Human Biology By Professor: Ali Abdul Hussein S. AL-Janabi Dept. of Clinical laboratories, Collage of AMS, University of Karbala, Iraq
Lecture 1- Cell 1.Types of Cells 2.Cell components 3.Plasma membrane 4.Function of Plasma membrane 5.Cell nucleus 6.Functions of nucleus 7.Cytoplasm 8.Structure of cytoplasm 9.Functions of cytoplasm
Lecture 2- Tissues 1.Cell junctions: 2. Tight junctions 3.Gap junctions 4.Anchoing junction 5.Types of Tissues: 6.Epithelial tissues 7.Functions of Epith. tissues
Lecture 3- Other Tissues 1.Connective tissues 2.Components of CT. 3.Functions of CT. 4.Muscular Tissues 5.Types of muscles 6.Function of Muscular T. 7.Nervous T. 8.Functions of nervous T.
Lecture 4- Human Genetics 1.Definitions 2.Important of Genetics 3.Inheritance patterns of Diseases 4.Huntington's disease 5.Symptoms of Huntington's disease 6.Cystic fibrosis 7.Symptoms of Cystic fibrosis 8.Coffin–Lowry syndrome 9.Symptoms of Coffin–Lowry syndrome 10.Testis determining factor
Lecture 5- Circulatory system 1.Functions of Circulatory system 2.Cardiovascular system 3.Heart 4.Compositions of Heart 5.Blood vessels 6.Types of blood vessels 7.Arteries 8.Veins 9.Comparison between Artery and vein 10.Capillaries 11.Functions of Capillaries
Lecture 6- Circulatory system 1.Blood 2.Functions of Blood 3.Plasma 4.Blood cells 5.Red blood cells (RBC) 6.White blood cells (WBC) 7.Types of WBC 8.Neutrophils 9.Eosinophils 10. Basophils 11.Agranulocytes: Lymphocytes & monocytes 12.Platelets (thrombocytes) 13.Blood circulation 14.Systemic system
Lecture 7- lymphatic system 1.Functions of lymphatic system. 2.Lymphatic organs 3.Lymphatic vessels 4.Lymphatic circulation
Lecture 8- Digestive System 1.Mouth 2.Tongue 3.Salivary Glands 4.Pharynx (Throat) 5.Esophagus 6.Stomach 7.Small Intestine 8.Pancreas 9.Liver 10.Functions of Liver 11.Large Intestine
Lecture 9- Digestion 1.Food journey: 2.Mouth 3.Pharynx and esophagus 4.Stomach 5.Small Intestine 6.Large Intestine 7.Nutrients breakdown
Lecture 10 - Respiratory System 1.Needs for breath 2.Components 3.Upper Respiratory Tract: 4.Nasal Cavity 5.Pharynx 6.Larynx 7.lower Respiratory Tract: 8.Trachea 9.Bronchi 10.Bronchioles 11.Lungs 12.Diaphragm 13.Inspiration 14.Expiration