BACKGROUND The title, “Building on the Participation of the youth and the women in Trade Union Activities focuses on the informal sector of my country; Ghana. 90% of the youth and women are in the informal sector and this makes them experience many decent work deficits in their line of duty which is against their fundamental human rights. They have no one to organise them to stand for their rights and as a result their standard of living is also low. This project, seeks to address the problem of low participation of the youth and women in Trade Union activities to enable enjoy their labour rights and also to feel a sense of belongingness. The problem is basically at the local levels where the informal sector is located. Most of the youth and the women at the local level of the structure are not interested in union activities, coupled with the fact that they have little or no knowledge about the existence of trade unions and the importance for its existence.
In Ghana the youth and the women makes up a larger percentage of the labour force and their participation in trade unionism is very important for the union’s solidarity, union’s survival as well as the strengthening of the National Center. This is mainly because the strength of the union is in the numbers. The project also seeks to prepare the youth and women at all levels of the structure for leadership positions as the current leadership both at the local; enterprise and national level were fading out. It also seeks to enhance the competencies and skills of the youth through the sharing of experiences.
GO AL The project will seek to increase the total membership of the youth and women at all level of the trade union from the local, enterprise and national levels with the aim of promoting the interest of the youth and women in participating in Trade Union activities. This project is also to turn a majority of the women and the youth in the affiliate unions of the center, union activist and leaders.
SPECIFIC OBJEC- TIVES RESULTSACTIVITIESTARGETSCOPERAT- ING PARTNERS ROLESRESOURCES 4.1 Increase youth and women membershi p of trade unions. 5.1 Increase in member- ship across board. 6.1(a) one-on- on discussion with the women and the youth at local levels. 6.1(b) Education Programmes at the local levels on the importance of joining a trade union at the local levels e.g. study circles 6.1(c) Visiting schools, technical and vocational schools for education on Trade union. Target group will be from most of all sectors in the informal economy e.g. -agriculture -fishing -sole proprietor business or those in the “self-paying” jobs -those in the arts and crafts sector. - ILO - ITUC (Africa) - ITUC (Global) Experiences from other African and European Countries who are precedents of the same kind of project. -Union members at the local level are to get into discussion with the target group on about the Trade union. -Human Resources; Facilitators, Experts and trainers. Material Resource; Printing of Educational materials in the local languages and also in the formal language. Financial resources; Both internal and International Sponsorships.
4.2 Increase roles played by the youth and women at all levels of the structure of the Trade union. 5.2 An enhanced knowledge of the youth and women about Trade union and its importance and services provided. 6.2(a) Establish effective local and regional secretariats. 6.2(b) Building a strong organisation team at the local level 6.2(c) Organising of training programmes on capacity building. - Finance Committee to look into the distribu- tion of resources available for educa- tional programm es. -Leader- ship at the local level are to dissemi- nate informa- tion on meeting dates, times and issues on conven- tions to be ratified.
4.3 Increase in the number the Trade union activists among the youth and the women. 5.3 An organised youth and women activists from the informal sector with the capacity, skills and experience to be leaders. 6.3(a) Increase in the communication and information dissemination at all levels. 6.3(b) Creation of platforms e.g. “Community of network” where members can meet and deliberate on issues of common interest. 6.3(c)Creation of women’s desk at the local levels across the country. - Collection of the database of new members at the local level.
MONITORIING AND EVALUATION 8.1The project will be monitored and evaluated on monthly basis by the steering committee who is tasked with looking at the number of the youth and women who are new members. 8.2By the leadership looking at the level of participation and commitment of new members in attendance at union meetings 8.3Feedback by members to leadership. 8.4The partners (International partners) monitoring the change number of youth and women in active positions and roles.
ASSUMPTIONS There may be opportunities which are positive assumptions and they can be; recruiting of new members, Increase in membership, Increase in solidarity, Pol of skills and sharingof knowledge.
REPORTING AND ACCOUNTING There will monthly, quarterly and bi-annual report from leadership at all levels to the National center with regards to the membership at all the affiliate unions. Members of the Accounting department are to go through the books of the Union monthly There will also be a report from the National Center to the International Funders in relation to the progress and setback or challenges of the project.
TIMEFRAME Time frame for the implementation of the project will be for a year.