Armourers and Brasiers Company Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3
Armourers and Brasiers Company Where can materials take me? Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3
Armourers and Brasiers Company The aim of this module is to give you an appreciation of the broad range of materials careers available and the routes into them. Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3
Armourers and Brasiers Company The module aims to introduce you to the various different ways that you can get in a career in materials and show you the breadth of options available. At the end of this module you should be able to: Appreciate the breadth of the field of materials and give three examples of fields which rely on materials technology. List 5 universities that offer accredited degree programmes in materials. Give one example of a company that employs materials specialists at all levels. Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3
Armourers and Brasiers Company Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3
Armourers and Brasiers Company You can get in to materials at many levels: Some people get a job in materials when they finish school and their employers provide training to get BTEC, HNC, HND and eventually degree level qualifications Some people study materials at university to obtain a degree before getting a job. Professional qualifications are available at all levels too. The Engineering Council offers professional registration as EngTech or IEng for people working through a more vocational route or CEng registration which is better suited, though not exclusively, for people that have studied an accredited degree and then done further graduate training. Engineering Council EngTechIEngCEng Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3
Armourers and Brasiers Company There are many courses available at both HE and FE level that focus on materials. Some are specifically on materials, others allow you to study materials along side other engineering disciplines, languages or business and some look at materials for a specific application such as sports materials or biomaterials. Some courses are full time, lasting 3 or 4 years, some include industrial placements lasting 6 months or a year. Some courses are part-time and some can be done via distance learning. All of these courses will give you the technical and key skills to get a job at the end of your studies. Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3
Armourers and Brasiers Company Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3 Routes in to engineering Accredited materials courses
Armourers and Brasiers Company Use the Tomorrows Engineers website to explore the different routes into engineering and find out which would suit you best.Tomorrows Engineers routes into engineering Remember studying materials or any other branch of science or engineering will give you the skills to make you highly employable in any field. Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3
Armourers and Brasiers Company If you decide to study a materials degree you should ensure that it is accredited. By studying an accredited degree you will have be able to progress on to an approved graduate training course in order to achieve professional registration as a Charted Engineer (CEng). The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining accredits Materials degree courses and approved company training schemes on behalf of Engineering Council. Use the UCAS website and the Engineering Council list of accredited degrees to explore the range of degrees containing some materials content and their entry requirements.UCAS websiteEngineering Council list of accredited degrees Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3
Armourers and Brasiers Company Prepared by Dr Diane Aston, IOM3