2014 Budget Expenditures City of Knoxville, Iowa Presentation by Harold Stewart, City Manager Monday, February 11, 2013
City Council Guiding Principles Balance Budget without Using Utility Franchise Fees Only Commit 50% of LOST (for Downtown Streetscape) Promote and Enhance Economic Development Increased Emphasis on Community Enhancement & Nuisance Abatement
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Operations $ 99,025 $ 112, % Total $ 99,025 $ 112, % Airport Budget Highlights Increased cost for insurance Increase for other capital equipment replacement Requesting $70k from General Fund to match federal grant (approx. $900k)
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 135,355 $ 162, % Operations $ 82,180 $ 33, % Total $ 217,535 $ 195, % Cemetery Budget Highlights Cemetery Laborer III now fully funded in Cemetery – General Fund Completion of fence along north property line at Graceland Cemetery Installation of new entrance signs Will retrofit mowers in FY13 rather than replace. Estimated savings is $40k
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 52,755 $ 63, % Operations $ 22,850 $ 28, % Total $ 75,605 $ 92, % City Clerk Budget Highlights City Clerk salary adjustment Increase to contractual amount for annual audit Purchase of iPad
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 49,243 $ 71, % Operations $ 70,925 $ 169, % Total $ 120,168 $ 240, % City Hall Budget Highlights $11,500 for new PT position at front desk Deputy City Clerk salary adjustment $50,000 for RAGBRAI $10,000 for eCivis grant database $30,000 for Council Chamber renovation
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 154,157 $ 170, % Operations $ 16,450 $ 47, % Total $ 170,607 $ 217, % City Manager, Mayor & Council Budget Highlights Includes $17,500 for City Management Internship (plus benefits) $20,000 for Citywide cleanup event $9,900 for City Council iPads Personnel reduced $15,000 budgeted to support ACM salary
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 357,568 $ 430, % Operations $ 306,300 $ 276, % Total $ 663,868 $ 707, % Fire & Rescue Budget Highlights Includes Fire Chief salary adjustment from hiring process Includes additional personnel and operations costs for FEMA Fire Prevention Grant
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 201,990 $ 214, % Operations $ 179,420 $ 188, % Total $ 381,410 $ 403, % Library Budget Highlights Includes increase in salaries for library employees Additional funding request for utility costs at Gebhardt house Other operating expenditures remain level
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 31,778 $ 33, % Operations $ 388,170 $ 385, % Total $ 419,948 $ 418, % Parks Budget Highlights Increase part-time salaries by 5% to improve service levels in parks Includes $12,000 for outdoor exercise equipment along Competine Trail $28,000 to fund park redevelopment and maintenance ($37k in FY13) Operational expenses includes $300k in REAP grants
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 97,001 $ 62, % Operations $ 23,155 $ 18, % Total $ 120,156 $ 81, % Planning & Zoning Budget Highlights Split Assistant City Manager Position with P&Z, Road Use Tax Fund and Sewer Fund $10,000 to begin streamlining GIS efforts Includes purchase of iPads for Community Enhancement and Building Inspector Additional $11,400 for Community Enhancement
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 1,051,335 $ 1,142, % Operations $ 171,150 $ 172, % Total $ 1,222,485 $ 1,315, % Police Budget Highlights Additional Police Officer through COPS grant which will be offset by increased revenues No significant changes to operational costs
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 110,848 $ 63, % Operations $ 20,545 $ 11, % Total $ 131,393 $ 74, % Public Works Administration Budget Highlights Includes elimination of PW Director position. Assistant City Manager will continue to perform duties Reduction in contractual services, meetings & conferences and other items Assistant City Manager salary, benefits and operational costs will be split across General Fund, Road Use Tax Fund and Sewer Fund
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 303,885 $ 318, % Operations $ 184,732 $ 210, % Total $ 488,617 $ 528, % Recreation Budget Highlights Includes new restroom stalls in men’s and women’s locker rooms Upright bike for cardio room Includes two (2) new treadmills Personnel cost increases for personal training and water classes
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 362,953 $ 377, % Operations $ 1,298,060 $ 1,311, % Total $ 1,661,013 $ 1,689, % Sewer Budget Highlights Personnel increases reflect health plan enrollment change and anticipated salary increases (pending union negotiations) Includes vehicle replacement of old camera truck and guide rails at sewer facility Purchase of 2 iPads Includes increases for electricity/gas, sewer repair, and contract costs Sludge removal savings of $30k in 2013 and $30k in 2014
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Operations $ 45,250 $ 38, % Total $ 45,250 $ 38, % Street Lighting Budget Highlights Used a conservative forecast method to budget. Includes assumption of 11% utility increase
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Personnel $ 341,965 $ 339, % Operations $ 478,890 $ 277, % Total $ 820,855 $ 616, % Streets Department Budget Highlights Includes additional entrance sign for west side of Knoxville Engineering Internship program will assist with Street Pavement Condition Index $2,500 for community enhancement funds including flowers for downtown Replacement of paint striping machine
FY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Operations $ 32,650 $ 29, % Total $ 32,650 $ 29, % Traffic Control & Safety Budget Highlights Includes annual operating costs of municipal street infrastructure (signs, lights, signals, etc.) City must begin purchasing LED bulbs for street lighting, traffic signals and other infrastructure. Budget includes $8,500 for replacement in FY13 and $6,300 in FY14
Total Expenditures – by DeptFY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Airport $ 99,025 $ 112, % Cemetery $ 217,535 $ 195, % City Clerk $ 75,605 $ 92, % City Hall $ 120,168 $ 240, % CM, Mayor & Council $ 170,607 $ 217, % Fire Rescue $ 663,868 $ 707, % Library $ 381,410 $ 403, % Parks $ 419,948 $ 418, % Police $ 1,222,485 $ 1,315, % Recreation $ 488,617 $ 528, % Street Lighting $ 45,250 $ 38, % Planning & Zoning $ 120,156 $ 81, %
Total Expenditures – RUTFFY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Streets $ 820,855 $ 616, % Traffic Control & Safety $ 32,650 $ 29, % Total $ 853,505 $ 646, % Total Expenditures – Sewer Enterprise FundFY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Sewer Operations $ 2,236,213 $ 1,975, % Total $ 2,236,213 $ 1,975, % Total Expenditures – PW AdminFY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Public Works – General Fund $ 30,609 $ 7, % PW Admin – Road Use Tax Fund $ 48,669 $ 21, % PW Admin – Sewer Fund $ 52,115 $ 45, % Total $ 131,393 $ 74, %
General FundFY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Revenues $ 3,595,539 $ 3,920, % Expenditures $ 3,490,218 $ 3,733, % Total $ 105,321 $ 187,196 Local Option Sales Tax FundFY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Revenues $ 695,000 $ 716, % Expenditures $ 1,307,900 $ 453, % Total $ (612,900) $ 262,532 Road Use Tax FundFY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Revenues $ 672,796 $ 687, % Expenditures $ 687,441 $ 662, % Total $ (14,645) $ 24,701 Revenue & Expenditure Comparisons – All Funds
Sewer – All FundsFY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Revenues $ 5,739,512 $ 3,553, % Expenditures $ 6,458,791 $ 3,553, % Total $ (719,279) $ - Airport FundsFY13 BudgetFY14 Proposed% Difference Revenues $ 288,068 $ 947, % Expenditures $ 286,665 $ 947, % Total $ 1,403 $ % Revenue & Expenditure Comparisons – All Funds (cont.)
Council Discussion