1 1 Welcome to Welcome to Geographic Information Systems: GIS in Statistics and Preparations for INSPIRE Reporting Obligations Oslo 7-9 May 2014 Ola Nordbeck.


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Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to Welcome to Geographic Information Systems: GIS in Statistics and Preparations for INSPIRE Reporting Obligations Oslo 7-9 May 2014 Ola Nordbeck Natural resources and environmental statistics Anne S. Trolie HR division

2 Agenda May 7th Introduction and production of data Morning session, theory 09:00Welcome to Statistics Norway Torstein Bye, Director of Economics, energy and the environment statistics Opening and rounds of introduction Anne S Trolie, Statistics Norway GIS and the Statistical Production Chain The process in a NSI for contributing to the GEOSTAT 2011 grid Ola Nordbeck, Statistics Norway How to produce population gridded data following the aggregation approach (based on register data) Ola Nordbeck, Statistics Norway How to produce population gridded data following the hybrid approach (based on various data sources as register data, land use data etc.) Arslan Ahmedov, Statistics Bulgaria Lunch Afternoon session, practical work Brief introduction to Hands-on exercise: Production of gridded population statistics Ola Nordbeck, Statistics Norway Production of gridded population statistics Find the manual here: Ola Nordbeck, Erik Engelien, Statistics Norway Automatisation of the grid production Ola Nordbeck Ola Nordbeck, Statistics Norway

3 Practicalities Coffee / tee and fresh water is available in the mingling area -as well as a coffee machine in the entrance Toilets in the mingling area, as well as in the canteen area Smoking area is outside, on the 6th floor Key card is needed to get into the different areas Lunch will be served at 12:30 Wednesday. Thursday and Friday: Lunch buffet at 12:00 Afternoon coffee break at 15:00

4 Evening program Baguette will be served in the mingling area at 15:00.. and the hard work continue… A boat will take us to Bygdøy, from Rådhusbrygga / City Hall at 17:25 (show up latest 17:15). Bring good walking shoes and warm clothing/ evt prepared for rain. Visit at the Vikingship museum at 18:00 Dinner at «Lille Herbern» at 20:00 Return to Oslo city approx 23:00 Annes mobile:

5 Participants CountryFirst name / Surname Employer AustriaNicole VojtevhStatistik Austria BelgiumPierre JamagneStatistics Belgium BulgariaArslan Ahmedov Statistics Bulgaria CroatiaBranko Crkvencic Croatian Bureau of Statistics CroatiaDario Premar Croatian Bureau of Statistics CroatiaGordana Hocurscak Croatian Bureau of Statistics GermanyHalina StepienDESTATIS HungaryKarolina Bartha HCSO ItalyDavide Fardelli Istat ItalySilvia Di SanteIstat ItalyLorenzo Cavallo Istat MacedoniaDarko ZlatkovState Statistical Office Republic of Macedonia SerbiaJelena Denic Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia (SORS) Slovac RepRobert GracStatistical Office of the Slovak Republic TurkeyBirkan ErgucTurkstat