Citizen Corps Volunteer for America “Engaging Citizens In Homeland Security”
PURPOSE To provide an information briefing on the Citizen Corps, as a key component of the USA Freedom Corps,
OUTLINE Legislation Freedom Corps Citizen Corps Concept & Components Conclusion
FREEDOM CORPS USA Freedom Corps established to promote a culture of responsibility, service, and citizenship. Will work with key service agencies in government and the nonprofit sector to provide incentives and new opportunities to serve at home and abroad. Key Elements: Peace Corps Corporation for National and Community Service AmeriCorps Senior Corps Learn and Serve America Citizen Corps
CITIZEN CORPS Citizen Corps is designed to bring together the volunteers and first responders of a community to work together, involving citizens in disaster response, crime awareness, and prevention, emergency medical and family preparedness. Mission: To have every American participate in community and family safety: - Crime Prevention- Mitigation - Emergency Preparedness- Response capabilities For all hazards: - Crime- Natural and - Terrorism man-made disasters FEMA is the lead Federal Agency for coordinating thru FEMA Regions to States
CITIZEN CORPS APPROACH Locally driven – tailored to each community Structured approach to public education and participation Citizen Training and Volunteer programs Opportunity for special skills and interests
CITIZEN CORPS PARTNERS Government: Federal, State, Tribal, Local, including neighborhood networks Volunteer/Community Service Organizations Emergency Management & First Responders Private Sector Other Stakeholders
ORGANIZATION Citizen Corps Councils are integral to building Citizen Corps programs within each community by arranging necessary training and providing information for public education and awareness efforts. Working with state and federal agencies, Councils will develop action plan to involve whole community, organize special projects/community events. Match 1 st Responder needs to volunteer manpower. (FEMA action Federal Agency) 4 Sub-Components: Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Neighborhood Watch Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS) Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
The Community Emergency Response Team program helps train people to be better prepared to respond to emergency situations in their communities. CERT members give critical support to first responders in emergencies, provide immediate assistance to victims, organize spontaneous volunteers at a disaster site, and collect disaster intelligence to support first responder efforts. (FEMA action Federal Agency) Disaster Relief Fire Suppression Basic Disaster Medical Operations Light Search and Rescue Disaster Psychology Team Organization 20 Hour course Goal = 600,000 nationwide CERT
Neighborhood Watch The Neighborhood Watch Program is a highly successful effort which has been in existence for some thirty years in cities across America. It provides a unique infrastructure that brings together local officials, law enforcement and citizens for the protection of communities. Concept expands this program to incorporate terrorism prevention and education in to existing prevention mission. (DOJ action Federal Agency) Program 30 years old Law Enforcement, Local Officials, Citizens Crime Prevention Recognize and Report Signs of Potential Terrorist Actions Additional Anti-Terrorism Component National PSA Campaign – March 6 National Night Out – August 6 Double number of NWP in 2 years
Volunteers in Police Service Program (VIPS) will provide resources to assist local law enforcement in incorporating community volunteers into the activities of the law enforcement agency so that law enforcement professionals can spend more time on front-line duty. (DOJ action Federal Agency) Incorporate Local Volunteers into Activities of Law Enforcement Agencies Being Developed by Department of Justice Assist with Traffic Control Searching for Missing Persons Processing Paperwork Booking Property National launch May 30 Volunteers in Police Service
Medical Reserve Corps The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) will coordinate the skills of practicing and retired physicians, nurses, and other health professionals who are eager to volunteer during emergency situations. MRC will coordinate volunteer health professionals during large-scale emergencies to assist emergency response teams, provide care to victims with less serious injuries, and remove other burdens that inhibit the effectiveness of physicians and nurses in a major crisis. (DHHS action Federal Agency) Volunteer Health Professionals to Assist Emergency Health Care Workers During Large-Scale Emergencies Monitor Condition of Patients; Counsel Patients Support and Management Activates (Inventory/Distribute Pharmaceuticals, Supplies and Facilitate Patient Transfers) National launch - August
COMMUNITY BENEFITS Greater sense of security, responsibility, and personal control. Builds community pride and patriotism. Promotes risk reduction and preparedness practices. Prepares us all for helping others in a crisis.
COMMUNITY BENEFITS Complements First Responder Initiative: Year round support through volunteer programs. Reduces burden on first responder services by promoting mitigation and preparedness measures. Creates well trained, better informed, and better prepared citizens to take care of themselves and others during times of crisis -- allowing first responders to address the most critical needs.
STATE ROLE Promote Citizen Corps at the State level Conduct Statewide public information and outreach campaigns Grants management and reporting Statewide partnership meetings Promote volunteer service Conduct Statewide training --- CERT