ChPT tests at NA62 Mauro Raggi, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati On behalf of the NA62 collaboration X Th quark confinement and hadron spectrum Tum campus, Munich 8-12 October
Outline NA48/2 and NA62 experiments at CERN SPS K ± ChPT studies history in NA48/2 NA62 measurement of K ± (new preliminary) NA62 K ± e analysis (in progress) Ongoing investigations Conclusion Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 2
NA48/2 & NA62-R K detector Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 3 Spectrometer - 4 Drift Chambers + Magnet LKr EM calorimeter Muon veto system NA48/2 data taking Six months in ’03 ‘04 (K ± ) (60±3) GeV beam NA62-R K data taking: Four months in 2007 (mostly K + only) (74±1.4) GeV beam NA62 data taking: Two years starting from 2014? (K + data)
NA62 experiment K + Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 4 Increase intensity of existing NA48/2 beam line by a factor 50 produce an unseparated 75-GeV K + beam: ~750 MHz beam ~ 50 MHz K + ~6 MHz decay in a 60m fiducial volume Collect 5x10 12 Kaon decays/year Tot length 270 m
The ChPT weak chiral lagrangian Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 5 The basic S=1 O(p 4 ) chiral lagrangian can be written as: 37 poorly known N i coefficients and W i operators Combinations of such couplings are accessible by measuring Kaon decays branching fractions and form factors NA48/2 and NA62 have access all the charged modes in the table with very high precision K2 K + K
History of NA48/2 ChPT tests Radiative decays: K ± EPJC 68 (2010) First measurement the DE and INT terms: Access to the chiral parameters (N 14 -N 15 -N 16 -N 17 ) K ± e + e - PLB659 (2008) First BR measurement and first determination of ĉ (N 14 -N 15 -2N 18 ) Non radiative decays: K ± e ± EPJC70 (2010) , PLB 715 (2012) Determination of the s-wave scattering length K ± e + e -, K ± PLB 677 (2009) , PLB 697 (2011) ) Discrimination among ChPT models Access to (N 14 -N 15 ) parameters Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 6
K decay theory The leading O(p 4 ) contribution is given by A(z,ĉ) (loops) which is responsible for a cusp at m = m 2 C (WZW) corresponds to ~10% of A at O(p 4 ) B, D = O(p 4 ) The ĉ value can be related to fundamental ChPT parameters: Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 7 In the ChPT framework the differential rate of the decay K ± (p) ± (p 3 ) (q 1 ) (q 2 ) process (no O(p 2 ) contribution) is: [Ecker, Pich, de Rafael, Nucl. Phys. B303 (1988), 665] [D’Ambrosio, Portoles, PLB 386 (1996), 403] relevant low m Weak Chiral Lagrangian QCD loop and counterterms
K decay, ChPt O(p 4 ) vs O(p 6 ) 8 ChPT O(p 4 ) ChPT O(p 6 ) O(p 6 ) loop amplitude correction, evaluated from K3 O(p 4 ) O(p 6 ) A gets y dependence, sizable correction to d /d z for z <z + Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati [D’Ambrosio, Portolés, PLB386 (1996) 403] O(p 6 ) unitarity corrections may increase the BR by 30÷40%
Present PDG average based on: E787 (1997): BR = (1.10 ± 0.32)× candidates, 5 exp. Bkg ĉ value = 1.6 ± 0.6 O(p 4 ) = 1.8 ± 0.6 O(p 6 ) K decay experimental status 9 Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati NA48/2 main data set preliminary 2003/2004: measurement hindered by low trigger efficiency. Abandoned! New strategy: minimum bias trigger samples from NA48/2 and NA62. 2004 data taking (3 days special minimum bias run) 2007 data taking (3 month control trigger downscaled by 20) [PRL79 (1997) 4079]
