RefWorks 2.0 Filistéa Naudé Leslie Adriaanse Aaron Tshikotshi
Outline Concepts Why is referencing important What is RefWorks Benefits of RefWorks Refmobile Adding references to RefWorks Log in to Refworks
Outline - continued Navigating Refworks RefGrab-It Import from Google Scholar Import from Online Catalogues Import from IEEE Xplore Importing from Proquest Import from ScienceDirect
Outline - continued Import from ACM to RefWorks Upload fulltext article as attachment Create & Manage folders Search in RefWorks Identify duplicates in RefWorks Refshare
Outline - continued Create standalone bibliography in MS Word Create a bibliography using One Line/Cite View Use Write-N-Cite to insert citations & create bibliographies in documents
Concepts Citations vs References Citations a line of text that identifies the source of a statement (Wikipedia) occurs in the body of the paper typically list the author(s), publication year & pages References = list of publications to which an author has made specific reference, usually placed at the end of an article or chapter, or at the end of a book (Harrod’s Librarians’ Glossary & Reference Book, 1990).
Concepts Bibliography vs Reference list Bibliography = sources that were read, but not necessarily cited (background reading). List of references = sources that are cited in the text
Why is referencing important? Recording of sources used in a specific & consistent format Acknowledge the original author/s ideas or work Indicate the breadth & depth of literature review Enables the reader to locate the literature cited easily Shows how researcher have built on the ideas and thoughts of other people. Reference to the original author protects the researcher from plagiarism
Research management, writing & collaboration tool Reference data is entered or imported into a RefWorks account. Gather, store & share citation & fulltext information Create your own database of information to use when writing a thesis/paper/article Generate bibliographies/list of references What is RefWorks?
Benefits of RefWorks Software upgrades automatic 500+ bibliographic output styles Web-based access 24/7 Data stored on RefWorks’ server (+ work off-line) Save time (typing) 100MB of storage space
Lifelong Access Users can continue to use RefWorks, no matter where their careers take them. Refworks users build valuable personal databases of research information Alumni Program=perpetual use of Refworks at no additional charge Keep track of the Unisa groups code via the Unisa Library Change type of user to alumni in the Update Profile area
RefWorks in the Research process
Refmobile Use a Web-connected mobile device, mobile phone, smart phone or PDA to go to
Adding items to Refworks Importing from the open web via Web search engines e.g. Google Scholar, or Importing directly from online databases Importing text files from online databases that only export in *txt format
Adding items to Refworks Manually entering references Capturing web page data using RefGrab-it Importing information from RSS Feeds Converting from another bibliographic management program e.g. Endnote
Moving Citations from Word Processing Documents into RefWorks Bibliographies in word processing documents do not have field labels that permit importing into RefWorks. Convert the bibliography into BibTex, then import the BibTeX file into RefWorks.
Task 1 Log into RefWorks 2.0
Log in off-campus Unisa Group code = RWUSF Click to access via Group code Enter Unisa Group code and click on Login button
Log into RefWorks with your individual account details Enter your Refworks login & password Click on Login button
NAVIGATING REFWORKS Menu Bar Buttons Tabs Navigation string Collapsible sidebar
Manually entering references Click on New Reference Select an output style, folder & Reference type
RefGrab-It Works with an internet browser to capture bibliographic information from web pages to import that data into a RefWorks account Install RefGrab-It Click on Tools & RefGrab-It. Available in two versions: bookmarklet versions (IE and Firefox) plug-in versions (IE and Firefox) Cannot be used on.pdf files from web sites
Task 2 Direct import from Google Scholar into RefWorks
Setting up your Google Scholar preferences Go to Click on Scholar Preferences
Selecting RefWorks as your Bibliography Manager
Click on the Import into RefWorks link
References stored in the Last Imported folder
Task 3 Direct import from Online Catalogues into RefWorks
Exporting from Unisa Library catalogue
Worldcat World’s largest library catalogue Search the collections of libraries around the world at once Approximately 1.4 billion items in various formats Free open web source that is useful for citation verification
Go to Conduct a search in Worldcat Click to view full citation
Click on Cite/Export Select RefWorks
Science databases that support direct exporting Databases ScienceDirectScopus Taylor & Francis Online (Informaworld) IEEE Xplore Oxford University Press Journals Inspec InfoSECURITYnetBASECSA/Proquest databases EbscoHost databases
Task 4 Direct import from IEEE Xplore into RefWorks
Log into IEEE Xplore Go to the library web page Click on e-Resources Click on A-Z list of electronic resources Click on I Click on IEEE Xplore
Marking & downloading to RefWorks Mark items for exporting Click on Download Citations Select RefWorks Select format
Task 6 Direct import from Proquest into RefWorks
Exporting from Proquest Conduct a search using desired keywords Select the items you would like to export to Refworks – Proquest allows you to mark more than one item for export Click on Export
References ready for export to Refworks from Select the Export to Refworks option Options to export to EndNote or other bibliographic reference management tools
Task 7 Direct import from ScienceDirect into RefWorks
Exporting from ScienceDirect Conduct a search using desired keywords Select the items you would like to export to Refworks – ScienceDirect allows you to mark more than one item for export Click on Export citations
Select the your preferred content format Select to Refworks Direct Export
References imported to Refworks from database into Last imported Folder Indication of number of references imported into Refworks References exported to the Last Imported Folder
Last References imported displayed – references not assigned to Folders yet.
