Unifying Classroom Management How to get what we need out of our students, together!
Our Goal The most successful teams work cohesively as a unit. We must create a consistent, unified approach to classroom management. This approach will provide students with the identical policies and rules in each classroom. Practice makes perfect.
Classroom Management not Discipline Management. Classroom management is about organization, structure, clear expectations, and preparation.
Organization (Teacher) Have the room set up the way you want it before the students enter. Make sure your library is set up in a way that makes it easy to find books. Have your worksheets copied before class begins. Promptly meet students at the door before your class begins and usher them in.
Clear expectations (Students) Students should be ready-Prepared for class with all materials and ready to work. Students should be responsible-Working to the best of their ability, reflecting on work. Students should be respectful-They should carry themselves with respect, respect the teacher and their classmates.
Structures Maintain consistent and definite systems that students need to follow Uphold classroom rules (no more than 5) that are direct and to the point. For example: 1: One person speaks at a time 2: Raise your hand and wait to be called on 3: Do not get out of your seat without permission 4: Keep your hands and feet to yourself; no horse playing 5: Show respect
Preparation Prepare a lesson plan for every single class and have it readily available Use data to drive your instruction Grade assignments and return in a timely manner
A few reasons why students misbehave Lesson is too difficult Lesson is too easy Lesson is not engaging; they cannot connect
School Wide Procedures To get all students to stop talking and to listen to you-Teachers should raise their hand signaling to the students that they should raise their hand and stop talking. Noise Level-Each teacher will be given three signs indicating the appropriate noise level that should be heard in the class when the respective sign is displayed.
Using Responsibility Centered Discipline Give’em Five Support – Use supportive statements that connect to your relationship with the student or identify a strength that she possesses. Expectation – Let the student know the expectation you have for him in the class. Breakdown – Communicate where you see the expectation breaking down or failing to be met. Benefit – Tell the student how meeting the expectation benefits them. Closure – Determine whether the situation has been resolved or whether the conversation is at a place where you can feel comfortable moving on.
Anecdotal The recording of negative student behavior in the classroom. Go to Skedula.com, click on anecdotal, and then click on new anecdotal upper right hand corner. Determine the category of the incident. Write a detailed explanation of the situation.
Calling a Dean Calling a Dean should be a last resort! When things are not going smooth reflect, reflect, reflect and ask for help. Grounds for removal: If a student or students seriously interferes with the ability of the teacher to teach the class or other students to learn. Classroom removal includes inappropriate physical contact, inappropriate verbal conduct and sexual or other harassments.
Late to Class Policy Allow students to enter the class. Teachers should stamp the students agenda book. Write up students on skedula. Per semester-3 lateness=1 hour detention 5 lateness or more=2 hour detention Dean’s will pick up students who have detention last period. Teachers should not assign a school wide detention.