Macular Degeneration Chaminda Unantenne RN,MS,MSN
Macular Degeneration Leading cause of vision loss. Affects more than 10 million Americans. Incurable eye disease. Caused by deterioration of the central portion of the retina. The central portion of the retina is known as the macula. Macula is responsible for central vision in the eye. As the disease progress: wavy or blurred vision. If condition continues, central vision may be completely lost. Legally blind.
Types of Macular Degeneration Dry Wet Stargardt disease: found in younger people, caused by recessive gene. Stages of MD Early AMD: no vision loss, need to encourage regular eye exams, medium size drusen noted beneath the retina. Intermediate AMD:some vision loss, larger drusen and pigmentation. Late AMD: vision loss.
MD Diagnosis: Amsler graNSLERid test.
CAUSE OF MD Unknown. Heredity and environment may have a part. Risk factors Age. genetics. Race- higher among Caucasian. Smoking.
Treatment No cure. Treatment is geared towards prevention and slowing the progression: diet, exercise, quitting smoking, protecting eyes from UV light. Early dry AMD Nutritional Therapy: healthy diet high in anti oxidants, vitamins,and minerals. Treatment for wet AMD Laser photocoagulation: seals leaking vessels. Photodynamic therapy: seals leaking vessels while leaving health vessels intact.
Treatment: wet AMD Anti-VEGF Therapy: vascular endothelial growth factor. Currently most affective clinical treatment. Intraocular shot of VEGF inhibits the formation of new blood vessels. Not painful, need anesthesia, takes about 15 mts, lasts about a month. Side effects Infection, eye pain, light sensitivity, vision changes. Increased eye pressure. Retinal detachment, vitreous floaters.