REVIEW QUESTIONS, P. 12? We the People, Lesson #1 What were the British Colonies in America like in the 1770’s?
1. Life was different in colonies vs. Europe 13 Colonies Europe 90% were farmers;problems with access to land; were self-sufficient: people took care of their own needs not as healthy=shorter lives more food=better health=longer lives more individuals could read/write not able to get ahead not as educated
2. Diversity of people & ideas in the colonies most colonists were British; others from European countries mixture cultures & beliefs—PROTESTANTS, Catholics & Jews Indian tribes slaves in all colonies
3. Did gender, race, and wealth make a difference? 13 Colonies England No kings, no noblemen; All men could own land Feudal system-land owned by king & controlled by rich noblemen Poor men could work to get ahead poor stayed poor, rich stayed rich Women, non-white males, poor white men: none were able to vote
4. Rights that colonists valued trial by jury voting for representatives in gov. Life, liberty, property freedom of religion (problems here)
5. The “Founders” Men who were political leaders in colonies/states conducted American Revolution wrote the Declaration of Independence & later the U.S. Constitution