Former Spellman Engineering Site Project Update Meeting March 18, 2008 William C. Denman, P.E. Remedial Project Manager (404)
Former Spellman Engineering Background - Location Release Location
Background – RI/FS Extent of Ground Water Contamination
Conceptual Site Model Vertical Distribution of TCE Contamination in Ground Water Background RI/FS (cont.)
Background - RI/FS (cont.) Key Findings No actual human exposure to contaminated ground water is occurring The ground water plume underlies approximately 40-acres Migration to the Floridan aquifer potentially threatens nearby municipal supply wells Contamination can be addressed through an engineered remedy
Cleanup Approach Source and Highly Impacted Areas Surfactant enhanced in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) of source area (TCE concentrations >100,000 ug/L, darkest area on map) ISCO of highly impacted zone (TCE concentrations between 10,000 and 100,000 ug/L, adjacent to darkest area on map)
Cleanup Approach Dilute Ground Water Plume Enhanced in situ bioremediation of groundwater with TCE concentrations >2,000 ug/L Partial enhanced in situ bioremediation of groundwater with TCE concentrations >300 ug/L ISCO (TCE >10,000 ug/L)
Cleanup Approach Post-Active Treatment Natural attenuation monitoring until cleanup goals are met »TCE: 3 ug/L »DCE: 70 ug/L »VC: 1 ug/L Five-year reviews of remedy until cleanup goals are met Attains Unrestricted Use/Unlimited Exposure Criteria
Former Spellman Engineering Remedial Design/Remedial Action ROD signed September 23, 2004 Remedial Design »Start in October 2004 »Treatability Studies to refine remedial technologies Remedial Action - Funding Options »NPL Listing and Superfund financing based on site prioritization (risk-based) »Third-party cleanup
Remedial Action Funding City of Orlando and the local community indicated a strong preference for third-party cleanup using a property divestiture, cleanup, and redevelopment approach. »Keep properties off the National Priorities List »Expected to reach cleanup faster EPA supported this approach. »Superfund Redevelopment Initiative »2002 Amendments to CERCLA
Region 4 - Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser Agreement (BFPP) –Prospective Purchaser to Perform Cleanup under EPA oversight. –Release of any EPA Liens FDEP - Brownfield Site Rehabilitation Agreement (BSRA) –Cleanup Liability Protection –Lender Liability Protection –Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credit (VCTC) Deduct up to $500,000 per year 25% bonus for Site Rehabilitation Completion Credits are transferable Lake Highland Cleanup Program Elements
CLEANUPREDEVELOPMENT BFPP AGREEMENTPURCHASE & SALE AGREEMENT Private Partner ARCADIS CLEANED UP SITE & REDEVELOPED PROPERTY Property Development Site Cleanup City of Orlando Record of Decision BSRA Public/Private Partnership EPA Superfund FDEP FL Brownfields