Page 1 AERES at IPSL : February, 3-4, 2014 The ESPRI project IPSL thematics: illustration of new perspectives February, 3-4, 2014 Marie-Alice Foujols Cathy.


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Presentation transcript:

Page 1 AERES at IPSL : February, 3-4, 2014 The ESPRI project IPSL thematics: illustration of new perspectives February, 3-4, 2014 Marie-Alice Foujols Cathy Boonne, Sophie Cloché, Franck Corsini, Sébastien Denvil, Nathalie Poulet, Karim Ramage and more 18/06/2016

Page 2 Institut Pierre Simon Laplace Page 2 AERES at IPSL : February, 3-4, 2014 Current situation  Large ensemble of environmental datasets  Databases and Data distribution organized by different projects  National thematic data centres : ETHER, CEXII  Satellite observations : IASI, MeghaTropiques, GOSAT, CFMIP-obs  Field Campaign experiments and long term observations : AMMA, Mistrals (HyMeX, CharMeX), MEGAPOLI, STRAPOLETE, NDACC/France, SIRTA  Climate simulations – Prodiguer : CMIP5, CORDEX, PMIP, Obs4MIPs, OCMIP5, GeoMIP, EUCLIPSE, TAMIP How to make progress in science ? The ESPRI project AMMA

Page 3 Institut Pierre Simon Laplace Page 3 AERES at IPSL : February, 3-4, 2014 IPSL services  IPSL services :  Data distribution  Data analyses  IPSL production, IPSL added value  Data concentration (synchro_data)  Services organized for IPSL scientists :  bottom up approach,  data and tools for thesis and scientific studies  Multidisciplinary approach : observations, simulations  Partially open for close cooperation The ESPRI project ETHER

Page 4 Institut Pierre Simon Laplace Page 4 AERES at IPSL : February, 3-4, 2014 Shared Data & Compute Infrastructure : mesocentre  Compute nodes, Data storage, Network, Software, Virtualisation  Modular architecture, virtual machines  Financed by projects :  scientific projects : G8, FP7, ANR, CNRS INSU, CNES, CNRS MI, GIS, IPSL, UPMC, X, …  infrastructure projects : isENES1, isENES2,  Near scientists for close cooperation (scientific based priorities)  IPSL part of HPC ecosystem  Budget  Averaged  300k€/year The ESPRI project CLIMSERV CICLAD-ISIS

Page 5 Institut Pierre Simon Laplace Page 5 AERES at IPSL : February, 3-4, 2014 ManPower  Large ensemble of expertise :  system architecture  system and network administrator  middleware software developer : development, test, deployment, operation, evolution  data management  data experts : technic & scientific  IPSL team : 6 short term contract, 7 CNRS  Next priorities :  1 IE CNRS 2014 : middleware software  On the list : 1 IR data expert for climate  Next year : 1 IR data expert for observational datasets valorisation The ESPRI project ESG IPSL

Page 6 Institut Pierre Simon Laplace Page 6 AERES at IPSL : February, 3-4, 2014 Organisation proposed for  ESPRI-T : Regular technical meeting : each 2 months, with notes, budget, actions  Planned technical coordination. Next actions in 2014 :  Network bandwidth improvement between UPMC, X, Guyancourt and national centres.  Connexion interoperability : LDAP/login  Easy access to remote files : NFS like  Software convergence (OS, tools, compiler, …)  Efficient Data projects : shared project information, planning and priorities  Access to IPSL mesocentre for IPSL external :  contract,  level of services,  type of support, … The ESPRI project

Page 7 Institut Pierre Simon Laplace Page 7 AERES at IPSL : February, 3-4, 2014 Summary  Data activities : preparation, distribution, analyses, expertise  Mesocentre : compute, storage, network, virtualisation  Close contact with scientific projects  Virtuous circle : projects and infrastructures for science  Motivated expert people The ESPRI project