Federal Performance Measures New Directors Orientation Child Support Directors Association
Federal Performance Measures OCSE Action Transmittal 01-01, dated January 3, 2001 contains the federal regulations that govern the performance- based incentive system. Since FFY 2000, states are evaluated for federal incentive funds based on five performance measures. For FFY 2010, the federal incentive pool for which states compete is $504 million.
The Five Federal Performance Measures (FPM) FPM # 1 – Paternity Establishment FPM # 2 – Cases with Orders FPM # 3 – Current Collections FPM # 4 – Collections on Arrears FPM # 5 – Cost Effectiveness
Paternity Establishment FPM # 1 Paternity Establishment Percentage The IV-D Paternity Establishment Percentage (PEP) measures the total number of children in the IV-D caseload in the fiscal year (or, at the option of the State, as of the end of the fiscal year) who have been born out-of-wedlock and for whom paternity has been established, compared to the total number of children in the IV-D caseload as of the end of the preceding fiscal year who were born out of wedlock, expressed as a percent;
Paternity Establishment Paternity Establishment Percentage Or, the “Statewide Paternity Establishment Percentage” measures the total number of children born out-of-wedlock for whom paternity was acknowledged or established in the fiscal year compared to the total number of children in the state born out-of- wedlock during the preceding fiscal year, expressed as a percentage.
#1 Formula (IV-D Established + POP in caseload) Children in caseload born out-of-wedlock OCSE-157, Line 6 divided by OCSE-157, Line 5a
Cases with Orders FPM # 2 Percent of Cases with a Child Support Order This data element measures cases with support orders as compared with the total caseload. Support orders are broadly defined as all legally enforceable orders, including orders for medical support only, and zero orders, expressed as a percentage.
#2 Formula Cases with Support Order Established Total Cases Opened OCSE-157, Line 2 divided by OCSE-157, Line 1
Current Collections FPM # 3 Current Collections Performance This performance standard measures the amount of current support distributed as compared to the total amount of current support owed, expressed as a percentage.
#3 Formula Current Support Due Current Support Distributed OCSE-157, Line 25 divided by OCSE-157, Line 24
Arrearage Collections Performance FPM # 4 Arrearage Collections This performance standard measures the number of cases with at least one collection on arrears during the federal fiscal year, expressed as a percentage.
#4 Formula Number of IV-D Cases Paying toward Arrears Number of IV-D Cases with Arrears Due OCSE-157, Line 29 divided by OCSE-157, Line 28
Cost Effectiveness FPM # 5 Cost Effectiveness This measure compares the total amount of distributed collections to the total amount of expenditures for the fiscal year, expressed as distributed collections per dollar of expenditure.
#5 Formula Total IV-D Dollars Collected Total IV-D Dollars Expended OCSE-34A, Lines 4b+4c+8+11 of column G divided by OCSE 396A, Line 7 columns A+C less Line 1(c) columns (A) +(C)
Data Reliability For purposes of incentives and penalties, data that supports each of the measures must meet a 95% standard of reliability. Federal auditors are required to conduct audits to assess completeness, reliability, and security of the data, and the accuracy of the reporting systems used in calculating performance indicators.
Penalties If a state falls below one or more of the performance measures, or does not meet the data reliability criteria, an automatic corrective action period of one year will ensue. If not corrected during that period, a penalty will be imposed at the end of the year.
State Performance Measures Family Code Section requires DCSS to adopt performance standards. The nine performance standards outlined in FC Section (a) are the state performance measures in addition to the five federal performance measures.
Percent of Cases with Order for Current Support Percent of cases with a court order for current support. This performance standard measures the ratio of cases that have an order for current support established. This measure will not include medically needy only (MNO) cases.
Percent of Cases with Collections for Current Support Percent of cases with collections for current support The ratio of cases in which at least one payment for current support has been collected during the reporting period as compared with cases due current support.
Average Amount Collected Per Case Average amount collected per case for all cases with collections. This performance standard measures the collections on a per case basis. This will be a reflection of the average collection for cases receiving some collections in the reporting period.
Percent of Cases with an Order for Arrears Percent of cases with an order for arrears. The percentage of the cases within the caseload with arrears due. This measure excludes medically needy only cases.
Percent of Cases with Arrears Collection Percent of cases with arrears collections. This measure counts cases with child support arrearage collections as compared with cases owing arrearages.
Served S&C to Establish Paternity Percent of alleged fathers or obligors who were served with a summons and complaint to establish paternity or a support order during the period. This performance standard measures the total number of summons and complaints served for cases requiring services to establish paternity and/or a support order.
Paternity Establishment Percent of children for whom paternity has been established during the period. This performance standard measures the total number of children in the caseload who have been born out-of-wedlock and for whom paternity has been established or acknowledged in the reporting period compared to the total number of children born out of wedlock during the preceding fiscal year.
Order Establishment Percent of cases that had a support order established during the period. This performance standard measures the percentage of cases that had an order for support established during the reporting period as compared with the cases needing an order established.
Total Child Support Collected Total child support dollars collected per $1.00 of total expenditure. This measure compares the total amount of distributed collections to the total amount of expenditures for the fiscal year.
California’s Performance on Federal Performance Measures IV-D Paternity Established (Statewide PEP) FFY 08 CA – 101.4% FFY 07 CA – 106.7% FFY 06 CA – 109.9% Cases with Support Orders FFY 08 CA – 80.2% FFY 07 CA – 82.1% FFY 06 CA – 80.6%
California’s Performance Collections on Current FFY 08 CA – 52.8% FFY 07 CA – 51.5% FFY 06 CA – 50.4% Cases with Collections on Arrears FFY 08 CA – 59.1% FFY 07 CA – 57.1% FFY 06 CA – 56.5%
California’s Performance Cost Effectiveness FFY 08 CA $1.96* FFY 07 CA $2.01 FFY 06 CA $2.03 * 2008 Actual Cost Effectiveness $2.04 reporting error
National Performance IV-D Paternity Established (Statewide PEP) FFY 07 National Avg. – 97.87% Cases with Support Orders FFY 07 National Avg. – 78.4% Collections on Current FFY 07 National Avg. – 61.2% Cases with Collections on Arrears FFY 07 National Avg. – 61.3% Cost Effectiveness FFY 07 National Avg. – $4.73
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