Global Science experimental Data hub Center April 25, 2016 Seo-Young Noh Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities.


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Presentation transcript:

Global Science experimental Data hub Center April 25, 2016 Seo-Young Noh Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities2/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 Contents 1.WLCG Tier-1 Status 2.KiAF, CMS 3.Plans (Network & CMS Tier-2) 4.Conclusions

WLCG Tier-1 Status

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities4/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 WLCG Tier-1 Infrastructure 3,488 Job slots, 3PB Storage, 10Gbps fully connected Services SAN-based Storage KISTI  CERN Network Performance Monitoring Lightweight workloads performed by virtual machines Lightweight workloads performed by virtual machines

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities5/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 Computing Jobs Max 3,488 concurrent jobs (84 nodes x 32 cores, 10.5 HS06/core) (20 nodes x 40 cores, 11.4 HS06/core) = 37 kHS06 Meet the pledge of 2016 ~ 2500 More than 2.61 million jobs during last 6 months KISTI, 3.19% ~ 3300 Special Requests from ALICE, 3GB/job → 6GB/job KISTI Tier-1 has been providing reliable and stable service Reduced the computing slots into half

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities6/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 Storage(Disk) ■1500TB (Disk)  XRootD based Data Handling (1 redirector + 10 storage nodes) Storage status for last 3 years TB used Gradual increase of disk usage after 310TB data transmission March 2016 → June 2013 > 99% Availability in reading and writing Disk Usage 88% 1,465 TB used May 2015 LHC RUN2 Data Acquisition Tape Disk

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities7/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 Storage (Tape) Tape 1.5PB Cache Pool 600TB XRootD(400TB)+GPFS(200TB) Tape Pool (XRootD) Service Servers GPFS/TSM Server (XRootD  Tape) ■1500TB (Tape)  1,465TB ALICE Raw Data Stored  ~800TB RUN2 Data Transferred  400 Tapes (4TB each)  8 Tape Drivers with 2GB/s Throughput Using Disk-based Cache to speed up the read/write from tape system Plan to add more tape media and increase the capacity to 2.5PB this year Almost Full!!

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities8/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 Site Availability/ Reliability  Monthly target is 97% in WLCG  Right on the track for stable and reliable service Keeping top most quality of services ReliabilityAvailability Overall in 2015Last 6 monthsOverall in 2015Last 6 months ALICE100 %99.8 %98 %99 % Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.Jan. 2016Feb Reliability Availability ■Summary ■Monthly Availability/ Reliability (%) Participating in WLCG operation meeting once a week, reporting operation related issues Participating in WLCG operation meeting once a week, reporting operation related issues


Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities10/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 KiAF (KISTI Analysis Farm) ■Dedicated to Korean ALICE community  192 Cores with 176TB  HTCondor, XRootD, CVMFS ( 8 nodes SSH(Private Key) Submission Node Central Manager PROOF Master XRootD Header Execution Node PROOF Salve XRootD Server ROOT pod-submit … condor_submit … KiAF Tutorial  Annual evernt, available upon requests  Used for a communication channel for heavy users  Annual evernt, available upon requests  Used for a communication channel for heavy users

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities11/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 CMS Linked to all Tier-1s and some Tier-2s bidirectional way Monthly 42,000 jobs done Monthly 42,000 jobs done 183TB data stored Mostly used by top group Storage 400TB → 500TB Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on 3.0T 1.4T 1.7T 44% /cms/home 400T 346T 35T 86.5% /cms/data 10T 8.5T 1.6T 85% /cms/scratch 1.5T 496G 940G 35% /tmp_cms

Plans (Network & CMS Tier-2)

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities13/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 LHCOPN operation change (after September, 2016) Dedicated 10Gbps Protected 10Gbps G GLORIAD KISTI  CERN network will be fully managed by KISTI network team For stable and smooth service transition, service will be tested for at least one month. Commercial KISTI

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities14/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 Asia Tier Center Forum Registration Opening Site Reports TEIN ESNet Plan of 2016 Agreement between TEIN and GLORIAD for routing information exchange  2 nd ATCF in Thailand  Forum regulation  Secretariat Office at KISTI Steering wheel to solve common issues of Asia Tier centers 10 Tier Centers, ESnet, TEIN, KREONET, CERN

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities15/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 Inter-operation between GLORIAD-TEIN KISTI(KR) ↔ PAKGRID (PK) KISTI Daejeon Tokyo Singapore PAKGRID (PK) KREONET TRANSPAC PACIFICWAVE APAN-JP TEIN LA Seattle HK Before path (2015) After path (2016) Connection test (1Gbps) Tracepath test condition Source: KISTI-GSDC ( ) Destination: Pakgrid ( ) After ms Before ms Response time: ms  10 hops removed Response time: ms  10 hops removed These are initial test results. There should be many tuning points. These are initial test results. There should be many tuning points.

Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities16/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 CMS Tier-2 Korea ■KNU(Kyungpook National University)’s CMS Tier-2 service will be no longer available after May  Decision made by recent CERN-Korea Cooperation Coordination Committee in Korea  Hard to keep sustainable service while data size is being gradually increased. ■KISTI will take over the service from KNU. KISTI’s service is not new service, but replacement of existing service although it is a new Tier-2 setup in Korea. ■It is too early to officially announce the plan, but KISTI will focus on smooth service transition,  Avoiding sudden service transition at a certain point (e.g. someday of May 2018)  Setting up a small scale service first and fully test the functionalities  Having service overlapping period with KNU Tier-2, e.g. two available Tier-2 services during a certain period of time, for example, 3 months  Giving users good enough time to recognize the service transition  Establishing a very tight communication channel with KCMS and CMS computing group ■Detailed plan will be shared in next CKC meeting (October, 2016).


Status Report on KISTI’s Computing Activities18/18CKC Meeting, April 25, 2016 Conclusions ■KISTI Tier 1 has been running stable and fully functional, providing very high quality of services for ALICE community. ■Sharing routing information between GLORIAD-TEIN, agreed in the 1 st Asia Tier Center Forum, is under going and initial result seems promising. ■2 nd Asia Tier Center Forum will be held in November, hosted by Suranaree University in Thailand. ■KISTI will take over KNU’s Tier-2 service (no longer available after May 2018). Detailed plan of KISTI’s CMS Tier-2 service, KNU’s Tier-2 replacement, will be shared in next CKC meeting. ■10Gbps network link between KISTI and CERN will be replaced with GLORIAD without service intervention in September, transitioning from a commercial link to the global research link. ■KISTI puts best efforts to support Korean researchers, KoALICE and KCMS, and such supporting will be getting strengthened.

Thank you