Developing a Culture of Vocations. How do we accomplish all of this? 1. Direction from the Bishop/Vocation Office 2. Investment of Clergy & Parish Leadership.


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Presentation transcript:

Developing a Culture of Vocations

How do we accomplish all of this? 1. Direction from the Bishop/Vocation Office 2. Investment of Clergy & Parish Leadership 3. Family Involvement 4. Vocation Committees 5. Pastoral Plan for Vocations

~Discipleship~  ‘Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations’ – Mt.28:19  ‘This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another’ - John 13:34-35  ‘I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.’ – John 13:15

The most significant person to encourage a young man to be a priest?? Parish Priest 81%

Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. (CCC.2226) The family is the ‘seedbed of vocations’, thus parents become the first instructors of their children as to the meaning of what it means to have a vocation by becoming living witnesses of their marital vows with acts of faith, hope and charity. ‘

It’s not one thing….it’s everything!

‘ Every moment in the life of the Church community- catechesis, formation meetings, liturgical prayer, pilgrimages- can be a precious opportunity for awakening in the People of God, and in particular in children and young people, a sense of belonging to the Church and of responsibility for answering the call to priesthood and to religious life by a free and informed decision.’ - Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

‘Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.’ - Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope Paul VI

Law abiding citizen: “The duty of fostering vocations rests with the entire Christian community so that the needs of the sacred ministry in the universal Church are provided for sufficiently. This duty especially binds Christian families, educators, and, in a special way, priests, particularly pastors.” ~ Canon 233

Parish Vocation Committee -Purpose -Function -Structure

Vocation Committees hit the jackpot!

Steps in Forming a Parish Vocation Committee 1.Understand the reasons for a Vocation Committee 2.Get Organized 3.Identify people to join the Committee 4.Inform the parish about the Vocation Committee 5.Set-up the first meeting for success

‘Do Whatever He Tells You’ A Pastoral Plan for Vocational Awareness ~ Archdiocese of Detroit

Mission Priority: Vocations The vision of the Archdiocese of Detroit is to create a culture of vocations so that at every level, all will know they are called by God to live a holy life, with special attention to the vocations of Priesthood and Consecrated Life. The Pastoral Plan for Vocations goals are:

-- To remind the faithful what it means to have a vocation, to be ‘called’. -To properly educate, direct and inspire the faithful of their duty and responsibility to foster an understanding of vocation at home, in the parish, vicariate, or region. -To create Vocation Committees in the mission of fostering vocations at the parish level. Priority given to Priesthood & Consecrated Life.

1. Education: Sharing the research and statistics presently at our disposal

2.Direction: Providing priests, parish staff, and laity with the‘tools’

3.Inspiration: Reminding, via theological reflection, why this should be a priority in the life of the Church

My Appendix is bursting!! -Vocation Talk/Preaching guide -Vicariate Mass Planning -Eucharistic Holy Hour -Rosary -Stations of the Cross -Scriptural Passages -Lesson Plans for K Vocation Reference Guide -Prayers for Vocations -- Vocation Committee Guide

Six habits of a vocation friendly Diocese 1.Prayer/Eucharist as center of all vocation efforts 2.Invitations offered by the Diocese (Clergy- Staff- Family) 3.Faithfulness to the magisterium 4.Parishes forming faith-filled families 5.Young people provided the opportunity to interact with Priests or Religious 6.Retreats/programs offered for young people to see the inside of vocational ‘calls’.

Excessive vocation programs… ‘Just say, No’!

A Word from our Sponsor:

-“Effective evangelization can't be measured by the human notions of success and failure, but only by becoming conformed to the logic of the Cross of Jesus, of giving oneself totally and completely with love...” “Vocations come from prayer because it is God who chooses his disciples, not advertising campaigns or appeals of service and generosity..."

These feet are made for walking… Buen Camino!

The Vocation P.I.L.L. - Pray - Invite - Love - Live

Practical Points for Becoming a Vocation Director In the Parish

Defining Evangelization -Practical -Radical call -Seeing things in a new light -Hearts on fire with/for Christ -Instills hope and vibrancy in the Church

“Just the facts ma’am!” - Sgt. Joe Friday (Dragnet)

‘Priests are among the happiest men in the world. They say they would become priests again, and life in the priesthood is better than they expected.’ - Fr. Andrew Greely: Priests: A Calling In Crisis (The University of Chicago Press, 2004)

“While it is difficult for many people today to believe a man can be a happy, fulfilled, and a mature human being without a female partner, celibate priests prove that this is not only possible but can also be a very rewarding lifestyle.”

