Presenters: Jane McKinnon Wilson Wellington Waterloo Geriatric Systems Coordinator Cathy Sturdy Smith CMHAWWD Specialized Geriatric Services Manager Audrey Devitt Waterloo-Wellington Specialized Geriatric Services Implementation Lead Marilyn Whitecampbell Geriatric Addiction Project Coordinator CMHAWW Annual Addictions & Mental Health Conference May
Building on the work of the existing community of practice for Geriatric addictions to build capacity province wide To increase the understanding of Geriatric Addictions / Substance Use among health care professionals (including front-line) and community care partners Identify best practise treatment and supports for older adults living with substance use disorders.
Provide an overview of successful regional strategies, models and products (i.e. pocket guides for older adults living with a substance use disorders and their families using the framework pillars of Behavioural Supports Ontario System Coordination Coordinated cross-agency, cross-sectoral collaboration and partnerships based on clearly defined roles and processes to facilitate „seamless coordinated care Interdisciplinary Service Delivery Outreach and support across the service continuum to ensure equitable and timely access to the right provider for the right service. Knowledgeable Care Team and Capacity Building Strengthen capacity of current and future professionals through education and focused training to transfer new knowledge and best practice skills for continuous quality improvement. Discuss how we can build on and strengthen these ideas through the Community of Practise on Geriatric Addictions to ensure a person and family-centred approach
Person served and caregivers WW Geriatric Services Network WW Geriatric Addictions Steering Committee System coordination Interdisciplinary service delivery Knowledgeable care teams and capacity Voice of the Client…We need to understand what services are available to help now and we need to know the next steps. We want to be confident that people care…please help me tell my story once and share my information with the people who can help me….
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◦ What type of work had been done previously: Capacity enhancement opportunities that were meant to increase knowledge translation including geriatric addiction workshops and participation in the geriatric team exchange ◦ What might today’s version look like? ◦ How do we ensure the CoP is person and family- centred if it moves forward? ◦ How do we engage those with Lived Experience even further into this process?
Opiates Alcohol Groups What is helpful? What is not helpful?
How can we better support persons with LE and their caregivers? Is this particularly relevant to those in remote regions of the province?
Seeking a way to inform, influence and educate geriatric service providers (including Mental Health and Addictions) about Geriatric Addictions /Substance Use. to use this work as a foundation and a catalyst for dialogue and exchange with a person and family centred lens
A work plan Terms of Reference Logic Models Inter-active module on Geriatric addictions Enlisted students to conduct an evaluation & survey All documents will be available on Brain Exchange Website
◦ Why was this developed? Heard from our clients that it was extremely difficult to access providers who understood the patients’ experience and what to do. Clients have complexities that exceed the abilities of general practitioners and specialists. There is no addiction medicine in the community ◦ What we did in response: Worked with CAMH, addiction medicine services physicians nurse and OTN coordinator who arranged for fellowship students to see (specifically) elderly and aboriginals patients (via OTN); these patients are given priority status while they continue to be supported by our community resources including Addictions ( limited) SGS BSOT,GEM’s BSOT IGSW’s
Introduction to Older Adults and Substance Use: Fact Sheet Screening for Alcohol Issues in Older People Management of Alcohol Use Disorders in Older Adults: What Doctors Need to Know Opioids, benzodiazepines and the elderly: A pocket guide Opiate Older Adult workshop in collaboration with CAMH/ EENet Use of secondments to build capacity in systems and front line Use of Fact sheets for primary care Use of COPA college group work model
◦ In the past 18 months geriatric addictions specialist participates in all CoP in the WWLIHN ◦ provides education and training opportunities to build capacity in geriatric addictions for primary care and front line staff. ◦ Development of an online e learning module on geriatric addictions ◦ Consultations to service providers ie CCAC, LTCH ◦ Participation in BSO collaboration education days ◦ Training of all EMS staff for GWEMS ( Guelph Wellington Emergency Medical System)
How can we build on these ideas? What do persons with LE ( lived experience) need to help them and their caregivers need to help navigate the system Is this what they need? Is it what people with LE want? Where are there gaps? What would you change?
◦ Once a month, Addiction Medicine or Geriatric Psychiatry will provide “lunch and learn” this is available province wide through OTN. ◦ Will soon archive these events ◦ Discussion: How can we build on these ideas? Is this what they need? Is it what people with LE want? Where are there gaps? What would you change? How else can we get the Lived Experience perspective? Is this particularly relevant to those in remote regions of the province?
What would you add? What would you change? Who else should be at this table? What are the next steps?
Review of CoP Geriatric Addictions Work plan Set up a meeting to discuss how to establish community infrastructure? survey regarding the needs of providers and determine what provincial resources are available ? Develop tools / brochure for seniors/ caregivers ? Develop resources that inform care partners on resources available, ie how to speak to physicians / providers etc.?
Will you stop saying we’re all in the same boat now ! Lets Make sure we are all rowing in the same direction
Jane McKinnon Wilson Waterloo Wellington Geriatric Systems Coordinator WWD Cathy Sturdy Smith Manager Specialized Geriatric Services CMHAWWD Marilyn White-Campbell Geriatric Addiction Specialist