Node Reports
Total DIFs January July 2004 split of Aqua MODIS DIFs from Terra MODIS DIFs new Antarctic DIFs WHFC children DIFs
Cumulative DIF Population
New and Revised Supplemental Descriptions
New, Revised and Deleted DIFs
DIF Population by Earth Science Topic
DIF Population by Node
Total SERFs In GCMD Jan July 2004
GCMD Service Population by Topic
GCMD Usage by Domain Type
GCMD Usage by Domain Introduction of the new web page
GCMD Web Hits
# Web Page Hits Since January 2001 Introduction of the new web page
# Web Sessions Since January 2003 Introduction of the new web page
Searches by Controlled Keyword
Distribution of SERF Usage
User Activity (Service Parameter Hits) August 2002 – July 2004 Introduction of the new web page
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany JCADM Report
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Redesigned AMD portal in 2003 ISO compliant DIF Portals added in support of National Antarctic Data Centers (NADCs) Access to over 3000 DIFs Consistently most popular portal with respect to DIF searches and retrievals
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Portal Redesign Design similar to GCMD with an Antarctic theme –Graphically enhanced with photographs –Topic keyword thumbnails are more relevant to Antarctic research Customized top navigation bar including a link to JCADM website for more information Added page listing National Antarctic Data Center (NADC) portals with links to each portal:
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Home Page
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Portals Page
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory ISO Compliance For ISO Compliance, the following fields were added to the DIF –ISO Topic Keywords: a preset list of keywords developed by the ISO Committee Examples : –CLIMATOLOGY/METEOROLOGY/ATMOSPHERE –BIOTA –GEOSCIENTIFIC INFORMATION –Address field has been divided into separate units –Metadata Name and Metadata Version Examples: –Metadata Name: CEOS IDN DIF Metadata Version: Version 9.0
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany ISO Compatibility DIF to ISO Conversion DIFISO Category >Topic > Term > Variable: Earth Science > Biosphere > Ecological Dynamics > Population ISO Topic Category: farming, biota, boundaries, climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere, economy, elevation, environment, geoscientific information, healthimageryBaseMapsEarthCover, inlandWaters Personnel: First, Middle, Last Name Address Personnel: Name Address, City, State or Province, Zip Code, Country Not currently in the DIF Metadata Standard Format Metadata Standard Version
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory NADC Portals Belgium Antarctic Program created January 2003 Finnish Antarctic Program created January 2003 Centro de Datos Antárticos, Argentina created August 2003 Canadian Polar Commission/Canadian Committee for Antarctic Research created October 2003 Swiss Committee on Polar Research created November 2003 US Antarctic Data Centers/US Antarctic Data Coordination Center created February 2004 Japan National Institute for Polar Research created February 2004 Estonian Antarctic Data Center created July 2004
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Some NADC Portals
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Content Statistics – DIF Distribution by Topic
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Content Statistics – DIF Distribution by Country
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Content Statistics – Growth 2002 to June 2004
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Content Statistics - Summary Largest portion of DIF content is Biosphere (18%), followed by Cryosphere (14%), Oceans (14%), Land Surface (11%), Solid Earth (11%) and Atmosphere (11%) Largest contribution of DIFs from Australian Antarctic Data Centre, followed by US Antarctic Data Centers/US Antarctic Data Coordination Center, and Centro de Datos Antárticos (Argentina)
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Use Statistics – Parameter Hits (2004)
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Use Statistics – Parameter Hits vs. Content
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Use Statistics - Searches
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Use Statistics – Retrievals Great interest in Belgium NADC DIFS
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Use Statistics – Retrievals: Top 10 DIFs 2004 Quarter Meiobenthic biodiversity and fluxes within the Antarctic biogeochemical environment (AMD/BE) 2.Mass balance of the Antarctic ice cap (AMD/BE) 3.An integrated approach to assess carbon dynamics in the Southern Ocean (AMD/BE) 4.Ecofunctional biodiversity of benthic crustacean taxocoenoses in the Southern Ocean (AMD/BE) 5.Aerogeophysical survey of western Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica (AMD/US) 6.Marine Sediment Geochemistry Data (Pore Water) (CANADA/CGDI) 7.Barium Biogeochemistry (AMD/BE) 8.Response of the Southern Ocean global ecosystem to physical and trophic constraints (AMD/BE) 9.Study of convective movements in the Southern Ocean (AMD/BE) 10.Oceanography - Zooplankton Data for Antarctica from the Instituto Antartico Argentino (AMD/AR) Quarter AAD publications database (AMD/AU) 2.Airborne Geophysical Data acquired by the NSF Support Office for Aerogeophysical Research (SOAR), University of Texas Institute for Geophysics, (AMD/US) 3.Meiobenthic biodiversity and fluxes within the Antarctic biogeochemical environment (AMD/BE) 4.SOAR Airborne Geophysical Data Collected on the Pensacola/Pole Transect, Transantarctic (AMD/US) 5.Mass balance of the Antarctic ice cap (AMD/BE) 6.Antarctic Biodiversity Database (AMD/AU) 7.10 year trend of levels of organochlorine pollutants in Antarctic seabirds (AMD/AU) 8.Marine Mammal Monitoring Data for Antarctica from the Instituto Antartico Argentino (AMD/AR) 9.Seismic Experiment Ross Ice Shelf (AMD/US) 10.Aerial Photography of Antarctica (AMD/US)
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Use Statistics - Summary Searches in 2004 show a slight increase over the last six months of 2003 Based on number of hits per topic, the most popular topics are: Cryosphere, followed by Oceans, Atmosphere, Biosphere, Human Dimensions, and Solid Earth, respectively. Overall, number of retrievals increasing Since November 2003, AMD accounts for approximately 9% of all portal searches AMD is the most popular portal of 35 portals
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Use Statistics – Top 10 DIFs Discussed First Quarter 2004: DIFs from IDN Node AMD/BE (Belgium) were retrieved more often than any other DIFs Second Quarter 2004: Only 2 DIFs from IDN Node AMD/BE appeared in the Top 10 list Possible Explanations: –Users are looking at the DIFs as examples of metadata for new NADCs –The DIFs are keyed with popular keywords having to do with ecology/biology and ice cap mass balance, which are closely linked to global climate change
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Use Statistics – Top 10 DIFs Discussed Increasing retrievals of DIFs: Key DIFs with as many pertinent controlled and free-text keywords as possible Write comprehensive summaries Note: Free-text search engine, Isite, does ranking on term frequency and where the term appears in the document. Keep DIFs up to date
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Future Newly designed keyword interface with left- hand side navigation and link to Data Services (preview: amd&MetadataType=0 ) amd&MetadataType=0 Link to Data Services Do-It-Yourself portals New geospatial search capability packaged with Lucene free-text search Stand-alone version of docBUILDER for use in the field
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Future – New Keyword Interface Preview
29 – 30 July 2004 JCADM - 8 Bremen, Germany Antarctic Master Directory Challenges Encouraging updates from NADC’s and researchers Restrictions on working with certain countries, which puts limits on the international aspects of the AMD Acquiring and implementing a map in polar projection for a more thorough spatial search Suggestions on enhancing AMD visibility with search engines such as Google