Monsignor Rossetti to the rescue…

- Number of studies in the United States over the last few years with exactly the same findings: About 90% of priests report that they are happy. In my study, it was 92.4%. - National Opinion Research Center recently conducted its scientific poll of 27,000 Americans, they found that clergy in general were the most satisfied and happiest of all Americans. - This is especially remarkable since over 50% of Americans report being unhappy with their jobs.”

Surprise, Surprise….. “….priests are generally poor at inviting young, Catholic men to consider the priesthood. Nine out of 10 respondents who expressed some interest in the priesthood had never been approached by a priest on the subject…. if priests are as happy and satisfied in the priesthood, as the research data shows them to be, why are they not more actively encouraging vocations??????”

Average age when ordinands first considered the priesthood: 16

“To Be or not to Be” - Be holy -Be bold -Be the leader -Be inspirational -Be hope-filled -Be a priest/disciple of Jesus Christ

Beat them at their own game…. Remember who you are!

Underlying Principles of Vocation Ministry -Vocation made accessible -Holiness is for everyone -God has not stopped calling -Teach the terminology (discernment, spirituality, vocation) -Youth need to learn how to pray

Survey about Vocation Education & Awareness in the Parish Perception: -Does our parish promote the understanding of being called? -Does our parish believe God is still calling us to holiness? Education: - Does our parish educate parents about their role in vocations? - Does our parish share vocation stories? - Has our parish made use of vocation materials/literature/programs? Invitation: -Young people learn by doing. Are the youth invited to minister? -Are young people invited to spend time with priests/religious? -Have we promoted Discernment retreats? Community Involvement: -Vocation Committee in the parish? -Have our educators been specially trained in vocation awareness?

People of God Baptism- the ‘heart of it all’ What is a vocation- do I have one? Lead by example Invitation

Catechist/Youth & Young Adult Know the Statistics Challenge-Vocation Awareness Discipleship Invitation

Pastoral Staff Connection with the parishioners Part of the ‘Team’ Parish programming (part of everything) Invitation

Crutial role of Pastoral Staff -Outside of the pastor, you have the most interaction with parishioners -We need a ‘team of voices’ to attract our youth -Is parish programming reflective of ALL needs ? -Have you ever invited anyone to consider their ‘religious’ vocation?

The Class of 2015: Survey of Ordinands to the Priesthood (USA) -Center for the Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA) Georgetown University, Washington, DC

Participation in Parish Programs or Activities Parish youth group48% Community Service40 Boy Scouts/Eagle Scouts30 Knights of Columbus25 Catholic Campus Ministry/Newman Center20 Right to Life18 Men’s Club 6 St. Vincent de Paul Society 2 Serra Club 1

Participation in Parish Ministries Altar server73% Lector55 Minister of Holy Communion39 Catechist37 Campus Ministry/Youth Ministry32 Confirmation sponsor/godfather30 Cantor or music minister27 RCIA Team member/sponsor14 Usher/minister of hospitality13 Parish pastoral council member10 Liturgy committee member 7 Full-time parish/diocesan employee 5

Rosary 69% Eucharistic Adoration63 Retreats58 Prayer group/Bible study52 Lectio Divina24 Regular Prayer Practices

Parish Priest81% Friend38 Mother36 Parishioner30 Father25 Teacher/Catechist23 Other relative20 Grandparent19 Religious sister16 Campus Minister/School Chaplain15 Bishop15 Religious brother10 Youth Minister10 Deacon8 Military Chaplain2 Encouragement of the Priesthood?

Discouragement from the Priesthood Friend or classmate 57% Parent or family member 51 Priest or other clergy 20 Teacher 13 Religious sister or brother 6 Youth minister 3 Someone else 12

Identify the potential candidate -Between the ages of Was/is an Altar Boy -Appropriately devout/prayerful -Involved in Youth Ministry/programs -Serves the parish as a Lector or EM -Love for the Church -Shows a desire to develop a spiritual life -Generous with his time -Shows leadership qualities -Good health, sense of humor, self- image

Discussion -Why are priests/parish leaders so hesitant to promote vocations in the parish? -What can be done to help them overcome this hesitancy?