Family Structure Springhill, DeLand, FL Karen Glick
Who? Census Tract 906 for 1990 and 2000
African American population by age from under five to 18 and over
African American population by age
African American Households in 1990
African American households in 2000
Comparing households in 1990 and 2000
African American household types and their poverty levels Families with children Poverty levels of families with children
African American children in families
African American Grandparents
Family Structure Nuclear families Single moms Grandparents
Interviews Community Partner Church leader –What family types are most prevalent? –Have there been any major changes? –What can we do to help?
Interviews [married couples, Single moms, grandparents, non- birth mothers, non- married fathers ] = Family Kids are resilient RESPONSIBILITY Math Tutoring programs for parents and grandparents Mentors for kids Education is key
Conclusions What does all this mean for children and families? What about the community?