Preparation of project ideas: What, why and how James Haselip UNEP DTU Partnership
Project reporting Deliverable I: TNA Report Sector prioritisation Technology prioritisation in each sector Deliverable II: Barrier Analysis and Enabling Framework Report Barrier analysis for each technology and options to address the barriers Enabling framework for technologies of the same Sector Deliverable III: Technology Action Plan (TAP) Common action plan for all prioritised technologies in the same sector Specific action plan for each prioritised technology Cross-cutting issues Summary of specific project ideas for each prioritised sector
What is a project idea? A short but comprehensive description of a selected action from the action plan, which is considered eligible for external funding
What is a project idea? A project idea could be support to a wider programme for solar PV (for example), addressing a number of interventions, e.g. Tax exemptions Targeted subsidies Support to establishing local production Test stations International research cooperation
Who is the target group? – international funding institutions (MDBs) providing support for adaptation and mitigation PIs should be: – Sufficiently detailed so that they can be used for: Presentations to donors and funding institutions Screening or short listing of projects to be developed Why project ideas?
How… Chapter 1 Project Ideas for Sector A – 1.1 Brief summary of the Project Ideas for Sector A – 1.2 Project Idea 1 – 1.3 Project Idea 2 Chapter 2 Project Ideas for Sector B Chapter 3 Project Ideas for Sector C
Project Idea Report 1 Project Ideas for Sector A 1.1 Brief summary of the Project Ideas for Sector A 1.2 Project Idea 1 Introduction/Background Objectives What are the outputs and are they measurable? Relationship to the country’s sustainable development priorities? Project deliverables e.g. Value/Benefits/Messages Project scope and possible implementation (how broad is the project? How feasible is it? Is it linked to current or past projects?) Project activities Timelines (What are the timelines e.g. one quarter, one year, multiple years?) Budget/Resource requirements Measurement/Evaluation Possible Complications/Challenges Responsibilities and Coordination (Who does what, when and how?)
Action Priority Rank Responsibility of Implementation Time frame Costs / Funding US$ Indicators / targets Internalize all externalities when costing technology options for power generation planning V. High Ministry of Power and Energy US$ 150,000 for an international consultant to calculate the cost of externalities Commissioning of Renewable Energy Projects as a result of this activity against targets of 48MW of new capacity installed in 2014, 35MW in 2015, 85 MW in 2016 Example from Sri Lanka