Cities of Vesuvius The Nature of Sources
Physical Environment Pompeii is located in Campania. The River Sarno flows through the area from east to west into the bay. The area is very fertile – aided by volcanic soil! Vesuvius has erupted more than 70 times since AD79.
Resources Due to the fertile soil farmers grew crops such as barley, wheat, vegetables, grapevines and wine, olives. Fish life was abundant. Many animals were raised such as goals, and sheep. They were also able to mix cement and make their own pots.
Discoveries Both towns were discovered by accident. Pompeii – when workmen were digging a canal uncovered wall paintings. Herculaneum - during the digging of a well workmen found marble fragments belonging to the Theatre. Early excavations were basically treasure hunting!
Giuseppe Fiorelli Was the Superintendent of Pompeii and Herculaneum in the 1860’s. Made the plaster casts Made a grid of the city to locate finds Made archaeologists keep a day book of the site. Most significant contributions to the development of the site.
Giuseppe Fiorelli
Nature of Sources Written Evidence Graffito Inscriptions Letters Tombstones Scrolls of Papyri
What does this Graffito tell us? Entertainment Role of Slaves Rooms for rent Gladiators were heartthrobs Competition with Nuceria Political slogans Various guilds Hunts were on Insults Love messages Philosophy Religion and politics
Nature of Sources Archaeological Evidence Buildings – private and public Household equipment Pictures and mosaics Cooking and medical equipment Jewellery and glassware Human remains