“My First Patient” & Other Pharmacy Service Learning Projects Laurel Andrews, PharmD. University of Louisiana at Monroe College of Pharmacy
ACPE - Service Learning Activities Should: Meet a community need Establish or enhance a relationship between the community and the academic institution Help foster civic and professional responsibility and the development of a sense of caring for others Are integrated into the required academic curriculum Provide structured time to reflect on the SL experience Enhance what is taught in the didactic curriculum by extending student learning beyond the classroom and into the community Provide opportunities for interaction with other health professional students and practitioners Attempt to balance the service that is provided and the learning that takes place Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Accreditation Standards and Guidelines for the Professional Program in Pharmacy Leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree. Feb 2011.
My First Patient Adapted from Butler University Assigned during the P1 fall semester Students are their own “first patients” Medical histories Transtheoretical Model of Change Physical assessment Blood pressure, blood glucose, height, weight, BMI, bone density
My First Patient Behavior change and action plan assignment Reflective essay Rubric provided Service learning reflection form E-Value
ULM COP Service Learning Implemented longitudinally Overseen by the Office of Experiential Education IPPE Assigned through the Integrated Lab Sequence 10% of final lab grade
P1 Service Learning Projects Fall semester – My First Patient Spring semester – Diabetes empathy project
P2 Service Learning Projects Fall semester – Tar Wars presentations Spring semester – COP recruitment presentations
P3 Service Learning Projects Fall and Spring semesters – Community health fairs Cholesterol testing Blood pressure monitoring Blood glucose screening Bone density screening Hemoglobin A1c testing Spirometry Carbon monoxide detection BMI and body fat analysis Nutrition information Brown bag
Service Learning Reflection Describe your service learning project in detail (location, population served, activities completed, observations made, any conversations you may have had, etc.) Why is your service work needed? How do you feel about the experience? (Please write a very short paragraph or two – not one or two words.) What were your expectations? Did you feel successful, effective, and/or knowledgeable?
Service Learning Reflection Did you experience change in your thinking about people/issues? How? What did you learn? How do you feel this experience could enhance your skills as a pharmacist? A citizen? What would you do differently next time? What do you feel could be done to help the people that you served? What or how do you think this may be accomplished?
Service Learning Reflection Describe how this project complemented/enhanced your classroom work. Overall, how would you rate this experience? Excellent, Good, Average, Poor If you chose poor, please give a reason why and tell what could be done to improve this experience.