An on- line activity about Alanis Morissette
General instructions Open a Word document. Save it as Alanis Morissette(your name) e.g.: Alanis Morissette Michal Mayost Follow the teacher’s instruction and the written instruction on the presentation.
Part 1 – about the singer Answer the following questions, you may find the answers in the given websites. You may use other websites, if you want.
Questions 1.Find at least seven details about the singer’s background. 2.List 7 to 5 of the singer’s songs, and 3 of her albums. 3..Add at least 3 of her pictures. You may use the image search engine on the Goggle.
Ironic Part 1- Understanding the term Ironic Open the Cambridge dictionary in the following URL Find the definition of the word Ironic. Copy it to your Doc. File. What part of speech is it ? (noun, adjective Verb or adverb)
The song Ironic by Alanis Morissette Look at the words and make sure that you know their meaning. What do you think the song is about?
The missing lyrics activity listen to the song and fill in the missing words An old man turned ninety-eight He won the 1. _______ and died the next day It's 2.__________ in your chardonnay a death row 3________ two minutes too late Isn't it ironic... don't you think The 1 st Stanza
The Chorus It's like rain on your 4. _______ ___________ It's 5._ ________ _________ when you've already paid It's the good 6. ________ that you just didn't take Who would've thought... it figures
The 2 nd stanza Mr. Play It Safe was afraid 7. ___ __________ He packed his 8._________ and kissed his kids good-bye He waited his whole damn life to take that 9.________ And as the plane crashed down he thought Well, isn't this nice And Isn't this ironic... don't you think ? The Chorus
The 3 rd stanza Well life has a funny way of 10. ___________ up on you when you think everything's okay and everything going right And life has a funny way of 11.___________ you out when You think everything’s gone wrong and everything blows up in your face The Chorus
The 4th stanza A 12. ________ ________ when you're already late A no-smoking sign on your cigarette 13. ___________ It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a 14.___________ It's meeting the man of my 15.__________ And then meeting his beautiful wife And isn't it ironic... don't you think A little too ironic.. and yeah I really do think...
Double meaning of words in English Look at the following sentences that were taken from the song. “It's a black fly in your chardonnay “ “Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly”
The bold words are written the same. However, they have a different meaning. The first one has a meaning as a noun, and the second one has a meaning as a verb.
Do you know the meaning of each word? Try to find words from that song that have double meaning (For example - a word that has a meaning either as a verb or as a noun)
Look at the word in bold in the sentences. Decide whether it is a noun or verb VerbNoun There is a fly in my wine.1 The workers took a break.2 The kids did not break the vase. 3 The judge sentenced the man for life. 4
VerbNoun You should start a sentence with a subject. 5 The match does not match the box. 6 The match does not match the box 7 The actors book a room in a fancy hotel. 8
VerbNoun The no-smoking sign was taken off 9 The manger did not sign the contract. 10
Can you give another examples of words with double meaning ?