1- Dx : Cataract. 2- Management: Referral to ophthalmologist. 2-Prevention: sunglasses Control of diabetes. Avoid the use of topical steroids. Answer (1)
Answer (2) 1- Dot and blot hemorrhages,hard exudates, microanurysms and macular edema. 2- Dx: background diabetic retinopathy. 3- Management: -Control of D.M. by diet, exercise and medication. - referral to an ophthalmologist for examination and followup.
Answer (3) 1- Describe: A: Engorgement of episcleral vessels, inflammation of Episcleral tissue. B: Localized raised conjunctival congestion with involvement of deeper vessels. 2-Diagnosis: A- Episcleritis. B- Scleritis.
Answer(4) 1- Describe: Optic cup diameter is greater than half the optic disc diameter. Asymmetry of optic cup size. Optic disc pallor. Retinal vessels passing over the disc are bend at the edge of the cup. 2- Dx: Chronic open angle glaucoma.
Answer(5) 1-Dx: White pupil. 2-Differential diagnosis: Cataract. Retinoblastoma. Retinal detachment. Leucoma.
Answer (6) 1-Describe: Mottled appearance of macula,yellowish spots (drusen), areas of hypo-or hyper pigmentations. 2-Dx: Macular degeneration. 3-Management: Referral to ophthalmologist.
Answer (7) 1- Diagnosis: Orbital cellulitis. 2- Sign &Symptoms: Proptosis,Chemosis & Pain on eye motion. 3- Complication: Cavernous sinus thrombosis.
Answer (8) 1- Describe: oNormal retinal background. oNormal macula,inferior to optic disc with central depression (fovea). oThe ratio of normal vein to artery diameter is 3:2. oArteries are lighter in color than veins and more prominent light reflex. 2- Diagnosis: Normal retina.
Answer (9) 1-Describe: New blood vessels(neovascularization) in the area of optic disc. In response to continued retinal ischemia 2- Complication: Retinal detachment and massive vitrus hemorrhage.
Answer (10) 1-Describe: New vascularization in the area of the iridis. 2-Diagnosis: Rubeosis iridis. 3-Complication: Bleeding Hyphema Sever glaucoma.
Answer (11) 1-Describe: The retina is opaque,except for the area within The macula producing red spot. 2- Diagnosis: Retinal artery occlusion. 3- Management: Referral to ophalmologist.
Answer(12) A: Punctuate and dendritic lesion at the cornea,best seen by fluorescent dye.(herpetic corneal ulcer) B: Peripheral coalescent patches of retinal necrosis.(herpes zoster retinopathy) Treatment: Oral Acyclovir 800mg,five times/day for7-10 days.(evidence level A)
Answer(13) Description: Perilimbal injection,irregular corneal reflection(hazy),fixed mid_dilated pupil.and shallowing of the anterior chamber. These finding and high IOP is diagnostic. Diagnosis: Acute angle glaucoma. Management: A medical emergency -topical miotic, as pilocarpine, -Admission, intravenous mannitol, acetazolamide -definitive treatment is laser or surgical iridotomy.