Introduce myself What are we going to try to cover Voicethread accounts – free & Educator Inspiration = higher order learning, and confidence in factual.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduce myself What are we going to try to cover Voicethread accounts – free & Educator Inspiration = higher order learning, and confidence in factual knowledge, from discussion, preparation and improvement Introductions on Voicethread Presentation on Voicethread (graphs work) Collaboration (selling toys - chemistry coins) Y12 Assessment ( using review questions) Assessment Extra: Ipad app Saving using Jing

Presented by: David Faure

I teach Bio & Science in Toulouse, France All my students bring a laptop to lessons So I’m keen to make good use of ICT. Father of three My Blog: -

This webinar will explore using VT as an alternative to PowerPoint to explain a concept or skill promoting student participation through collaborative, interactive projects creating alternatives to written assessments of students Demonstrate how to build a VoiceThread and Invite participants to comment on it during the live session. Sign up for a free VoiceThread account… there is still time.

The Free account at VoiceThread helps you get started. 3 VoiceThreads at-a-time with up to 50 slides each, unlimited voice and text comments, and a webcam commenting storage limit 3 minutes of phone commenting (in USA),

The VT Educator account is a free upgrade available to K-12 educators. Advantages over free account: 50 VoiceThreads - not just 3 Comments can be uploaded as audio files - not just recorded ‘live’ VT Educator - not easy to find.

Introduction to Voicethread Basics 04/introduction-to-voicethread.html Voicethread guru Especially in Further education And with the subscription account Nice Information sheet:

Getting started Cookies, Networks, Audio & video Overlaps in Powerpoint Student hesitation Groundrules – safety and trust

This voicethread is public, - Anyone can view it but it is not listed by voicethread. - I will not use the slides or the comments anywhere else. Please do add a comment to say; « hello » to us all where in the world you are, and your favourite type of cup cake.

Personal introductions for online courses. Presentations with slides and audio. Assessment tasks using text and audio commentaries. Brainstorming - Problem solving. Explaining processes.

Digital story telling Support for ESL students Language learning Collaborating between schools Engaging students in dialogue on an issue Commentary on a Poem Student e-portfolios

Have you ever wanted students to remember what you said during a presentation? Or read your notes handouts?

See what you think.? It forced me to take my time, Students had time to take notes, and also thay had access to the voicethread after. I prepared the slides in advance – then talked into a mic in class, recording each comment on the slides

Promoting dialogue: Brainstorm ideas Constructing understanding after factual learning. Ground rules will help students to feel safer about commenting.

Blooms taxonomy helps us to think of higher order skills, sometimes it helps to focus on the first steps Especially in the first slides

An attempt to engage students in simultanious discussions after a chemistry experiment… This led to an idea of Experiment write ups on voicethread, using an interactive whiteboard and just the teacher logon … with several VT identities.

Ask students to work in your usual way Prepare slides on Voicethread Invite groups of students to participate at the whiteboard in turn. Use one account and different Identities. Homework could be for the class to add further comments.

Advantages Simplifies technical difficulties Students participate at the whiteboard in turn. Other students are occupied. Students use different identities within the Teacher’s VoiceThread account.

I have uploaded.  A Photo of the ingredients  Photos of making the muffins  A finished Muffin  Evaluation questions  HYPERLINK is in the back channel  - u b i u b i

Helping students prepare to participate on Voicethread. Fact sheets ‘What to say’ templates to fill in before talking ‘How to reply’ s to encourage positive dialogue

My Children Are Selling Some ToysMy Children Are Selling Some Toys (5 pages) Click the link above to view and participate in the VoiceThread. Making comments is really simple and you can delete and re-record as many times as you like. If you are viewing this on iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch and you have the VoiceThread app installed, tap here to view this VoiceThread on your device.

Two Examples: 14yr olds what happened in the lab today 17yr olds Review questions / with moderation Visuals work well….. Make some cup cake assessment activity – how many cakes can you name assessment Voicethread.

Discuss improvements Try it ourselves. - DEMO - Moderating comments, DEMO – set up a voicethread assessment using three slides: naming cup cakes, explanation – making muffins, and opinion of best cake. For participants to experience ….

Make use of the comments and discussions if you can in future lesson. Give students chance to feedback on the last slide. Smiley faces ?

My Blog: Recent post about Voicethread Basics 04/introduction-to-voicethread.html 04/introduction-to-voicethread.html Twitter

Top Tips for success. Check your Network & Security settings allow website access to microphone and webcam look at the VT Network Requirements, or pass them to your network administrator.Network Requirements Test your volume settings before recording comments. (right click over VT- choose settings) Avoid overlaps between Powerpoint images and words ( or use pdf ) Students copying and pasting vast blocks of text as a comment Student shyness about talking into a microphone Upgrade to free "educator VT" to get 50 free Voicethreads. Join in conversations at the beginning. Give students chance to plan their contributions before speaking. (nice handout)nice handout If you want to avoid risks yourself let the students upload the images for you.

I’m going to try to demo… making a voicethread « Live » I’ll use this image Make the voicethread Post a link in the back channel and ask you to say hello by commenting on the slide.