Welcome to Exam Review Science Jeopardy
General Knowledge Earth Layers Atmosphere Rock Cycle Rock Dating Final Jeopardy
General Knowledge 100 According to the Fossil Record, how many mass extinctions have there been?
General Knowledge 100 What is 5?
General Knowledge 200 Location where results of plate movement can be seen.
General Knowledge 200 What is a plate boundaries?
General Knowledge 300 Happens to the strength of gravity when the distance between two objects decreases.
General Knowledge 300 What is the strength of gravity increases?
General Knowledge 400 Changes in the environment result in…
General Knowledge 400 What is phyiscal changes in species?
General Knowledge 500 Why scientists did not accept Wegeners Continental Drift Theory.
General Knowledge 500 What is he could not explain why or how the continents moved?
Earth’s Layers 100 List the layers of Earth in order from top to the core.
Earth’s Layers 100 What is the CRUST, MANTLE OUTER CORE, INNER CORE?
Earth’s Layers 200 The metal that makes up most of Earth’s core.
Earth’s Layers 200 What is Iron?
Earth’s Layers 300 Made up from the crust and upper mantle.
Earth’s Layers 300 What is the lithosphere?
Earth’s Layers 400 Plates of the lithosphere float on this.
Earth’s Layers 400 What is the asthenosphere?
Earth’s Layers 500 What happens as you go deeper into the geosphere.
Earth’s Layers 500 Temperature and Pressure both Increase?
Atmosphere 100 Lines that measure east and west of the Prime Meridean.
Atmosphere 100 What is the LONGITUDE?
Atmosphere 200 Happens to the amount of Ultraviolet Radiation if the Ozone Layer disappears.
Atmosphere 200 Ultraviolet Radiation INCREASES
Atmosphere 300.
What is a cold front?
Atmosphere 400 Air above the equator is heated so much because the solar rays strike the equator at this angle.
Atmosphere 400 What is 90 degrees?
Atmosphere 500 High pressure means good weather because...
Atmosphere 500 What is the air mass sinks making it hard for clouds to form?
Rock Cycle 100 Causes Sedimentary rocks to change to sediments.
Rock Cycle 100 What is weathering?
Rock Cycle 200 Magma and Lava cool turning into this type of rock.
Rock Cycle 200 What is Igneous?
Rock Cycle 300 The youngest rocks on the ocean floor are found in this location.
Results… 300 What is the Mid-Ocean Ridge?
Rock Cycle 400 The term describing when chemical reactions dissolve or change the minerals in rocks.
Rock Cycle 400 What is Chemical Weathering?
Rock Cycle 500 List 4 of the 5 characteristics of a mineral.
Rock Cycle 500 What is Naturally Occurring, Inorganic, Solid, crystal structure, definite chemical composition?
Rock Dating 100 States that if left undisturbed, the bottom layer is the oldest.
Rock Dating 100 What is Superposition?
Rock Dating 200 A Mineral has a Mass of 120 g and a Volume of 30 cm3. What is its density?
Rock Dating 200 What is a 4 g/cm3?
Rock Dating 300 ______ dating is an exact age, whereas _______ dating is a comparison.
Rock Dating 300 What absolute (exact age) and relative (comparison)?
Rock Dating 400 Continental to continental plate collisions result in _________.
Rock Dating 400 What is large mountains?
Rock Dating 500 Atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons are called Isotopes. Isotopes have the same Atomic Number but a different ________.
Conclusions and Beyond 500 What is a Atomic Mass?
Final Jeopardy The driving force of tectonic plates are related to convection currents in the Earth’s ______.
Final Jeopardy What is Mantle?