Cyber-bullying is "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others". As it has become more common in society, particularly among young people, legislation and awareness campaigns have arisen to combat it. Credited to:
The practice of cyber-bullying is not only kids and, while the behavior may seem childish, there are adults that partake in this as well. the difference in age groups is sometimes referred to as cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment when perpetrated by adults toward adults, this can lead to comment along the basis of sex. Common tactics used by cyber-stalkers are to vandalize a search engine or encyclopedia, to threaten a victim's earnings, employment, reputation, or safety, ego, or mind set. A repeated pattern of such actions against a target by an adult constitutes cyber-stalking.cyber-stalkingcyber-harassment
Cyber stalking is a crime in which the attacker harasses a victim using electronic communication, such as e mail or (IM), or messages posted to a Web site or a chat site, a discussion group
Cyber books: By: Felicia Donovan; Kristyn Bernier
By: Don Tapscott Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Never reveal your home address. Password protect all accounts including cell phones, land lines, s, banking and credit cards with a secure password that would be difficult for anyone to guess. Never give out your Social Security Number unless you are absolutely sure of who is asking for it and why.
By: Craig S. Wright Publisher: Syngress This book has every- thing you need to know
If you are leaving a partner, spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend reset every single password on all of your accounts to something they cannot guess. If you think you have a cyberstalker, move fast.
Cyber harassment and cyber stalking are often used synonymously to describe the actions of persons who relentlessly pursue others online with the intention of frightening or embarrassing the victim. Sometimes a harasser intends to teach the victim a lesson or solicit information from the victim, and stalkers generally want revenge or attention.harassmentstalking
echnology- management/ echnology- management/ enceagainstwomen/a/CyberPrevention. htm enceagainstwomen/a/CyberPrevention. htm ng+Facts&qsrc=6&o=16633&l=snd ng+Facts&qsrc=6&o=16633&l=snd cyber-harassment.htm