Anita Isbell-Graham, RN, BSN N703 Wichita State University
Orlando’s nursing process theory focuses on the nurse patient relationship and meeting the needs of the patient. Orlando believed that her theory is successfully applied to the nursing of patients with medical, surgical, obstetric, and psychiatric conditions and is applicable to the nursing of adults and children whether in the home, hospital, or clinic. Orlando (1961)
1947 Diploma in nursing 1951 Bachelor of Science in Public Health 1954 Masters in Mental Health Consulting
Staff Nurse Nursing Supervisor Teacher Research Associate Author Clinical Nurse Consultant Nurse Educator Retired in 1992
The function of professional nursing The behavior of the patient The perceptions of the nurse The nursing process Patient improvement Schmieding (2002)
Nurse Patient Relationship is the major relationship Patients behavior and the presence of distress Nurse’s ability to identify the problem Schmieding (2002)
1. Assumptions about nursing as a profession 2. Assumptions about patients 3. Assumptions about nurses 4. Assumptions about the nurse patient relationship Schmieding (2002)
23 year old male Nausea and dehydration Known diabetic taking insulin Finger stick blood glucose 680
Nurses are responsible for alleviating patients distress Nurses are to use their perceptions and feelings to explore patient behavior even if the behavior suggests a different need Orlando’s theory benefits both patients and nurses and remains effective for patient improvement
Orlando, I.J. (1961). The Dynamic Nurse- Patient Relationship; Function, Process and Principles; New York, NY; Putnam Schmieding, N.J. (2002). Nursing process theory. In A. Tomey & M. Alligood (5 th Edition), Nursing theorists and their work (pp ) St. Louis, Mo; Mosby
Schmieding, N.J. (n.d.). Ida Jean Orlando 1926-; Theory of the nursing process discipline. Retrieved November 1, 2008, from subjects/nursingtheorists/orlando.htm Schmieding, N.J. (1993). Ida Jean Orlando: A nursing process theory, (pp. 9-16, 31-35, 53-56) Retrieved November 1, 2008, from