If you joined the training via telephone, please select Telephone and enter your audio pin if you haven’t already. If you joined with a microphone and headset or speakers (VoIP), please select Mic & Speakers. We will start promptly at the hour. Welcome to the “Capturing and Presenting Training Resources on your probono.net site” webinar
Maximize/minimize control panel with the orange arrow. VOIP users select Mic & Speakers. Telephone users select Telephone, and then enter the audio pin. Ask a question or tell us something in the Questions box. A few logistics before we start…
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Capturing and Presenting Training Resources on your probono.net site August 27th, 2014
Hosts Jillian Theil Pro Bono Net Jake Hertz Pro Bono Net
Presenters Ken Ramsey Immigration Advocates Network Adam Friedl Pro Bono Net
Agenda Formats for content delivery Options for displaying content on probono.net – Examples from Immigration Advocates Network, NYC Pro Bono Center, and more! – Deciding on an approach Questions
… a few key resources 2014 LawHelp.org and probono.net Training Series probono.net HelpDesk Probono.net Admin Manual
What will you learn today? Learn about the tools available on the probono.net platform Options for using these tools (with examples) How might you use information from today’s training to make improvements to your site?
Different vehicles for delivery content … the why and the how…
Immigration Advocates Network Join a community of more than 7,000 advocates dedicated to protecting and promoting the rights of immigrants in the United States. To learn more, visit
Immigration Advocates Network
Value Multiple ways to access information Better serve the public Enhances the entire environment
How I create a webinar
Quick and Easy Resource Creation 1.Telephone Patch 2.Camtasia Studio 3.Screencast
Quick and Easy Resource Creation
How I create a podcast
The basics – ppt, PDF, HTML, links
Live stream an event on YouTube
YouTube Live Streaming Guides
What’s next in resource creation? MOOCs/complex series “A massive open online course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials such as videos, readings, and problem sets, MOOCs provide interactive user forums that help build a community for students…” - Wikipedia Wikipedia
Shared Content Shared Content Tool on probono.net
Shared Content RSS Widgets (internal and external sites)
Shared Content External RSS Feed Importer
Different ways of displaying content in probono.net …the why and the how…
probono.net Library Simple folder display and/or Advanced library formatting
Resource Center
Custom resource page
Flex page content tool
Combine these methods and resources!
Deciding on an approach NYC Pro Bono Center Immigration Advocates Network
Don’t forget to take our feedback survey! Questions?
Thank you for attending today! Next up: Letting your Content Roam: Tools and Strategies for Community Content Partnerships September, 2014 More information at