Environmental Health Unit: The Introduction
Today’s Objective: Content Objectives: ◦ TSWBAT identify issues of how the environment affects our personal health on a daily basis. Language Objectives: ◦ TSWBAT identify issues of how the environment affect our personal health by doing a “graffiti” brainstorming activity and discussing the relationship between the environment and public health issues worldwide.
Graffiti There are 6 words/phrases each paper In your row – ◦ write down any idea, point, example, etc. you can think of when you read the word/statement. You will get two minutes at each station
What do we already know? What was new? What will be learned this unit? - Hazardous waste - Risk assessment - Industrial hygiene - Human & environmental toxicology - Air quality - Water quality
Environmental Health The study of humans & their interactions with the environment It examines chemical, physical & biological agents that move through the environment affecting human health & investigates ways to control or minimize them. Human health is dependant on a High quality environment The professional in environmental health works to protect the overall quality health of: ◦ Air ◦ Water ◦ soil ◦ food
Environmental Health – USA & PA PA Department of Env. Protection CDC Why is this important to your health? ◦
Env. Issues – Population Growth ◦ 7 billion people live on earth people are living longer & fewer infants are dying ◦ Land suitable for growing crops may be inhabited by people ◦ Population increases – so does the demand for health services ◦ Population of developing countries grows at a faster rate of developed countries.
Env. Issues - Poverty & Hunger ◦ Poverty = condition in which a person does not have sufficient resources to eat and live ◦ Malnutrition = condition in which the body does not get the nutrients required for optimal health
Env. Issues – Greenhouse Effect & Global Warming ◦ Greenhouse effect = process by which water vapor & gases in the atmosphere absorb & reflect infrared rays & warm Earth’s surfaces ◦ Global warming = an increase in earth’s temperature
Env. Issues – Destruction of the Ozone Layer ◦ Ozone = form of O2 ◦ Ozone layer = protective layer of the upper atmosphere that traps ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and prevents it from reaching earth’s surface ◦ CFCs = chlorofluorocarbons – group of gases that are easy to compress & expand / used as a propellant in aerosol sprays & coolants
Env. Issues – Destruction of the Rain Forests ◦ Rain forest = hot, wet, forested area that contains many species of trees, plants, & animals – 7% of earth’s land ◦ Source of food, rubber, timber, ingredients for prescription drugs Forests are being cleared for agriculture – trees produce O2 & absorb CO2 and it can kill many species of plants & animals
‘Your Turn’: What would you like to learn about this unit? Write your thoughts at the end of your notes outline