TH 53 Relocation Project
We have to penetrate large boulders and some of the hardest rock in the world To know what we can get in the ground To know how long it will take to install foundations To determine a cost basis for installation
Determine the best tooling for drilled shaft installation. To determine the most efficient and economical foundation type Apply knowledge to larger contract Help determine preferred alternative
8 Piers, two abutments If drilled shafts, likely 6 drilled shafts per pier = large risk for future contract
One 8’ diameter drilled shaft ◦ No load test Multiple drilled round pile – likely 16” diameter. ◦ Load test at least one Will allow use of appropriate load factors for bridge design (rather than assumed) Use of specific load factor allows for efficiency/savings of foundation design – can reduce # of pile (St. Croix)