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Q | SUMMARY LATAM #ModerateConsumption the first quarter has moderate consumption growth in most countries #NoBorders Pacific Alliance (México, Colombia, Peru & Chile) as a team grew 5% in 2012 while countries of Mercosur grew 2.9%* #StableLatam Expected growth in Latin America in 2013 stronger than in 2012, 3,5% vs 3.1% in 2012** #Top10Latam Most chosen consumer brands in Latam are Coca-Cola, Colgate, Bimbo, Knorr, Tang, Maggi, Nescafé, Pepsi, Palmolive and Omo according to Brand Footprint 2013 ranking. *Source: CEPAL ** Source: FMI Latam+Caribbean Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
LATAM IN 10 CLIKS Click on each country to display or hide Insights Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
CHILE ARGENTINA BRASIL BOLIVIA PERU ECUADOR VENEZUELA COLOMBIA MEXICO CAM BOLIVIA #LowerSEL the one that contributes the most to FMCG growth in Bolivia #Mirror, Mirror on the wall! Bolivian housewives increase their expenditure on personal care basket +10,9% #DairyBoom Growth in dairy consumption continues in the Bolivian market ARGENTINA #2actions Supermarket promotions announcement are prohibited + price freeze resulting in slight fall in the share of modern trade #StableStartOfTheYear T.FMCG var. in vol. 1% for Q #RecoveringLowerClasses boosting Dairy Products and Foods mainly CHILE #DiamondCore Only middle low and low classes with consumption growth #GreaterAccess categories that are not necessities, mainly food and beverages, keep on growing #ModernTrade Hyper & Super lost share to wholesalers and discounts CENTROAMÉRICA #PositiveConsumptionInThreeCountries Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua exhibit positive consumption for 1Q13, while Costa Rica tends to decrease (more consumption out of home) #TraditionalGainingProminence Modern trade loses slightly importance in the mix, and traditional retail capitalizes it #SummerBenefitsBeverages Beverages growing in all countries of CAM, summer time favors these categories ECUADOR #FewerVisitsToTheChannel Trend toward less expenditure and lower average consumption influenced by less repurchase #ModenTradeInDevelopment Middle and lower classes contributes to the development of modern channel due to low disbursement chains. #CreditInfluencesChannels The development of modern trade trough easy payment via credit card took households from D2D channel. PERU #CapitalRisesl Lima with better growth rate due to a faster replacement #PamperingHome Home care basket with growth in all categories #ExtremeSEL Increases baskets consumption VENEZUELA #LowerRate 2012 ended with the lowest inflation in history #Dollar In the first 100 days the government of Venezuela announced further devaluation of 46.5%. Now 1 dollar is equivalent to 6.3 bs MEXICO #MoreSpacedTrips Mexico joins Latam trend:since the crisis, it is the first purchase frequency decreased with an increase in ticket #Self-serviceStoresPickUp in 2013 after 2 struggling months, the performance in March helped to close the first quarter positively #EconomicGrowthSlowsDown the government cut its economic growth forecast from 3.5 to 3.1 after Q1 had the smallest expansion in 3 years BRASIL #ConsumptionGrowingBack Home Care and Foods baskets contributed positively to a higher consumption in the period #LowerSELConsumingLess Lower SEL was the most affected by the price increase #NonBasicProducts This products are increasingly present in the basket of the Brazilians COLOMBIA #RecessionScenario Households spending less due to less frequent purchases #GrowingBasket Households prefer premium categories. Economic categories are most affected #RationalShopper Traditional retail loses share and migrates shopper spending to the modern trade By clicking on the country insights will display. Click again to hide. Details per country: click here
VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM Back to the beginning Back to the beginning Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BOL BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BOL BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam BOL BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL CHI Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam CAM BOL BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU COL Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX ECU Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER MEX Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN PER Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG
Back to the beginning Back to the beginning VEN Back to Summary Latam Back to Summary Latam PER MEX ECU COL CHI CAM BOL BRA ARG
16 Q | KEY INDICATORS Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
17 Q | KEY INDICATORS Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
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Q | SUMMARY ASIA Growth ≤ -0.5%-0.5% < Growth ≤ 5%Growth > 5% #SpendingSlowdown Although still growing, FMCG faces a slowdown in most countries; inflation eases too. #InclusiveGrowth Pattern of growth displays a faster pace for low income households. Inclusiveness should be seen as an essential ingredient of any successful growth strategy. #EmergingChannels CVS in Thailand and Taiwan, e-commerce in China and South Korea. #Top10Asia Most chosen consumer brands in Asia are Colgate, Lifebuoy, Nescafé, Pantene, Lux, Surf, Maggi, Pepsodent, Tide and Ajinomoto according to Brand Footprint 2013 ranking. % Value Change FMCG – MAT Q vs. Year ago Back to Asia Back to Asia
