VISION FOR A FARM OF TOMORROW OR RURAL AREA OF TOMORROW Karel Charvat, Pavel Gnip, Premysl Vohnout, Karel Charvat jr.
Experiences and results based on: IST - AFRICA 2011 and also some personal experiences
Agriculture and Rural are changing The agriculture sector is a unique sector due to its strategic importance for both citizens (consumers) economy (regional and global) IST - AFRICA
Farming products Basic Food – cereals, fruits, vegetables,.. Energy - (yes or not?) Services – tourisms, Other Public goods – environment, landscape. Social goods – employment in rural areas IST - AFRICA
External drivers Climate changes Demographic (Growing population, Urbanisation and land abandonment) Energy cost New demands on quality of food (Food quality and safety, Aging population and health problems Ethnical and cultural changes) IST - AFRICA
External drivers Innovative drivers (Knowledge based bio economy, Research and development, Information and communication, Education, Investment) Policies (Subsidies, Standardisation and regulation, National strategies for rural development) Economy (Economical instruments, Partnerships, Cooperation and Integration and voluntary agreements) IST - AFRICA
External drivers Sustainability and environmental issue (Valuation of ecological performances, Development of sustainable agriculture) Public opinion (Press, International Organisation, Politicians) IST - AFRICA
Opposite requirements Food quality and safety versus Food requirements for growing population Growing requirements for food versus Renewable energy production technologies Renewable production energy demand versus Demand on more environmentally friendly production IST - AFRICA
Role of knowledge management systems The objective of knowledge management is to help farmers to be competitive on the market in the sense of required products, quality and amount, to react on changes on the market political changes and changes of related rules, to respect requirements about environment protection, climatologically changes. It is also important to produce with the long term goal of farm sustainability IST - AFRICA
Levels of information Macro level, which includes management of external information, for example about market, subsidies system, weather prediction, global market and traceability systems, etc) Farm level, which include for example economical systems, crop rotation, decision supporting system Field level including precision farming, collection of information about traceability and in the future also robotics IST - AFRICA
Levels of informations IST - AFRICA
What are current research focus and what are main influence Currently research in developed World is mainly focused on field level, eventually farm level In practice, it could influenced farm profit in range of 30 percent Possibilities to use macro level or external information could influence farmers profitability in hundreds percent For example right selection of crops etc. So it is evident, that focus has to be in future on work with external information IST - AFRICA
Cologne declaration Defined key objectives for the agri-food and rural Digital Agenda for 2020; Support for the development of future internet technologies and the internet of things; Support for social networking to reach consensus about future environmental, economical and social priorities of agri-food and rural strategies; The initiation of a continuous e-conference of all stakeholders to define a clear future strategy and priorities; IST - AFRICA
Cologne declaration Support for new ICT and knowledge-based solutions supporting the development of future generations of rural businesses; Support the development of knowledge technologies to guarantee, in the future, high quality food production; Open public discussion on how to solve future problems and to secure food production versus the production of energy and environmental benefits IST - AFRICA
Cologne declaration Full text you can read on ction=article&presenter=ArticleDetail ction=article&presenter=ArticleDetail or you can discuss it with us on ?goback=.gmp_ gde_ _me mber_ ?goback=.gmp_ gde_ _me mber_ IST - AFRICA
Farming as social networking Future agriculture and rural sector could be consider as a network of interacting organisations IST - AFRICA “Informal” environment (IE) Farmer Friends Neighbours Community Personal attributes: - Education - Experience - Age.. Farm characteristics: - Farm size - Crops - Soils.. … Family Colleagues Managemen t firms Farmer union Market … Consultants Agri. policy Communication Cooperation 7
Farming as social networking Focus on: communication (important actors, media used) cooperation (among farmers, to the wider agricultural sector) Joint investment Subcontractors (PF farm operations, outsourcing of data analysis) Influence of farm on forms of C&C Role of “data synergies” for adoption IST - AFRICA
COIN Open Agriculture Services Open Agriculture Service (OAS) is to improve collaboration among farming sector. The solution is based on currently used Software as a Service (SaaS) services platform Prefarm The Prefarm platform is currently used mainly for preparing recommendations for variable fertilisation. The solution also currently supports only static collaboration relation IST - AFRICA
COIN contribution Two services as the most suitable use cases for the COIN projects have been identified: Tactical planning for next seasons and during season - the main goal of tactical planning is to recommend optimal production and land use to maximize expected profit – the methods of mathematical and economical modelling are used Search for provider of machineries - the main purpose of Search for provider of machineries use case is to enable farmer to search for machinery providers in his region. Some farmers can act in both roles on supply side as machinery provider and in other case on demand side as customer IST - AFRICA
African reality African rural community interaction is better then interaction of rural community inside of Europe – this is advantage in comparison with Europe (my personal experiences with rural tourism) Disadvantage generally is communication infrastructure. Currently is available relatively well developed mobile communication infrastructure, but basic internet infrastructure is on lower level (there are also big differences among countries inside of Africa) IST - AFRICA
African reality It is necessary to be focused on hybrid solution combining classical internet solution with communication using mobile telephones It is necessary to be focused on training, dissemination, ICT take up, presentation of best practicies IST - AFRICA
NaturNet Portal IST - AFRICA
NaturNet Portal IST - AFRICA
Thank you for your attention IST - AFRICA 2011