Minimum bias data samples Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati : special run (3 days) NA48/2 2007: 3 months trigger downscaled (D≈20) NA62 candidates 147 BG( 11.0±0.8 BG( 5.9±0.7 Signal ( ) 130±12 candidates 175 BG( 11.1±1.0 BG( 1.3±0.3 Signal ( ) 163±13 ~300 candidates 10 times the present world sample
ChPT fit O(p 6 ) Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 11 background limits sensitivity to z ≥ data NA48/2 z = (M /M K ) data NA62 z = (M /M K ) 2 ChPT O(p 4 ): ĉ = 1.36 ± 0.34 ChPT O(p 6 ): ĉ = 1.67 ± 0.40 ChPT O(p 4 ): ĉ = 1.71 ± 0.30 ChPT O(p 6 ): ĉ = 2.21 ± 0.32
Fit results combined samples Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 12 BR( K ) = (1.01 ± 0.06)·10 –6 (NA62-RK+NA48/2 model dependent) ĉ preliminary results for combined samples (NA48/2 and NA62-RK) : Fit to ChPT O(p 4 ): ĉ = 1.56(22) stat (7) syst = 1.56(23) Fit to ChPT O(p 6 ): ĉ = 2.00(24) stat (9) syst = 2.00(26) ChPT O(p 4 ) vs O(p 6 ) models cannot be discriminated so far. Discrimination can be reached by NA62 (~50K-100K events potential) Preliminary E787: BR = (1.10 ± 0.32)×10 -6
K e e decay The decay K e e is highly helicity suppressed (m e 2 /m 2 )≈10 -5 IB of electron or kaon is a pure QED process (very well known) The SD transition is not helicity suppressed as the e ± . SD+ and SD : same order as IB INT: negligible Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 13 K+K+ e+e+ e K+K+ e+e+ e IB SD s sese ss pp p pepe SD + : positive helicity SD : negative helicity s sese ss pp p pepe
Decay rate theory and experiments Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 14 At O(e 2 p 4 ), FF’s F V and F A are constant, O(e 2 p 6 ) F V has a slope : f SD+, f SD- known functions of kinematics F V, F A vector and axial form factors KLOE measurement 2009 1484±64 events for E* >10 MeV and p* e >200 MeV: (SD )/ (SD ) ~ 4% with 1500 cts, bkg contributes to error No sensitivity to SD Fair agreement with Pt O(p 4 ) Data favour slope for F V, = 0.38(20) sta (2) syst, but can’t state >2 EPJC 64 (2009) 627
K e e decay NA62 analsys Selection of SD component, many steps common to the R K analysis , Ke3 backgrounds photon explicitly detected + tighter e PID ~10K events with P* e >234 MeV, ~ 7% acc., ~5% bkg Analysis in progress, plan is to perform a model-independent FF measurement Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 15 Very preliminary
Next to come… K ± e + e As other radiative decays K ± e + e is long-distance dominated: Electric interference can be used to confirm the measurement made in Magnetic interference is genuine ee and can be used to extract the sign of the magnetic term. P violating observables in the dilepton pair coupling can be used to access short distance physics using K + only (NA62) Charge asymmetry not contaminated by indirect CP violation (as in K 0 ) Never observed so far: Few thousand candidates already identified in NA48/2 data sample Up to ~100K can be expected in NA62 Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 16 EPJC (2012) 72:1872
Conclusion NA48/2 and NA62 gave an important contribution to ChPT test at low energies measuring kaon decays: , e + e e ± v e, ± e + e , Recent preliminary result has been released on : BR( K ) = (1.01 ± 0.06)·10 –6 ĉ = 1.56(22) stat (7) syst = 1.56(23) O(p 4 ) FIT ĉ = 2.00(24) stat (9) syst = 2.00(26) O(p 6 ) FIT Advanced analysis is in progress in the e + e SD channel Improved precision in all the channels is possible in the NA62 At least 1 order of magnitude higher statistics (1x10 13 K + in 2 years) Better particle ID and photon rejection Due to trigger bandwidth not all decays will be collected Any theoretical input on interesting measurements is welcome Mauro Raggi, INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 17