SUPPLIES: Pencils/Pens (Black or blue & red) 2 Folders (1 bellwork – 1 homework) 2 Spiral Notebooks ( 1 Lit – 1 Comp) Plenty of Notebook Paper If you do not bring your supplies to class regularly there will be consequences.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: Entering the classroom: Enter the room quietly Get your materials Go directly to your seat Begin bell work immediately When given an assignment: o Ask questions if you have any o Accept the homework assignment
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: If you finish early: Finish any missing assignments Read A.R. book Work on an assignment from another class Participating in class discussions: o Raise your hand o Wait to be called on
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: End of class dismissal: The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell Put your materials away Exit quietly When you are absent: o You are responsible for missing work o If you are planning on being absent, notify the teacher ASAP so you can get the assignment beforehand.
CLASSROOM PROCEDURES: Heading on assignments NameDate Subject/PeriodAssignment
GRADING SCALE: Literature & Composition: 50% Daily/Homework Grades 50% Test Grades
LATE WORK: HOMEWORK POLICY All homework is due at the beginning of class. Work turned in after class begins or the next day will be considered late. Only one late assignment will be accepted each six weeks. This assignment will receive only 80% of the grade earned. All other late homework assignments will receive a 0! Therefore, it is extremely important to turn all work in on time.
TESTS Reading: Vocabulary Tests will be given throughout the school year. Each 6 weeks we will test over material learned throughout the 6 week period. A.R. will factor into your test grades in Reading.
TESTS Writing: All essays written throughout the school year will be test grades. Writing tests will be given during each 6 weeks over material covered throughout the 6 weeks. Spelling tests will be given throughout the school year
TESTS: Reading & Writing: HOMEWORK FOLDER (TEST GRADE) Students will keep up with graded homework papers for each six weeks. Students will receive a 100 if they have all graded homework assignments. Students will get points deducted for each missing homework assignment the do NOT have.
A.R. You will be required to READ AR all year!! AR will count as 2 test grades for Literature. 1 test will be over your points & the other will be over your average. AR Point Grading Scale: 25 = = 769 = 471 = = 9716 = 738 = 430 = 0 23 = 9415 = 707 = = 9114 = 676 = = 8813 = 635 = = 8512 = 594 = = 8211 = 553 = = 7910 = 512 = 19
A.R. Policy: You will only be able to go to library if….. 1.You have tested on a book 2.Your book is over due (MUST show me book slip) 3.Free Time (Tutorials/CSI) Incentives per 6 weeks: DO NOT LET ME FORGET!!! Students who have at least a 70 average for points (15) will receive a homework pass OR each class that all students have at least a 70 average for points (15) will be rewarded.
EXPECTATIONS: Be attentive Work Diligently Use your time wisely Learn Ask Questions! Be RESPONSIBLE!!!
ABOUT ME: Name: Ryan Jones Call Me: Mrs. Jones Graduated: Honey Grove/Tamu-Commerce Married: Hunter Jones Pets: 2 & their names are Roxy & Zoom
MY PHILOSOPHY: As a teacher my job is to allow my students the opportunities to succeed in and outside the classroom. As a student your job is to push and challenge yourselves above and beyond your own expectations!