Computing databases that support text importing NetLibrary SpringerLink Wiley Interscience Web of Science IGI Global E-Books Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library
Import Filters Use the import filters for databases that don’t have a direct export to RefWorks The import filters contain all the information necessary for RefWorks to import references into your personal database. Import filters for over 800 databases
Task 8 Importing from the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) database into RefWorks
Log into ACM database Go to the library web page Click on e-Resources Click on A-Z list of electronic resources Click on A Click on ACM
Exporting from ACM to RefWorks Click on BibTeX Copy text in BibTeX export format box
Select References/Import from the toolbar Select Import
Importing single item from ACM to RefWorks Select from text Select BibTex Paste ACM bibtex format into refworks Select ACM
TIP: Direct export option to RefWorks Copy & paste title from database to Google Scholar search box. Search title as phrase in “inverted commas”.
Task 9 Upload full text article as attachment in RefWorks 20 MB=limit per individual attachment. No limit on the number of attachments per record 100 MB=limit per account
Upload file to existing reference stored in RefWorks Instantly save all formats e.g. pdf, bmp, jpg, gif etc. Click the Browse button to locate the file you wish to add (only 1 file can be attached at a time).
Task 10 Create & Manage folders in RefWorks
Create folders in RefWorks Click on New folder button Click on Create Name folder
Moving references into a folder Mark references Click on folder icon Select folder
Rename & Delete Folders Click on organize folders tab Right click on folder
Task 11 Search in RefWorks
Click to search attachments Quick search
Advanced Search Click on search Enter keyword Select folder Select field
Task 12 Identify duplicates in RefWorks
Exact Match: checks for exact matches based upon the Author Names, Title and Year of Publication fields. Close Match: checking is done by comparing a combination of Author Names, Title, and Year of Publication. (loose comparison) RefWorks automatically marks the most recently added record for deletion when the duplicate check is performed. Mark the duplicate reference you wish to delete by clicking the box next to the Ref ID and then click the icon.
Finding Duplicates in Folders Right click on folder Select duplicates in this folder Click on organize folders tab
Task 13 RefShare Click on organize folders tab Right click on folder
Determine the Refshare options of recipients
Task 14 Create a bibliography from a RefWorks folder in MS Word format
Output styles
Click on Bibliography & Create Select output style Select Word for Windows Select folder Click Create Bibliography
Task 15 Create a bibliography using One Line/Cite View
Create bibliography using one line/cite Choose a reference & click the cite icon Click the select button, then CTRL+C. Paste into MSWord
Create bibliography using one line/cite Click on the Cite icon next to the appropriate reference. A Citation Viewer window will appear containing the citation formatted like {{54 Johnson;}}. click on the Select Citation button. Perform a Copy command or simply drag and drop the citation into MS Word. In MS Word, click on the document where you want the citation inserted and Paste the citation. Clear the Citation Viewer window before creating the next citation.
Create bibliography using one line/cite Save the document created From the menu bar, select Bibliography, Create. Select the Output Style from the list and select Format Paper and Bibliography. Expand the Format Paper & Bibliography section. Browse for the paper. Click Create Bibliography.
Task 16 Download & Install Write-N-Cite Click on Tools & Write-N-Cite Download Write-N- Cite III for Windows
Write-N-Cite Allows you to insert citations place holders as you write a paper in MS Word Creates a bibliography based on the citations that you inserted and the citation style that you selected Allows users to run an abbreviated version of RefWorks in their word processor Cite references with the click of a button
Task 17 Create a bibliography using Write-N-Cite
Using Write-N-Cite for In-Text Citations Launch Write-N-Cite by double-clicking the icon on the desktop, or clicking the button on your MS Word toolbar. Click the box next to Always On Top to keep the Write- N-Cite window on top of all other windows In MS Word, click the insertion point (the point in your paper where you want the reference inserted) Switch to Write-N-Cite and click the Cite link next to the correct reference Write-N-Cite will enter a temporary citation in your footnote, similar to this: {{242 Lee,Yeung-Hak 2008}}.
Creating a Bibliography with Write-N-Cite When you have finished writing your paper and want to generate the final formatted version Click Bibliography in the Write-N-Cite window Select the correct Output Style Select Create Bibliography
RefWorks Tutorials & Help
Training Evaluation Aaron Tshikotshi Personal Librarian: College of Science, Engineering and Technology Filistéa Naudé Personal Librarian: College of Science, Engineering and Technology Leslie Adriaanse Personal Librarian: College of Agriculture & Environmental Science