDL Macrophages Calcium deposits CAUSES OF ARTERIOSCLEROSIS
HOW ATHEROSCLEROSIS OCCURS d) Tumor formation The fourth step is the stimulation by lipoprotein (A) of the muscle cells in the artery wall to multiply, thus forming a tumor (swelling)
HOW ARTHEROSCLEROSIS OCCURS e) Formation of Blood plaques The cleanup crew arrives (macrophages), and they try to eat the whole mess and carry it away However, many of them overeat, get fat and become part of the problem by dying and being glued down into the plaque Because they contain so much fat, they appear under the microscope to be full of foam and they are known as “foam cells”
HOW ARTHEROSCLEROSIS OCCURS f) Growth of Coronary Deposits Coronary deposits increase at the rate of 40 mm2 or more every year. The graph shows the growth rate of coronary deposits in each patient before the vitamin program. Patients with early coronary heart disease had an average increase in plaque area of 4 mm2 every year
Developmental Stages of Atherosclerosis
WHAT IS CARDIO PLUS? Cardio Plus is a nutraceutical formulation that combat cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 1) reducing inflammation in the blood arteries 2)stop the build up of arterial plaques 3) softening of arterial walls 4) reversing arteriosclerosis 5) lowering of blood cholesterol
WHO NEEDS CARDIO PLUS ? Chest pain (angina) Shortness of breath Back pain, especially on the left side Dizziness or light- headedness Weakness when at rest Irregular heartbeat Nausea Abdominal pain
WHAT ARE THE MAIN INGREDIENTS IN CARDIO PLUS? 1. Acai Berry extracts 2. Vitamin C 3. L-Lysine 4. L-Proline 5. L-arginine 6. L-cysteine 7. EGCG (Green tea extract) 8. Pine bark extract 9. Glutatione 10. Alpha Lipoid Acid (ALA) 11. L-Carnitine 12. Selenium 13. Thrombokinase 14. Black cocoa 15. Coenzyme Q Minerals
Acai Berry Extract Acai berries increase energy and stamina Football players in Brazil often have a large meal of acai berry pulp before a competition. The high levels of antioxidants in acai lead to a drastic increase in energy levels and stamina Taken regularly, acai strengthens the immune system to the point where the body isn’t constantly fighting off infections and disease. This frees up even more energy for other uses
ACAI BERRIES HAS HIGH ANTIOXIDANTS Acai Berries extract has one of the highest anti- oxidant as compared to other berries and fruits. It is a well known for combating heart diseases and lowering blood cholesterol.
Acai Berry Extract Acai fights cancer and disease Acai fights obesity Acai berry boosts the immune system Acai maintains good cholesterol and fights heart disease Acai improves vision Acai promotes more peaceful sleep
Vitamin C Vitamin C is required to keep blood vessels strong and healthy According to Pauling’s theory, the damage caused by scurvy results from mechanical stress in the arteries, especially in regions where there is turbulence or high blood pressure
L-Lysine Degradation of collagen masses is an ongoing process when inflammation occurs or when cancer cells are activated by radicals. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are produced that breaks collagen masses. L-lysine stop the production of MMP.
L-Proline L-lysine and L-proline, two natural amino acids, can prevent the apo(A) adhesive from sticking, serving as a kind of teflon coating L-proline is several times more powerful than L-lysine. These amino acids also assist in shrinking the plaque which is already present
LDL – Non sticky oxidation LDL (a) – Apoprotein. Very sticky Teflon – a layer covering LDL(a) comprising of L- lysine, L-proline and Vitamin C – non sticky anymore High concentration of Vitamin C, plant flavonol and anti-oxidant
CARDIO PLUS 左旋肉碱 L-Carnitine Promotes fats burning as a natural, safe and effective “slimming” substances 促进脂肪 “ 燃烧 ” 的天然 “ 减肥药 ” Consumed will create warm feeling around fatty body Parts and dissolve fatty deposit in artery. Releases gas from cellular combustion of fats. 饮用后,有温烧的感觉,释放脂肪 气体 Doctors recommended to replenish after age 30 years 建议每天服用 随着年龄的增长,脂肪堆积逐渐成为 必然。就是因为体内左旋肉碱含量水 平在逐渐降低 脂肪的 “ 搬运工 ” Diet Fats Transporter
CARDIO PLUS Acai Berries Extract (High Anti- oxidants) ALA Accelerates glucose combustion L-Carnitine Accelerates diet fats breakdown & combustion Stops Atheriosclerosis and Accelerates Fats Burning Faster than normal
Reduces Cholesterol 降低胆固醇 Prevents Arterial Clogging 避免血管组塞 Prevents Artery Hardening 防止血管硬化 Improves Blood Circulation 促进血液循环 Promotes Cardiovascular Health 改善心血管