Presented By: Glenn and Danielle Isham
A dragon is a legendary creature that is capable of achieving great things. Every Single employee is a Dragon and is capable of achieving great things if they are trained properly.
Documentation Specialist Administrative Assistant Supervisor Nurse Executive Director
Picture of room
Have an understanding of how the field has developed.
Have a basic understanding of what their job description is.
Know the bill of rights for individuals with developmental disabilities.
Know and understand the ISP’s of each individual they will be serving.
Live by the NADSP Code of ethics.
Have a good understanding of their company’s policies.
It is important for staff to know why they are doing things the way they are doing them.
Back to The DragonsBack to The Dragons
How Do You Know What Kind of Dragon Someone Is?
The Four Dragon TypesThe Four Dragon Types ExecutingInfluencing Relationship Building Strategic Thinking Night Fury Gronckle Hiddeous Zippleback Deadly Nadder Achiever Organizer Belief Consistency Deliberative Discipline Focus Responsibility Initiator Leader/Chief Communication Competition Maximizer Self-Assurance Significance Woo Flexabile Developer Connectedness Empathy Harmony Includer Individualization Positivity Analytical History - Oriented Futuristic Ideation Input Intellection Learner Strategic
Executing-Night Fury Train using “hands on approach” for these tactile learners. Make the training busy and interactive. Stress the training establishes guidelines to work under. The class should have structure but may take longer due to this person’s advanced learning preference. Give them the time keeper job if you need one.
Executing-Night Fury Achiever Recognize their Time & Efforts Establish Need Keep Busy Be Interactive Belief Values are Important Establish Validity Make it Personnel Stress Impact of the Change or Training Organizer Loves A Challenge Encourage Creativity Must Trust the Team Consistency Likes Routines & Procedures Stress Guidelines & Generalizations
Deliberative Allow Plenty of Time Use Reassurance Site your Sources Do not Require Extensive Sharing Discipline Likes Structure: Have an Agenda, Rules, & Course Objectives Focus on Efficiencies Time Keeper Focus Scheduled Start & End Times Give them Attention Give Tangibles –Tactile Responsibility Allow them to Demo things first Advanced Class Do Not Over Monitor Executing-Night Fury – part 2
Influencing- Gronckle Influencers will make or break your training. They need to be “drinking your KoolAid” and fast. Once they are engaged they will keep the class going. Stress the WIFMs and establish that you are qualified to teach the course. Use public opinion data and name drop when possible. They are most likely auditory learners due their social nature. They may also like reading and writing.
Influencing- Gronckle Initiator Get Them to Commit Change agents Move Along Leader/Chief Confidence is Evident “Take This Back to Your Team” Maximizer Stress the WIFMs Ask Prior to Class Auditory Learner Engage in Conversation Self-Assurance “It’s Up to You.” Can Tolerate Longer Class Times
Influencing- Gronckle – Part 2 Communication Read/Write learners Encourage sharing Use real stories Significance Use Quotes Involve an Expert Stress public opinion Competition Use Comparisons to Others or a National Average Create a Competition Woo Note Networks with others Use Details like Names, Places & Dates
Relationship Building- Hiddeous Zippleback This person is in it for the experience. They need snacks, drinks, comfortable temperatures and chairs. They are easily distracted by not having these things. They are more visual in learning style because they prefer in person trainings. They like to be up to date on what is going on so use new facts and focus on how it affects the right now. Be positive and personally passionate about what you are teaching. May need smaller class sizes due to preference for personal interaction.
Relationship Building- Hiddeous Zippleback Flexible Don’t focus on the long term goal Focus on the “new” aspects Harmony Avoid Controversial Topics or Research List Standards of Practice Developer Use Testimonies Emphasize Chances for Growth Includer Visual Learning Think in Broad Terms Hospitality is Important
Relationship Building- Hiddeous Zippleback – Part 2 Connectedness Help to See the “Bigger World View” Mission Oriented Spiritual Empathy Default Setting is Instinct Be Positive & Motivated Individualization Return Demo Do Best with 1:1 Training Kinesthetic Learners Positive Focus on Milieu Discuss Possibilities
Strategic Thinking- Deadly Nadder Preparation of course material is key for this learner. Prior to class study up on the topic. This kind of learner likes facts, details, and organization. When you need this person to have a very good understanding of the topic ask them to teach it. Use learning tools like debates or mock debates when data or effectiveness is not completely known.
Strategic Thinking- Deadly Nadder Analytical Be Detail Oriented Use Exact Numbers Present Data Intellection Debate or Mock Debate Allow thinking time Input Natural Learners & Teachers Present Material in an Organized way History Oriented Include context Use Storytelling Explain the Back Ground
Strategic Thinking- Deadly Nadder – Part 2 Futuristic Ask for Input on Plans Express Vision Use metaphors Ideation Connections of Phenomena Teach Theory Use Creativity Learner Use Innovative Ways of Teaching Give Frequente Chances to Learn & Teach Strategic Focus on Effectiveness Limit Limits Auditory Learner
Reinforce The Training Use Hands on Return Demonstration as Often as Possible Use Known Examples Use Like or As Comparisons
A Final Thought Training should never be just lecturing at someone. Meaningful Learning is more effective than Rote Memorization
*Dragon types and training tips taken from Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conhie. Dragon names, concepts and pictures taken from Pixar’s “How to Train Your Dragon.”