Connecting people and ideas for better health
Who are NHS Networks? What is the Healthcare Professionals Commissioning Network? What are the benefits for Dentistry? Aims
Providing a free website resource for clinicians, commissioners, care professionals, managers, staff, leaders, followers and anyone who works in and around the NHS. Getting you started, building your membership, raising your profile, creating sustainability Event management for face to face meetings from small networks to national events Sponsorship opportunities to support the work of individual networks Who are NHS Networks?
“We need to create and join networks that create innovation at scale, if we are to meet the quality and productivity challenge.” Jim Easton National director for improvement and efficiency
We asked, what do networks want? set up website promote connect to like and unlike share resources (documents, etc) manage membership run better networks low cost
What network leads can do with the website create your own website on a platform built specifically for health networks write your own home page highlighting your aims, objectives and vision let people know how to join and why include your own library of good practice, templates, presentations and useful information have a news page to highlight success and innovation provide a message board for members to discuss hot topics and difficult issues manage your membership and keep them informed connect with other networks and share the learning
How members can use the website keep in touch with your own networks join other networks of interest have one username and password to access all open networks discover case studies, good practice and other useful information find people working through similar, difficult issues share your success, news and ideas connect with other groups who are making a difference and driving change contribute content via the network lead, your thoughts, your discoveries follow up after events by viewing presentations and documents take part in online discussions
Examples Healthcare Professionals Commissioning Network – 250 membersHealthcare Professionals Commissioning Network PBC Connection – 850 membersPBC Connection National PBC Clinical Leaders Network – 80 membersNational PBC Clinical Leaders Network QIPP Network – 357 membersQIPP Network Respiratory Leads network – 53 membersRespiratory Leads network Carer Support in Primary Care – 9 membersCarer Support in Primary Care
Key facts about us NHS Networks started 2005 part of NHS PCC since 2007 home to virtual and face-to-face networks clinical, professional, managerial, research, academic and social re-launch February 2010 following extensive user research
Vital statistics Figures for six months 30 April - 31 October networks 17,857 registered users weekly newsletter to c10,000 83,870 visits 427,063 page views
Commercial options NHS Networks Site development £5000Free Annual hosting £1000Free Lead times3 to 6 months15 minutes Cost benefits
“If it wasn't for NHS Networks we wouldn't have a network website. We just couldn’t afford it. The new site is ideal as it's quick and easy to upload your own content, particularly helpful after conferences when I used to spend ages zipping and shrinking files to and even then they'd fail. This saves time and expense for all of us.” Paul Midgley Network co-ordinator East Midlands PBC Network
Healthcare Professionals Commissioning Network (HCPCN) Google us…
Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS Under the proposals set out in the White Paper 'Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS', the NHS Commissioning Board will take on responsibility for commissioning national health service primary dental services Against this backdrop of substantive changes to the commissioning landscape, the HCPCN is of vital importance
Benefits Developing a multi professional approach to primary care commissioning HCPCN specifically examines how clinician led commissioning can be further developed to include the insights and experience of a wider range of health care professionals, including dentistry, alongside GPs
Informing policy The Health Care Professionals’ Commissioning Network recently responded officially to the DH consultation document, Liberating the NHS: commissioning for patients. “How can multi-professional involvement in commissioning most effectively be promoted and sustained” - the response proposed 10 high impact actions to involve health care professionals in commissioning. This included the importance of robust needs assessments, encouraging innovative use of skill mix, sharing best practice and nurturing local multi professional leadership.
Benefits Continuing mechanism to capture and maintain knowledge through NHS structural changes Ensuring that the collective knowledge and experiences of local clinicians is not lost Maintaining dialogue with the Department of Health and National Commissioning Board to ensure that as policy develops, it takes account of the insights the Network can share about what is working well at local level
Representing dentistry The network is inclusive and anyone who is prepared to give their time freely and invest their personal energy in broadening the clinical influence within commissioning is welcome to join – click “Join this network” online. Specifically the combination of: –Early adopter / innovator General Dental Practitioners –Consultants in Dental Public Health
For more information Why create a network website How to set up a network website Why create a network website How to set up a network website