POPULATION OVERVIEW 10/ 2 & 5 TURN-IN HWTURN-IN HW: My Material World WARM-UP:WARM-UP: Stork & Reaper VID CLIPVID CLIP: How Did We Get To 7 Billion So Fast ACTIVITY: Oh How We’ve Grown! VID CLIP:VID CLIP: Heartbeat Video VOCABVOCAB: Population Terms VID CLIP: 200 Years in 5 Minutes VID CLIP: Urbanization
What is causing the human population to expand so quickly? LONGER LIFE EXPECTANCY
Today world population is estimated to be 7.3+ BILLION people – the most in human history! !
7, 279, 519, 131 World Population at 10:18 AM 10/2/15
Which continent has the largest population??? ASIA Bottom of page 2 of your Unit 3 Review
1.Improved Agriculture (more food = less starvation) 2.Improved Sanitation (better hygiene = less disease) 3.MODERN MEDICINE (antibiotics & vaccines= less disease) INCREASE LIFE EXPECTANCY How Did We Get 7.3 Billion?
2 Ways to Stabilize the World Population 1.Educate Girls = increased career choices & status for women, delaying marriage 2.Improved healthcare so families feel confident all their children will survive to adulthood
LIFE EXPECTANCY The number of years on average a person from that country could expect to live. The number of years on average a person from that country could expect to live. Another way to see how strong/weak a country’s health care is. Another way to see how strong/weak a country’s health care is.
INFANT MORTALITY RATE Number of infants who die per every thousand births in that country. Number of infants who die per every thousand births in that country. Gives you insight into how strong/weak a country’s healthcare system is. Gives you insight into how strong/weak a country’s healthcare system is.
CARRYING CAPACITY Number of organisms a piece of land can support without negative effect
POPULATION DENSITY Dense Sparse The average number of people who live in a measurable area.
REPLACEMENT RATE Birth rate at which a population neither increases nor decreases Below Replacement Rate Above Replacement Rate At Replacement Rate
URBANIZATION The process of people moving from rural to urban areas.
RATE of NATURAL INCREASE Birth Rate – Death Rate (w/o factoring in immigrations) for the most recent year available Birth Rate – Death Rate (w/o factoring in immigrations) for the most recent year available Shows how fast/slow a country’s population is growing... usually countries that grow faster are less developed and countries that grow slower are more developed
Demonstration of Activities: Global Family
North America = 352 (5%) Population per Region (in millions) Distribution for class of 27 students Latin America = 606 (9%) Europe = 740 (11%) Africa = 1,100 (15%) Asia = 4,302 (60%)
Birth/Death Rate (per 1,000) & Growth Rate North America 0.4% Latin America 1.3% Europe 0% Africa 2.6% Asia 1.1%
Food for Thought Population Demographics North America Latin America EuropeAfricaAsia Population (in millions – 2011) ,1004,300 Birth Rate (per 1,000) Death Rate (per 1,000) Growth Rate (natural increase) Doubling Time (in years)
Food for Thought Quality of Life Indicators North America Latin America EuropeAfricaAsia Adult literacy rate (Men/Women) 96/9593/9299/9971/5488/77 Fertility Rate Infant Mortality Rate (per 1,000) Life Expectancy Access to adequate Sanitation (Urban/Rural) 100/9983/6194/8854/3177/45 1 Midwife or Nurse per # of people
Food for Thought Land Use Patterns North America Latin America EuropeAfricaAsia Urban population Arable Land (acres/person)
Arable Land (acres/person) & Urban to Rural Ratio North America 79% Urban 19% Rural 81% Urban 40% Urban 46% Urban 21% Rural 29% Rural 60% Rural 54% Rural Latin America Africa Asia Europe 1.5 acres/ person 0.5 acres/ person 0.9 acres/ person 0.6 acres/ person 0.3 acres/ person
Food for Thought Energy Use and Wealth North America Latin America EuropeAfricaAsia Per capita energy consumption (barrels of oil equivalent) Per capita GDP$49,804$9,449$27,242$1,755$5,441
North America Per Capita Energy Consumption (barrels of oil equivalent) Latin America 54 bbl/person 10 bbl/person Europe 27 bbl/person Africa 3 bbl/person Asia 10 bbl/person 1 match = 1 barrel of oil
Per Capita GDP North America Latin America Europe Africa Asia $49, candies $27, candies 1 candy = $1,000 $1,755 2 candies $9,449 9 candies $5,441 5 candies
1._______________ _______________ (______ _______ = _________ __________) 2. _______________ _______________ (______ _______ = _________ __________) (______ _______ = _________ ____ __________) *3. _______________ ____________ (______ _______ = _________ ____ __________) How Did We Get 7.2 Billion? Name ______________________ Period ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ What are 2 ways to stabilize the world population?