ASIA IN 10 CLICKS Click on each country to display or hide Insights Back to Asia Back to Asia
By clicking on the country insights will display. Click again to hide. CHINA SOUTH KOREA PHILIPPINES MALAYSIA THAILAND TAIWAN VIETNAM #EasedPricePressure Inflation is down as domestic consumption struggled to rebound. #FMCGSlowDown Despite the steady two-digit growth, Vietnam FMCG market shows signals of a slow-down in long term. #TetSpendingSpree Beverages and Confectionery are the favored sectors during the Lunar New Year season. #TheNewModernTrade nowadays is defined as online versus offline #FreshInsights Internet sales gaining competitive edge with fresh foods. #BoP Low income households´FMCG consumption at low pace of growth #RiseinMarch CPI contributed to the strong FMCG value growth in Q1. #OrganicChoices increase of green products for categories including detergent & oral care. #RetailerFierceCompetition with Hyper sandwiched between PX & CVS, struggling to fight their unique offerings. #BiggerBeverage Beverage gains faster among FMCG segments. #StillTraditional Traditional trade captures majority of FMCG expenditure. #InclusiveGrowth Class E continues to expand consumption by effect of the elections? INDIA #ConsumptionSlowDown FMCG value growth in Q1´13 desaccelerated from 14.7% to 8.4% versus last year. #TopRetailer RT-Mart grew its lead over Wal-Mart Group, reported 6.9% share of total modern trade. #RisingChannel E-commerce continues growing in Q1, particularly in key cities reaching 3.4% FMCG share. SAUDI ARABIA #InflationIsDown Drop through Q1`13 and stands at 4.9%. #SlowerPace Spending on packaged goods witnesses a soft slow down, mainly in Personal Care and Beverages. #TheGrowthEngine Small towns & rural drive FMCG growth. #ConsumerConfidenceUp Improvement of consumption, investment, exports and tourism plus a new minimum wage that helps increase purchasing power. #TopRisers Warmer weather help categories boost: RTD Tea, Tea and Ice-cream. #ChannelShift CVS store openings from 7-Eleven and Tesco Express and new CVS chain Max Value affecting Hypers and Supers. #Slowdown FMCG grows 6% compared to 12% one year ago. Food sector drive the slower pace. #MiddleClass evident transition from bulk shopping to smaller trip size. #HealthierOptions Breakfast Cereals and Juices are the fastest growing categories in KSA Details per country: click here #FunctionVsFragrance Powder & Liquid Detergent both have distinctive traits that drives growth amongst ethnic groups. #LookingSharp Grooming products of Deodorant, Face Moisturiser, Mouth Rinse are on the rise! #ItsCNYTradition Chinese Households lean towards their Traditional Asian Drinks for CNY Celebration.
Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia VN TW TH KSA PH MY KR IN China Source: Brand Footprint Ranking 2013
Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia VN TW TH KSA PH MY KR CN India Source: Brand Footprint Ranking 2013
Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia VN TW TH KSA PH MY IN CN Source: Brand Footprint Ranking 2013 South Korea South Korea
Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia VN TW TH KSA PH KR IN CN Malaysia Source: Brand Footprint Ranking 2013
Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia MY KR IN VN TW TH KSA CN Source: Brand Footprint Ranking 2013 Philippines
Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia VN TW TH PH Source: Brand Footprint Ranking 2013 Kingdom Saudi Arabia Kingdom Saudi Arabia MY KR IN CN
Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia KSA VN TW Thailand Source: Brand Footprint Ranking 2013 PH MY KR IN CN
Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia VN TH Taiwan Source: Brand Footprint Ranking 2013 KSA PH MY KR IN CN
Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia TW Source: Brand Footprint Ranking 2013 Vietnam TH KSA PH MY KR IN CN
ASIA | KEY INDICATORS Sources: IMF, National Bureau of Statistics of China, Trading economics, India Ministry of statistics & Programme Implementation, Central Statistic Bureau Indonesia, Bank of Korea,, Department of Statistics Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia, National Statistical Coordination Board, NESDB, Bank of Thailand, General Statistics Office of Vietnam, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, Taiwan Department of Statistics, Back to Summary Asia Back to Summary Asia Back to the beginning Back to the beginning
A consumer panel is a permanent, syndicated and representative sample of consumers, who provide ongoing details of the fast moving consumer goods they purchase. Using the scanning or diary methodology, each panel member records the details of every item they purchase. Sample sizes in number of households: China: 40,000; India: 70,000; Indonesia 7,000; South Korea: 3,000; Malaysia: 2,500; Philippines: 3,000; Saudi Arabia: 2,000; Taiwan: 2,500; Thailand: 4,000; Vietnam: 2,350 Urban and 1,200 Rural. Category, Channel, Average Basket Size Trends and Channel Shares are all calculated/reported on value basis, with the value unit USD is used. SOURCES AND METHODOLOGY