Speaker : Yi-Ru Cheng( 鄭宜如 ) Advisor: Prof. Han-Ping D.Shieh ( 謝漢萍教授 ) Prof. Yi- Pai Huang ( 黃乙白教授 ) Display Institute, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan Dec Principles of Color Technology Chapter 1 - Defining color ROYS.BERNS
Outline * Introduction - What is color ? * Perceiving Color * Color theory * Describing Color * Conclusions
Outline * Introduction - What is color ? * Perceiving Color * Color theory * Describing Color * Conclusions
What is color? ☆ Physical & Psychology Color result form a light source, an object, and a observer
Source of Light ☆ Newton’s Prismatic Dispersion Visible spectrum Visible spectrum wavelengths between 380nm and 780nm
Spectral of source lights Daylight Cool-White deluxe -Mercuric lamp High pressure sodium -Na lamp Metal halide -Xenon lamp The environment light influence observer’s perception
Outline * Introduction - What is color ? * Perceiving Color * Color theory * Describing Color * Conclusions
Eye ball system ☆ Eye ball The eyeball’s work is similar to camera
Rods & Cones ☆ Two photoreceptors in retina L M S L cones:64% M cones:32% S cones:2% Rods: lightness Cones : colors
Density of photoreceptors ☆ Rod and cone density on retina People eye are more sensitive to lightness than colors There are 120 millions rod and 6 to 7 millions cone cells on retina
Outline * Introduction - What is color ? * Perceiving Color * Color theory * Describing Color * Conclusions
Trichromatic theory ☆ Young and Helmholtz All colors can be composed of R,G,B
Color-defective vision ☆ Missing a kind of cones About 8% male and 0.5% female population have color-defective vision
Hering’s Opponent-Color Theory ☆ Black-White ; Red-Green ; Yellow-Blue Opponent-color theory composed of RGBY (Four-color theory)
Stage Theory Trichromatic theory Opponent-Color Theory ☆ Adams, Goth ect.
Outline * Introduction - What is color ? * Perceiving Color * Color theory * Describing Color * Conclusions
Describing Color ☆ Hue, Lightness, Chroma
Describing Color ☆ Hue, Lightness, Saturation: chroma/lightness
Outline * Introduction - What is color ? * Perceiving Color * Color theory * Describing Color * Conclusions
Conclusions * Color -Source, Object,Observe * Perceiving Color -Visual system -Rod cells are sensitivity to lightness -Cone cells are sensitivity to color * Describe color -Hue, lightness, chroma -Hue, lightness, saturation